[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #7

Host: GHost++
Saver: auriiel

Players: 10
Version: 1.30

Length: 42:19
Observers: No Observers
Map: maps\download\DotA v6.83d fixed v5 by h3rmit.w3x
Winner: Sentinel

Download: 12226093.w3g
Lobby chat: 12226093.txt

Ban / Pick




Name Level APM K/D/A CS Extra
Stealth Assassin master_pain 16 118 2/0/8 25/1/35
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Priestess of the Moon a1b2c3p0 16 85 1/6/13 96/3/4
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Dwarven Sniper navy!_! 14 63 5/2/13 64/1/39
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Necrolyte Xiahou_Dun 20 114 19/0/10 135/10/34
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Legion Commander CUMonLeviA 19 73 7/8/17 70/1/79
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Name Level APM K/D/A CS Extra
Enchantress auriiel 15 56 3/5/8 30/0/1
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Skeleton King TigerVessel 15 82 1/10/6 66/4/5
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Lord of Olympia hexar 10 48 7/5/7 34/0/4
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Twin Head Dragon bolbol 11 75 3/7/6 58/1/3
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Juggernaut paleale 14 44 2/8/5 84/0/21
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(00:00 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Shortest load by player [CUMonLeviA] was 5.71 seconds.
(00:00 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Longest load by player [Xiahou_Dun] was 18.99 seconds.
(00:00 / All) Xiahou_Dun: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Host your own game with: /w ClanEnterprise !help
(00:00 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Check out our website at http://entgaming.net/
(00:00 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Leavers will be banned! Rules are on wiki.entgaming.net
(00:00 / All) Xiahou_Dun: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Join ENT's Discord! https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(00:00 / All) Xiahou_Dun: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Good luck and have fun!
(00:24 / Allied) master_pain: -ah
(01:00 / Allied) master_pain: lol
(01:07 / Allied) paleale: lol
(01:19 / Allied) paleale: -repick
(01:21 / Allied) master_pain: lol
(01:25 / Allied) master_pain: all they can do
(01:35 / Allied) TigerVessel: -repick
(02:07 / Allied) hexar: !scores
(02:10 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: get es again
(02:11 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: cum
(02:34 / Allied) paleale: zeus u mid?
(02:36 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: ...
(02:37 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: 2v4
(02:45 / Allied) hexar: k
(02:46 / Allied) master_pain: wtf
(03:09 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: -ma
(03:12 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: es
(03:13 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: cum
(03:24 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: jug will feed
(04:07) navy!_! killed master_pain
(04:11 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: gj
(04:22 / Allied) TigerVessel: top
(04:28 / Allied) TigerVessel: someone switch w/ me
(04:30 / Allied) master_pain: thd
(04:31 / Allied) TigerVessel: need range bot
(04:32 / Allied) master_pain: spamming me
(04:35 / Allied) master_pain: hit him
(04:59 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: sk mia
(05:00) CUMonLeviA killed a1b2c3p0
(05:05 / Allied) master_pain: 3
(05:08 / Allied) master_pain: thx
(05:11 / Allied) navy!_!: they got sentry
(05:24 / Allied) master_pain: they target me
(05:27 / Allied) master_pain: like homos
(05:36 / Allied) auriiel: k
(05:40 / Allied) master_pain: take advantage
(06:46 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: ench
(06:47 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: bot now
(08:00 / Allied) hexar: ss
(08:07 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: i got ult
(08:14 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: ok who
(08:15 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: lets kill one
(08:24 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: jugg
(08:27 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: jug?
