[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #1

Host: GHost++
Saver: master_pain

Players: 10
Version: 1.30

Length: 41:56
Observers: No Observers
Map: maps\download\DotA v6.83d fixed v5 by h3rmit.w3x
Winner: Scourge

Download: 12227940.w3g
Lobby chat: 12227940.txt

Ban / Pick




Name Level APM K/D/A CS Extra
Murloc Nightcrawler tiggins 16 99 3/12/7 39/0/3
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Twin Head Dragon master_pain 12 105 5/7/8 53/1/0
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Undying NevePre 16 80 2/8/10 90/0/0
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Slithereen Guard TigerVessel 11 82 3/20/8 27/0/4
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Priestess of the Moon s0ff0c0tt0 20 104 7/2/10 81/0/1
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Name Level APM K/D/A CS Extra
Phantom Assassin boldx 18 104 9/4/17 60/4/31
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Ogre Magi TRADER 19 159 4/6/30 82/5/4
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Goblin Shredder thebrady 19 145 12/2/23 76/0/1
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Dwarven Sniper scythe23 16 76 17/5/11 117/5/29
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Axe poker.player 20 112 7/6/13 135/0/3
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(00:00 / All) tiggins: Shortest load by player [boldx] was 5.06 seconds.
(00:00 / All) tiggins: Longest load by player [s0ff0c0tt0] was 7.55 seconds.
(00:00 / All) tiggins: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) tiggins: Host your own game with: /w ClanEnterprise !help
(00:00 / All) tiggins: Check out our website at http://entgaming.net/
(00:00 / All) tiggins: Leavers will be banned! Rules are on wiki.entgaming.net
(00:00 / All) tiggins: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) tiggins: Join ENT's Discord! https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(00:00 / All) tiggins: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) tiggins: Good luck and have fun!
(00:11 / Allied) boldx: !scores
(00:13 / Allied) boldx: -random
(00:21 / Allied) poker.player: -random
(00:26 / Allied) boldx: -random
(00:46 / Allied) poker.player: -swap 1
(01:11 / Allied) master_pain: ill bot for axe
(01:18 / Allied) master_pain: will need another rng
(01:21 / Allied) poker.player: !sd pre
(01:24 / Allied) TigerVessel: mirana
(01:26 / Allied) poker.player: !sd tig
(01:31 / Allied) poker.player: !sd tiggins
(02:02 / Allied) thebrady: -ma
(02:14 / Allied) master_pain: -FK
(02:17 / Allied) master_pain: -AFK
(02:31 / Allied) TigerVessel: fck it
(02:31 / Allied) NevePre: !scores
(02:32 / Allied) TigerVessel: slardar time
(02:44 / Allied) TigerVessel: is axe bot
(03:14 / Allied) TigerVessel: are u good there top
(03:18 / Allied) TigerVessel: man fucking tiggins
(03:35) boldx killed scythe23
(03:49) boldx killed tiggins
(03:52 / Allied) master_pain: gg
(04:30 / Allied) master_pain: !ignore tig
(04:37 / Allied) master_pain: !ignore ves
(04:37 / All) tiggins: Player [master_pain] has ignored player [TigerVessel].
(05:25) NevePre killed scythe23
(06:20) NevePre killed scythe23
(06:32 / Allied) master_pain: !votekick ves
(06:32 / All) tiggins: A votekick against player [TigerVessel] has been started by player [master_pain]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(06:32 / All) tiggins: Type !yes to vote.
(06:32 / All) tiggins: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(06:35 / Allied) boldx: !yes
(06:35 / All) tiggins: Player [boldx] voted to kick player [TigerVessel]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(06:42 / Allied) TRADER: reg bot
(07:02) s0ff0c0tt0 killed TigerVessel
(07:29 / Allied) TigerVessel: hahahaha
(07:32 / All) tiggins: A votekick against player [TigerVessel] has expired.
(07:35) master_pain killed NevePre
(07:35) thebrady killed scythe23
(07:40 / Allied) TigerVessel: fckn shit man
(07:48) thebrady killed master_pain
(07:52 / Allied) master_pain: !ff
(08:04) s0ff0c0tt0 killed TigerVessel
(08:32 / Allied) TRADER: come goblin
(08:38 / All) master_pain: !ff
(09:26 / Allied) master_pain: 0-4 fed enuf?
(09:44) boldx killed TigerVessel
(09:55) scythe23 killed boldx
(10:13 / Allied) master_pain: dum shit
(10:32 / All) master_pain: how many b4 vk
(10:42) NevePre killed TigerVessel
(10:45 / Allied) TigerVessel: hahahahaha
(10:46 / All) TigerVessel: wow
(10:47 / All) TigerVessel: lmao
