[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #17

Host: GHost++
Saver: Legabichon

Players: 10
Version: 1.30

Length: 52:42
Observers: No Observers
Map: maps\download\DotA v6.83d fixed v5 by h3rmit.w3x
Winner: Sentinel

Download: 12230515.w3g
Lobby chat: 12230515.txt

Ban / Pick




Name Level APM K/D/A CS Extra
Slithereen Guard lOIM90 18 84 10/8/17 60/4/29
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Necrolyte cotobyc 20 89 13/9/13 175/2/63
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Tidehunter razorramonchico 19 274 4/1/15 87/3/25
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Witch Doctor Legabichon 23 57 12/5/15 91/0/13
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Netherdrake BobLazar 22 71 5/11/17 99/0/4
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Name Level APM K/D/A CS Extra
Oblivion no_rules 16 97 4/9/13 157/0/1
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Legion Commander partycrasher 23 79 14/8/4 97/0/119
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Lord of Olympia FullKaboom 11 107 6/10/12 133/3/30
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Gorgon FreeMYWilly 20 106 0/9/10 101/4/18
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Shadow Shaman gyuki 17 62 6/11/10 105/3/10
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(00:00 / All) lOIM90: Shortest load by player [lOIM90] was 4.92 seconds.
(00:00 / All) lOIM90: Longest load by player [FullKaboom] was 15.01 seconds.
(00:00 / All) lOIM90: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) lOIM90: Host your own game with: /w ClanEnterprise !help
(00:00 / All) lOIM90: Check out our website at http://entgaming.net/
(00:00 / All) lOIM90: Leavers will be banned! Rules are on wiki.entgaming.net
(00:00 / All) lOIM90: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) lOIM90: Join ENT's Discord! https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(00:00 / All) lOIM90: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) lOIM90: Good luck and have fun!
(00:07 / Allied) partycrasher: dony go late heroes
(00:22 / Allied) razorramonchico: -random
(00:30 / Allied) no_rules: !scores
(01:06 / Allied) gyuki: !sd bob
(01:06 / Allied) partycrasher: please keep ward deward for me
(01:22 / Allied) cotobyc: !scores
(01:54 / Allied) no_rules: !sd m90
(02:52 / Allied) gyuki: !sd m90
(05:07) FullKaboom killed FreeMYWilly
(05:08) partycrasher killed Legabichon
(06:50) partycrasher killed cotobyc
(06:52 / Allied) lOIM90: !ff
(08:01) FullKaboom killed gyuki
(08:04 / Allied) FullKaboom: rules come on
(08:07 / Allied) FullKaboom: wtf was that
(08:14 / Allied) no_rules: what u want me to do?
(08:21 / Allied) FullKaboom: just come and attack
(08:27 / Allied) FullKaboom: i pinged you 3 times
(08:30 / Allied) no_rules: attak with what?
(08:32 / Allied) Legabichon: ss
(08:33 / Allied) no_rules: 1 vs 3?
(08:36 / Allied) no_rules: no mana no hp?
(08:45 / Allied) FullKaboom: there were only two if you werent slow
(09:36) cotobyc killed gyuki
(09:42) lOIM90 killed partycrasher
(09:46 / Allied) partycrasher: 4 intel
(09:47 / Allied) partycrasher: wow
(10:04 / Allied) partycrasher: u wnet pugna
(10:08 / Allied) partycrasher: may i ask why?
(10:13) gyuki killed Legabichon
(10:15 / Allied) no_rules: ...
(10:23 / Allied) no_rules: nice ks
(10:32 / Allied) FullKaboom: you let me die before
(10:40 / Allied) FullKaboom: call it even
(10:46 / Allied) partycrasher: 4 intel game man
(11:10) lOIM90 killed partycrasher
(11:22) gyuki killed Legabichon
(11:42 / Allied) Legabichon: ss
(11:48 / Allied) no_rules: dusa
(11:50 / Allied) no_rules: is not aintel
(11:54 / Allied) no_rules: and we got good intel
(12:26 / Allied) razorramonchico: ss
(12:47) partycrasher killed razorramonchico
(12:53) razorramonchico killed partycrasher
(13:12) lOIM90 killed BobLazar
(13:33) lOIM90 killed no_rules
(13:36 / Allied) cotobyc: b
(13:46 / Allied) partycrasher: help the team
(14:17) FreeMYWilly killed Legabichon
(14:26 / Allied) Legabichon: tp cd
(14:27 / Allied) BobLazar: 4