(08:36) navy!_! killed auriiel
(08:38 / All) paleale: fuck off
(08:50 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: easy
(08:52 / All) CUMonLeviA: Jug stop feeding pls
(09:00 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: once u 6
(09:02 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: he insta die
(09:26 / Allied) hexar: ss
(09:41 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: gj
(10:05) navy!_! killed auriiel
(10:07) a1b2c3p0 killed master_pain
(10:12) navy!_! killed CUMonLeviA
(10:17 / Allied) TigerVessel: !sd xia
(10:19 / Allied) TigerVessel: mg
(10:27 / Allied) TigerVessel: !scores
(10:28 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: ult rdy
(10:39 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: next
(10:40 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: mid
(10:53 / Allied) paleale: u dumb mother fuckers
(10:55 / Allied) paleale: !~ff
(10:57 / Allied) paleale: !ff
(10:57 / All) Xiahou_Dun: [paleale] has voted to forfeit.
(10:57 / All) Xiahou_Dun: 1/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(11:00 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: ult us
(11:01 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: potm
(11:29) navy!_! killed bolbol
(11:36 / Allied) paleale: ff
(11:41 / Allied) paleale: !scores
(11:44 / Allied) hexar: u guys fed hard
(11:48 / Allied) paleale: fuck off
(12:10) paleale killed hexar
(12:15 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: meh
(12:18 / Allied) TigerVessel: need obs man
(12:22 / Allied) TigerVessel: like early game
(12:32 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: sk was 5 too :/
(12:44 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: -ma
(12:47 / Allied) paleale: for fuck sakes
(13:20 / Allied) TigerVessel: top
(13:21 / Allied) hexar: d?
(13:22 / Allied) hexar: no?
(13:52 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: i tp
(13:53 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: bot
(13:57 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Player [paleale]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(14:04 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: wait
(14:05 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: me
(14:16) navy!_! killed CUMonLeviA
(15:14 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: pain
(15:26 / Allied) bolbol: B
(15:34) navy!_! killed master_pain
(15:39 / Allied) TigerVessel: yea dumb me
(16:03 / Allied) TigerVessel: pushhh
(16:06 / Allied) TigerVessel: or bot
(16:36 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: -ma
(16:49) navy!_! killed bolbol
(16:57) TigerVessel killed auriiel
(17:01) hexar killed paleale
(17:06) killed master_pain
(17:08 / Allied) hexar: wow
(17:10 / Allied) hexar: !ff
(17:10 / All) Xiahou_Dun: [hexar] has voted to forfeit.
(17:10 / All) Xiahou_Dun: 1/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(17:14 / Allied) bolbol: !ff
(17:14 / All) Xiahou_Dun: [bolbol] has voted to forfeit.
(17:14 / All) Xiahou_Dun: 2/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(17:17 / All) hexar: clowns
(17:49 / Allied) paleale: bunch of faggots
(17:56 / Allied) master_pain: coffee?
(18:06 / All) Xiahou_Dun: next time leave dragon to âin
(18:08 / All) Xiahou_Dun: pain
(18:12 / All) master_pain: lol
(18:18 / All) paleale: lol
(18:24 / All) paleale: shut the fuck up rice muncher
(18:33 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Player [hexar] reconnected with GProxy++!
(18:33 / All) bolbol: ^
(18:38 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Player [navy!_!] reconnected with GProxy++!
(18:38 / Allied) bolbol: !ff
(18:38 / All) paleale: !votekick master
(18:38 / All) Xiahou_Dun: A votekick against player [master_pain] has been started by player [paleale]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(18:38 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Type !yes to vote.
(18:38 / All) Xiahou_Dun: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(18:46 / Allied) auriiel: XD
(18:47 / All) master_pain: !timestamp
(18:56 / All) master_pain: wnats a ban apparently
(19:18 / All) bolbol: how bout u go fuck urself old cunt
(19:23 / All) paleale: lol
(19:27 / All) master_pain: telll ur homo lover ill submit
(19:30) hexar killed auriiel
(19:36) paleale killed hexar
(19:37 / All) Xiahou_Dun: A votekick against player [master_pain] has expired.