(11:01) scythe23 killed NevePre
(11:05 / Allied) TigerVessel: MAGIC BEAAAAAAN
(12:10 / Allied) NevePre: omw
(12:16) TRADER killed tiggins
(12:19 / Allied) master_pain: ff
(12:30 / Allied) master_pain: this fking turd
(12:33) NevePre killed master_pain
(12:34) TRADER killed poker.player
(12:36) NevePre killed TigerVessel
(12:38 / Allied) master_pain: feed and ruin
(12:43 / Allied) master_pain: goddam fking turd
(12:51) TRADER killed scythe23
(13:00 / All) master_pain: bug game for you
(13:15 / Allied) TigerVessel: should've just kept going
(13:23 / All) poker.player: its royal.flush
(13:25 / All) boldx: randomed buddy
(13:41 / All) master_pain: random no vk
(13:45 / All) master_pain: buddy
(13:46 / All) TigerVessel: u guys ever played poker D
(13:55 / Allied) master_pain: !ignore bol
(13:55 / All) tiggins: Player [master_pain] has ignored player [boldx].
(14:02 / All) poker.player: texas hold'em
(14:05 / All) TigerVessel: master pain had it
(14:13 / Allied) master_pain: !ignore pok
(14:13 / All) tiggins: Player [master_pain] has ignored player [poker.player].
(14:16 / Allied) TigerVessel: hahaha
(14:30 / All) boldx: he needs focus
(14:35) NevePre killed scythe23
(14:40 / Allied) TigerVessel: fuck man
(14:48 / All) master_pain: maybe submit no vk
(14:57 / Allied) TigerVessel: shoudldve gyroed
(15:27 / Allied) TigerVessel: wrong one!
(15:53 / Allied) TigerVessel: fucking trickster
(15:59 / Allied) master_pain: i need shop
(16:00 / Allied) s0ff0c0tt0: magic
(16:05 / Allied) TigerVessel: yea.
(16:10 / Allied) TigerVessel: lets push top
(16:11) s0ff0c0tt0 killed master_pain
(16:14 / Allied) NevePre: !ff
(16:14 / All) tiggins: [NevePre] has voted to forfeit.
(16:14 / All) tiggins: 1/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(16:49) TRADER killed TigerVessel
(17:03 / Allied) master_pain: feed and ruin
(17:04) thebrady killed scythe23
(17:05 / Allied) master_pain: a turd
(17:27 / Allied) master_pain: !votekick ves
(17:27 / All) tiggins: A votekick against player [TigerVessel] has been started by player [master_pain]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(17:27 / All) tiggins: Type !yes to vote.
(17:27 / All) tiggins: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(17:35 / Allied) TigerVessel: we gotta ambush
(17:43 / Allied) TigerVessel: using mirana's ult
(18:00 / All) master_pain: baldx a fking assshole
(18:08) TigerVessel killed thebrady
(18:27 / All) tiggins: A votekick against player [TigerVessel] has expired.
(19:07) s0ff0c0tt0 killed scythe23
(19:14 / All) tiggins: Player [NevePre]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(19:18) poker.player killed s0ff0c0tt0
(19:24) thebrady killed master_pain
(19:29) thebrady killed tiggins
(19:37 / All) master_pain: no vk
(19:45 / Allied) scythe23: lol axe lived
(19:46 / All) master_pain: fking hard up
(19:52 / Allied) TigerVessel: warded
(20:04 / All) poker.player: lady of luck on my side
(20:19) poker.player killed boldx
(20:28) TigerVessel killed thebrady
(20:44) s0ff0c0tt0 killed scythe23
(21:12 / All) master_pain: hope he goes 20 deaths with no vk
(21:49) thebrady killed scythe23
(21:59) thebrady killed poker.player
(22:00) s0ff0c0tt0 killed tiggins
(22:03) TRADER killed master_pain
(22:05 / Allied) NevePre: !ff
(22:05 / All) tiggins: [NevePre] has voted to forfeit.
(22:05 / All) tiggins: 1/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(22:10 / Allied) TigerVessel: !scores
(23:07) poker.player killed TRADER
(23:09) thebrady killed tiggins
(23:19 / Allied) boldx: bkb was 1 sec away
(23:21) scythe23 killed NevePre
(23:42 / All) poker.player: shiet.. bad beat
(24:25) killed boldx
(24:43 / Allied) TigerVessel: care
(25:05 / All) tiggins: Player [NevePre]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(25:06) thebrady killed scythe23
(25:31 / Allied) master_pain: yellow a ruin
(25:42 / Allied) master_pain: thisd is pointless
(25:50 / Allied) poker.player: when i axe is strong
(25:52 / Allied) poker.player: push
(25:53 / Allied) poker.player: u
(25:59 / Allied) poker.player: 1 pairs
(27:02) thebrady killed scythe23
(27:09 / Allied) NevePre: ff it
(27:15 / Allied) master_pain: fu em
(27:20 / Allied) master_pain: big win
(27:45) tiggins killed NevePre
(27:52) s0ff0c0tt0 killed TigerVessel
(28:10) TRADER killed scythe23
(28:18) tiggins killed TRADER
(28:18 / Allied) TigerVessel: are u fucking kidding me
(28:27) boldx killed master_pain
