[System]: *** player [gIPsy] has joined the game [System]: [gIPsy@entconnect] (ELO: 1112.80). W/L: 148/145. Hero K/D/A: 1787/2016/2964 (6.10/6.88/10.12). Creep K/D/N: 16668/482/4439 (56.89/1.65/15.15). T/R/C: 243/114/0. [System]: *** player [hidan] has joined the game [System]: [hidan@entconnect] (ELO: 949.03). W/L: 97/115. Hero K/D/A: 977/1347/2003 (4.61/6.35/9.45). Creep K/D/N: 13175/4/5525 (62.15/0.02/26.06). T/R/C: 154/77/0. [System]: Waiting for 8 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: *** player [Extreme] has joined the game [System]: [Extreme@entconnect] (ELO: 930.57). W/L: 17/24. Hero K/D/A: 333/311/456 (8.12/7.59/11.12). Creep K/D/N: 4064/194/1497 (99.12/4.73/36.51). T/R/C: 33/23/1. [System]: Waiting for 7 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 7 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 7 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 7 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 7 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: *** player [joeexotic] has joined the game [System]: [joeexotic@entconnect] (ELO: 1134.29). W/L: 69/49. Hero K/D/A: 727/691/1178 (6.16/5.86/9.98). Creep K/D/N: 11622/454/2054 (98.49/3.85/17.41). T/R/C: 157/74/1. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: *** player [nick_best_ever] has joined the game [System]: [nick_best_ever@entconnect] (ELO: 1212.93). W/L: 37/14. Hero K/D/A: 253/245/643 (4.96/4.80/12.61). Creep K/D/N: 4258/344/749 (83.49/6.75/14.69). T/R/C: 70/35/0. [nick_best_ever]: so it was like in the 60s today huh [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [nick_best_ever]: I caught some of the Philly game [nick_best_ever]: looked like lovely weather xD [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [joeexotic]: yeah it was like 63 here [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [joeexotic]: rained in the morning and then was pretty sunny [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [joeexotic]: then they eagles stomped the cowboys [joeexotic]: ;D [nick_best_ever]: its been rainy here, but no snow in the valley [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [joeexotic]: no snow here yet either =/ [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: *** player [Santa.Claus] has joined the game [System]: [Santa.Claus@entconnect] (ELO: 969.72). W/L: 9/14. Hero K/D/A: 75/126/139 (3.26/5.48/6.04). Creep K/D/N: 1372/0/630 (59.65/0.00/27.39). T/R/C: 20/8/0. [System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. [nick_best_ever]: Yeah, our bases at the resorts at like 50'' [nick_best_ever]: got 7-10'' last few days [System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. [nick_best_ever]: not great [System]: *** player [Santa.Claus] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily) [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [joeexotic]: its sort of rare we get a lot of snow these days [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [nick_best_ever]: climate change isn't real! [nick_best_ever]: xD [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 5 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: *** player [BirdGoesBoom] has joined the game [System]: [BirdGoesBoom@entconnect] (ELO: 998.36). W/L: 6/5. Hero K/D/A: 66/59/97 (6.00/5.36/8.82). Creep K/D/N: 1130/72/282 (102.73/6.55/25.64). T/R/C: 9/6/0. [nick_best_ever]: Kind of amazing how short of a period of time it took us to fuck the environment up [System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. [joeexotic]: lol yea [System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. [joeexotic]: but on the bright side [joeexotic]: its 63 and sunny on december 29th [System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. [joeexotic]: :D [System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. [joeexotic]: we'll probably be dead before its actually a real problem [System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: *** player [junipery] has joined the game [System]: [junipery@entconnect] (ELO: 1099.10). W/L: 6/0. Hero K/D/A: 87/25/65 (14.50/4.17/10.83). Creep K/D/N: 687/38/174 (114.50/6.33/29.00). T/R/C: 15/3/0. [nick_best_ever]: probably [System]: Waiting for 3 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: *** player [junipery] has left the game (has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET)) [nick_best_ever]: oh damn [nick_best_ever]: he was 6-0 [nick_best_ever]: we could have taken that [System]: Waiting for 4 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: *** player [junipery] has joined the game [System]: [junipery@entconnect] (ELO: 1099.10). W/L: 6/0. Hero K/D/A: 87/25/65 (14.50/4.17/10.83). Creep K/D/N: 687/38/174 (114.50/6.33/29.00). T/R/C: 15/3/0. [joeexotic]: random again? [System]: Waiting for 3 more players before the game will automatically start. [nick_best_ever]: probs not [nick_best_ever]: we had a stacked team last game [joeexotic]: fair enough [System]: Waiting for 3 more players before the game will automatically start. [joeexotic]: he didnt like our randoms [nick_best_ever]: he was not happy with us at all [joeexotic]: teal [System]: Waiting for 3 more players before the game will automatically start. [joeexotic]: lol yeah [System]: Waiting for 3 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 3 more players before the game will automatically start. [nick_best_ever]: That game was eventually a definition of skill [System]: Waiting for 3 more players before the game will automatically start. [nick_best_ever]: If they had it, they would have won much earlier [System]: Waiting for 3 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: *** player [dreamycowiknow] has joined the game [System]: [dreamycowiknow@entconnect] (ELO: 759.43). W/L: 222/304. Hero K/D/A: 2483/3509/5992 (4.72/6.67/11.39). Creep K/D/N: 28241/516/5942 (53.69/0.98/11.30). T/R/C: 144/64/0. [nick_best_ever]: I swear that cali gurl is usually better [joeexotic]: yeah they probably should have [nick_best_ever]: not great [System]: Waiting for 2 more players before the game will automatically start. [nick_best_ever]: but played terrible [System]: Waiting for 2 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 2 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: Waiting for 2 more players before the game will automatically start. [joeexotic]: cali gurl went 1/18 [joeexotic]: xD [System]: Waiting for 2 more players before the game will automatically start. [System]: *** player [Mahesvara] has joined the game [System]: [Mahesvara@entconnect] (ELO: 1267.30). W/L: 24/4. Hero K/D/A: 360/149/218 (12.86/5.32/7.79). Creep K/D/N: 3499/280/1402 (124.96/10.00/50.07). T/R/C: 89/59/0. [System]: *** player [a5s_eater] has joined the game [System]: [a5s_eater@entconnect] (ELO: 975.69). W/L: 0/2. Hero K/D/A: 17/18/15 (8.50/9.00/7.50). Creep K/D/N: 129/5/31 (64.50/2.50/15.50). T/R/C: 4/0/0. [System]: Players still downloading the map: a5s_eater [System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: a5s_eater [System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: a5s_eater [System]: 10. . . [System]: 9. . . [System]: 8. . . [System]: 7. . . [System]: 6. . . [System]: 5. . . [System]: 4. . . [System]: 3. . . [System]: 2. . . [System]: 1. . . [System]: *** player [BirdGoesBoom] has left the game (was kicked by vote) [System]: *** player [joeexotic] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily) [System]: *** player [hidan] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily) [System]: *** player [gIPsy] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily) [System]: *** player [nick_best_ever] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily) [System]: *** player [junipery] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily) [System]: *** player [Extreme] has left the game (forfeited) [System]: *** player [a5s_eater] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily) [System]: *** player [dreamycowiknow] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily) [System]: *** player [Mahesvara] has left the game (was disconnected (gameover timer finished))