(19:39 / All) paleale: thats fucking gay
(19:49 / All) CUMonLeviA: thats straight
(19:52 / All) CUMonLeviA: Buddy
(20:00 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Player [hexar]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(20:03 / All) paleale: gay like your 2 dads
(20:17 / All) CUMonLeviA: How would i be born
(20:20 / All) CUMonLeviA: If i had 2 dads
(20:22 / All) CUMonLeviA: ??
(20:23 / All) paleale: adopted
(20:31 / All) CUMonLeviA: umm
(20:32 / All) CUMonLeviA: i said born
(20:34 / All) paleale: surrogate
(20:51) navy!_! killed paleale
(20:56) navy!_! killed master_pain
(20:59 / All) paleale: ur real mothers trans
(21:05 / All) paleale: DUH!!!!!
(21:05 / Allied) bolbol: !FF
(21:32 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: oom
(21:35 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: same
(22:00 / Allied) hexar: tjhe fuck'
(22:07 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: how many dmg
(22:07 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: duel
(22:12 / Allied) hexar: wtf
(22:13 / Allied) hexar: why?
(22:16 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: idk
(22:16 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: -st
(22:18 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: st
(22:20 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: 14
(22:21 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: atm
(22:21 / All) paleale: ur mother got fucked in the ass and shit shat you out
(22:22 / Allied) auriiel: ?
(22:26 / Allied) bolbol: !ignore hex
(22:26 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Player [bolbol] has ignored player [hexar].
(22:36) hexar killed master_pain
(22:40) bolbol killed hexar
(22:45 / All) paleale: word bond
(22:47 / Allied) hexar: fucking sk
(22:59 / Allied) hexar: !votekick tiger
(22:59 / All) Xiahou_Dun: A votekick against player [TigerVessel] has been started by player [hexar]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(22:59 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Type !yes to vote.
(22:59 / All) Xiahou_Dun: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(23:16 / Allied) auriiel: what he do
(23:20 / All) hexar: feed
(23:24) navy!_! killed auriiel
(23:25 / Allied) bolbol: u lebo or syfy?
(23:26 / Allied) auriiel: nice
(23:27 / All) paleale: too pro
(23:31 / Allied) hexar: fucking clowns
(23:38 / All) master_pain: feed? thats brown
(23:41 / Allied) TigerVessel: FIGHT
(23:47) master_pain killed Xiahou_Dun
(23:51 / Allied) TigerVessel: defend urself
(23:52 / Allied) TigerVessel: u got alota mana
(23:58 / All) Xiahou_Dun: A votekick against player [TigerVessel] has expired.
(24:05 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Player [bolbol]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(24:27 / All) TigerVessel: haha fuck off!
(24:41 / All) CUMonLeviA: iw as goign for pain
(24:47 / All) TigerVessel: huh
(24:52 / All) TigerVessel: pain is in ur side
(24:57 / All) TigerVessel: dUH
(25:20 / All) bolbol: master periodpain on ur side
(25:27) navy!_! killed paleale
(25:28 / All) TigerVessel: master diaper boy
(25:32 / All) master_pain: dg submitting as well
(25:44 / All) bolbol: master_faggotpain
(25:45) auriiel killed hexar
(25:52) bolbol killed Xiahou_Dun
(25:58 / All) TigerVessel: ahahahah
(25:59 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: can u uilti
(26:01 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: someone else
(26:03 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: y
(26:03 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: cause he was dead
(26:04 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: wrong one
(26:06 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: >.>
(26:21 / Allied) hexar: !checkme
(27:19 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: only diasbel is jak
(27:40 / Allied) master_pain: omw
(27:43 / Allied) paleale: nice ston
(27:49 / All) TigerVessel: lkeave me alone!
(27:52) hexar killed master_pain
(27:55 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: that blink
(27:56 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: in front
(27:57 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: lmao
(28:03 / Allied) hexar: !votekick tiger
(28:03 / All) Xiahou_Dun: A votekick against player [TigerVessel] has been started by player [hexar]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(28:03 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Type !yes to vote.