(29:09) thebrady killed tiggins
(29:09) TigerVessel killed thebrady
(29:15) boldx killed boldx
(29:36 / All) master_pain: ur all dicks
(29:41 / All) master_pain: got it
(29:55 / All) master_pain: 3-13
(31:03) thebrady killed scythe23
(31:05) tiggins killed thebrady
(31:14) master_pain killed NevePre
(31:21 / Allied) poker.player: this pa wont carry us
(31:22 / Allied) poker.player: i farm
(31:26) s0ff0c0tt0 killed TigerVessel
(32:26) TRADER killed scythe23
(33:01) s0ff0c0tt0 killed TigerVessel
(33:41) TRADER killed scythe23
(33:42) tiggins killed NevePre
(33:48 / Allied) poker.player: rax
(33:50 / Allied) poker.player: 1 hp
(33:51) poker.player killed TRADER
(33:51 / Allied) poker.player: god
(33:55) poker.player killed boldx
(33:59 / Allied) boldx: man thewy resist hard
(34:00 / Allied) TigerVessel: holy shit lol
(34:06 / Allied) poker.player: why u guys chase
(34:15 / All) TigerVessel: the shredder blade!!!
(34:34 / Allied) poker.player: u guys will be useless agiant slar and slark
(34:35 / Allied) poker.player: soon
(34:39 / Allied) poker.player: rax early
(34:40 / Allied) poker.player: plz
(34:55 / Allied) boldx: i m le 16 now
(35:29) boldx killed boldx
(35:35 / Allied) TigerVessel: fucking gay
(36:18 / Allied) scythe23: basher pa
(36:50) thebrady killed TigerVessel
(36:53) tiggins killed TRADER
(36:55) s0ff0c0tt0 killed scythe23
(37:47) s0ff0c0tt0 killed master_pain
(37:49 / Allied) boldx: nice
(37:50 / Allied) NevePre: !ff
(37:50 / All) tiggins: [NevePre] has voted to forfeit.
(37:50 / All) tiggins: 1/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(38:16) thebrady killed TigerVessel
(38:23) thebrady killed scythe23
(38:29 / Allied) TigerVessel: !ff
(38:29 / All) tiggins: [TigerVessel] has voted to forfeit.
(38:29 / All) tiggins: 2/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(38:37 / All) master_pain: all assholes
(38:41 / Allied) s0ff0c0tt0: very fun game
(38:46 / Allied) TigerVessel: dude u were crazy
(38:47 / Allied) master_pain: he ruins then ffs
(39:00 / Allied) TigerVessel: fuck if i only went gyro
(39:18 / Allied) thebrady: let me get axe
(40:02) NevePre killed TigerVessel
(40:05) poker.player killed s0ff0c0tt0
(40:18) TRADER killed tiggins
(40:30) thebrady killed master_pain
(40:34 / Allied) master_pain: !unignore ves
(40:38 / Allied) master_pain: fuk you assshole
(40:39) s0ff0c0tt0 killed scythe23
(40:40 / Allied) master_pain: never agin
(40:42 / Allied) master_pain: fuyk you
(40:51 / All) tiggins: Player [NevePre]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(40:56 / Allied) TigerVessel: i l;ove you
(40:57) thebrady killed scythe23
(40:59) poker.player killed thebrady
(41:00 / Allied) master_pain: uninstalll
(41:05 / Allied) TigerVessel: yes papi
(41:06 / Allied) master_pain: fking trash
(41:11 / Allied) TigerVessel: i love you paps
(41:15 / Allied) master_pain: i submit
(41:17 / Allied) master_pain: enjoy
(41:22 / Allied) TigerVessel: submit me daddy
(41:24 / Allied) TigerVessel: <3
(41:27 / All) poker.player: All In baby
(41:30 / All) tiggins: Player [TigerVessel]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(41:36 / All) tiggins: This game was hosted by GHost++ (www.ghostpp.com).
(41:36 / All) tiggins:
(41:36 / All) tiggins: Join ENT's Discord: https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(41:37 / All) TigerVessel: 5 of a kind
(41:38 / All) tiggins: TRADER has left the game voluntarily.
(41:38 / QUIT) TRADER: Left
(41:39 / All) tiggins: s0ff0c0tt0 has left the game voluntarily.
(41:39 / QUIT) s0ff0c0tt0: Left
(41:39 / All) tiggins: scythe23 has left the game voluntarily.
(41:39 / QUIT) scythe23: Left
(41:39 / All) TigerVessel: oh man
(41:39 / All) tiggins: tiggins has left the game voluntarily.
(41:39 / QUIT) tiggins: Left
(41:39 / All) poker.player: NevePre has left the game voluntarily.
(41:39 / QUIT) NevePre: Left
(41:39 / All) poker.player: boldx has left the game voluntarily.
(41:39 / QUIT) boldx: Left
(41:39 / All) poker.player: thebrady has left the game voluntarily.
(41:39 / QUIT) thebrady: Left
(41:40 / All) poker.player: poker.player has left the game voluntarily.
(41:40 / QUIT) poker.player: Left
(41:40 / All) master_pain: TigerVessel has left the game voluntarily.
(41:40 / QUIT) TigerVessel: Left
(41:51 / All) master_pain: master_pain has left the game voluntarily.
(41:51 / QUIT) master_pain: Left
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