(28:03 / All) Xiahou_Dun: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(28:08 / All) hexar: kick?
(28:10 / All) hexar: ffs
(28:19 / All) hexar: he just going out to feed
(28:24 / All) Xiahou_Dun: your team not voting...
(28:30 / Allied) auriiel: !ye
(28:32 / Allied) auriiel: !yes
(28:32 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Player [auriiel] voted to kick player [TigerVessel]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(28:48) navy!_! killed auriiel
(28:50) hexar killed CUMonLeviA
(28:51 / All) paleale: GET FUCKED
(28:52) bolbol killed hexar
(28:58) a1b2c3p0 killed paleale
(29:03 / All) CUMonLeviA: Next
(29:03 / All) Xiahou_Dun: A votekick against player [TigerVessel] has expired.
(29:07) Xiahou_Dun killed master_pain
(29:09) a1b2c3p0 killed bolbol
(29:12 / Allied) bolbol: !FF
(29:12 / All) Xiahou_Dun: [bolbol] has voted to forfeit.
(29:12 / All) Xiahou_Dun: 1/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(29:25 / Allied) paleale: un fucking belivable
(29:47 / Allied) hexar: why do u guys go out?
(30:19) bolbol killed Xiahou_Dun
(30:34 / All) a1b2c3p0: so lucky
(30:39 / All) hexar: sure
(30:39 / All) paleale: shut the fuck up
(30:46 / All) TigerVessel: xD
(30:50 / All) a1b2c3p0: only reason i died is cause i used mom lol
(31:07 / Allied) auriiel: let him hit me
(31:08 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: sharpnel
(31:09 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: go
(31:20 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: potm
(31:21 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: ult
(31:22 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: jak
(31:32) paleale killed hexar
(31:37 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: his shrap
(31:40 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: too
(31:40) a1b2c3p0 killed bolbol
(31:41 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: near
(31:45 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: not at rosh
(31:52 / Allied) TigerVessel: yea
(32:01 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: sharp rosh next time
(32:12 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Player [bolbol]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(32:29 / Allied) TigerVessel: so
(32:29 / Allied) navy!_!: sharpel 4 times
(32:32 / Allied) TigerVessel: what do u guys wanna do now
(32:38 / Allied) hexar: u leave?
(32:38 / Allied) paleale: pull plug lag out
(32:39 / Allied) hexar: wtf
(32:40 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: at rosh
(32:41 / Allied) TigerVessel: should we push?
(32:42 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: not before rosh
(32:44 / Allied) auriiel: eat tacos
(32:46 / Allied) TigerVessel: w/ aegis
(32:49 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: arrow
(32:54 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: aaa
(32:55 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: aegis
(32:57 / Allied) bolbol: can we ff?
(32:59 / Allied) auriiel: yeah tacos with aegis
(33:10 / All) Xiahou_Dun: grweat use of aegis
(33:10 / Allied) TigerVessel: well
(33:16 / Allied) paleale: well fucking move up
(33:32) hexar killed paleale
(33:34) bolbol killed hexar
(33:35) auriiel killed Xiahou_Dun
(33:40 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: ward?
(33:44 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: i just need hod
(33:47 / Allied) CUMonLeviA: fopr magic defense
(33:54 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: yea
(33:55) CUMonLeviA killed a1b2c3p0
(33:55 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: ward
(33:58 / Allied) TigerVessel: gj
(34:05 / Allied) auriiel: yy
(34:12 / Allied) paleale: mid all the way
(36:25) navy!_! killed master_pain
(36:37) a1b2c3p0 killed bolbol
(36:39) navy!_! killed auriiel
(36:42) navy!_! killed paleale
(36:44) TigerVessel killed CUMonLeviA
(36:50 / Allied) paleale: !draw
(36:50 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Player [paleale] has voted to draw the game. 7 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(36:53 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: :)
(37:04 / Allied) TigerVessel: !f
(37:05 / Allied) TigerVessel: !ff
(37:05 / All) Xiahou_Dun: [TigerVessel] has voted to forfeit.
(37:05 / All) Xiahou_Dun: 1/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(37:12 / Allied) hexar: !ff
(37:12 / All) Xiahou_Dun: [hexar] has voted to forfeit.
(37:12 / All) Xiahou_Dun: 2/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(37:12 / Allied) bolbol: !FF
(37:12 / All) Xiahou_Dun: [bolbol] has voted to forfeit.
(37:12 / All) Xiahou_Dun: 3/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(37:19 / Allied) hexar: !scores
(37:41 / All) bolbol: get fountain
(37:46 / All) paleale: no
(37:47) bolbol killed Xiahou_Dun
(37:48 / All) paleale: dont
(37:53 / All) master_pain: get head out of ass
(37:59) bolbol killed hexar
(38:25 / All) CUMonLeviA: for the trees
(38:32 / All) paleale: for the queers
(38:37 / All) paleale: thats ur motto
(38:44 / All) CUMonLeviA: No my motto
(38:45 / All) a1b2c3p0: we see where ur minds at
(38:47 / All) CUMonLeviA: is H is my L
(39:50 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Player [paleale]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(39:54 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: wait
(39:55 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: purp
(40:05 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Player [TigerVessel]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(40:12 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Player [hexar]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(40:13 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Player [bolbol]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(40:23) CUMonLeviA killed Xiahou_Dun
(40:23) navy!_! killed master_pain
(40:33) hexar killed auriiel
(40:41) navy!_! killed CUMonLeviA
(40:46) navy!_! killed paleale
(40:49 / Allied) TigerVessel: fucking zues
(40:56 / Allied) TigerVessel: ur rarely w/ us
(41:02 / Allied) Xiahou_Dun: fuin game
(41:14 / Allied) bolbol: !unignore
(41:18 / Allied) bolbol: !unignore jex
(41:23 / Allied) bolbol: !unignore hex
(41:27 / Allied) bolbol: fuck u hexar
(41:33 / Allied) bolbol: bitch ass
(41:37 / All) CUMonLeviA: GG
(41:42 / All) Xiahou_Dun: bolbol has left the game voluntarily.
(41:42 / QUIT) bolbol: Left
(41:42 / All) Xiahou_Dun: This game was hosted by GHost++ (www.ghostpp.com).
(41:42 / All) Xiahou_Dun:
(41:42 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Join ENT's Discord: https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(41:44 / Allied) TigerVessel: fckin scared of dying
(41:44 / All) Xiahou_Dun: hexar has left the game voluntarily.
(41:44 / QUIT) hexar: Left
(41:44 / All) Xiahou_Dun: CUMonLeviA has left the game voluntarily.
(41:44 / QUIT) CUMonLeviA: Left
(41:45 / All) Xiahou_Dun: TigerVessel has left the game voluntarily.
(41:45 / QUIT) TigerVessel: Left
(41:46 / All) Xiahou_Dun: navy!_! has left the game voluntarily.
(41:46 / QUIT) navy!_!: Left
(41:54 / All) Xiahou_Dun: master_pain has left the game voluntarily.
(41:54 / QUIT) master_pain: Left
(42:01 / All) Xiahou_Dun: Xiahou_Dun has left the game voluntarily.
(42:01 / QUIT) Xiahou_Dun: Left
(42:05 / All) a1b2c3p0: a1b2c3p0 has left the game voluntarily.
(42:05 / QUIT) a1b2c3p0: Left
(42:16 / All) paleale: paleale has left the game voluntarily.
(42:16 / QUIT) paleale: Left
(42:18 / All) auriiel: auriiel has left the game voluntarily.
(42:18 / QUIT) auriiel: Left
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