(14:29 / Allied) razorramonchico: observer wards
(14:43) cotobyc killed BobLazar
(14:56 / Allied) partycrasher: gg
(15:03 / Allied) partycrasher: i go farm woods i guess
(15:12 / Allied) gyuki: terriable lc
(15:16 / Allied) no_rules: u start being negative
(15:22 / Allied) gyuki: talk shit 0/3 and duel wrong guy mid
(15:38 / Allied) gyuki: !sd party
(15:42 / Allied) partycrasher: u fck me up again nicely man good job
(15:46) lOIM90 killed no_rules
(15:57 / Allied) partycrasher: i fpont give afuck now
(16:22 / Allied) gyuki: you haven't given any fuck so far
(16:33 / Allied) partycrasher: y good luck stupid rhasta
(16:45 / Allied) no_rules: go push
(17:16) lOIM90 killed partycrasher
(17:25) gyuki killed cotobyc
(17:51 / Allied) partycrasher: b
(18:11 / Allied) FullKaboom: 3
(18:11 / Allied) FullKaboom: b
(18:11) lOIM90 killed no_rules
(18:34 / Allied) gyuki: !sd free
(18:46 / Allied) FullKaboom: too late
(18:54 / Allied) partycrasher: !ff
(18:54 / All) lOIM90: [partycrasher] has voted to forfeit.
(18:54 / All) lOIM90: 1/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(19:06) razorramonchico killed gyuki
(19:12 / Allied) FullKaboom: wow our lc is bad lol
(19:12 / Allied) partycrasher: too late but wont b
(19:18 / Allied) partycrasher: u said too late
(19:22 / Allied) partycrasher: then why u stay thr noob
(19:24 / Allied) FullKaboom: well it was
(19:42) BobLazar killed lOIM90
(19:47) Legabichon killed partycrasher
(19:48) killed Legabichon
(20:06 / Allied) Legabichon: 2
(20:08 / Allied) Legabichon: mid
(20:12 / Allied) gyuki: shit bobby killed me
(20:15 / Allied) Legabichon: they b
(21:55 / All) lOIM90: Player [partycrasher]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(22:35) cotobyc killed gyuki
(22:39) BobLazar killed Legabichon
(23:06 / Allied) partycrasher: b
(23:06 / Allied) partycrasher: b
(23:31) cotobyc killed no_rules
(24:15) BobLazar killed razorramonchico
(24:30) cotobyc killed gyuki
(25:04 / Allied) BobLazar: ward
(25:16) partycrasher killed cotobyc
(25:35 / Allied) partycrasher: b
(26:10) BobLazar killed lOIM90
(26:15) Legabichon killed BobLazar
(26:20) FreeMYWilly killed FreeMYWilly
(26:22 / Allied) partycrasher: b
(26:24 / Allied) partycrasher: sents
(26:25 / Allied) partycrasher: thr
(26:37 / Allied) no_rules: zeus
(26:38 / Allied) no_rules: deward
(26:58) partycrasher killed cotobyc
(27:03 / Allied) razorramonchico: b
(27:05 / Allied) FullKaboom: cant deward alone
(27:10 / Allied) no_rules: we go
(27:11 / Allied) no_rules: with u
(28:01 / Allied) partycrasher: come
(28:02 / Allied) partycrasher: zeus
(28:04 / Allied) partycrasher: check wards
(28:07 / Allied) FullKaboom: omw
(28:13 / Allied) partycrasher: go bot quick
(28:26 / Allied) FullKaboom: cove me
(28:34 / Allied) FullKaboom: her?
(28:58) BobLazar killed lOIM90
(29:35 / Allied) partycrasher: go bkb coming
(29:51) razorramonchico killed partycrasher
(30:08) razorramonchico killed BobLazar
(30:23 / Allied) partycrasher: should have wait for my bkb
(30:32) gyuki killed Legabichon
(30:54) cotobyc killed gyuki
(31:00 / Allied) FullKaboom: why are you afk rhasta lol
(31:07 / Allied) gyuki: i bought item
(31:13 / Allied) gyuki: what are you talking about
(31:15 / Allied) FullKaboom: do that after lol
(31:23 / Allied) gyuki: why you fed him
(31:34 / Allied) FullKaboom: i was expecting you to be playing
(31:40 / Allied) FullKaboom: wrong of me to assume i guess
(31:47) FreeMYWilly killed cotobyc
(31:56 / Allied) gyuki: when you suck and you expecting others?
(32:03 / Allied) FullKaboom: to play?
(32:04 / Allied) FullKaboom: yes
(32:09 / Allied) partycrasher: get ghost
(32:10 / Allied) gyuki: dont fed him
(32:13 / Allied) gyuki: understand
(32:29 / Allied) gyuki: do your best , not question others
(32:43 / Allied) FullKaboom: just asking you not to afk for 30 sec while you buy
(32:44) BobLazar killed lOIM90
(32:49 / Allied) FullKaboom: while we are getting towered
(32:52) Legabichon killed no_rules
(32:52) razorramonchico killed FreeMYWilly
(32:54 / Allied) gyuki: i am not gonna go there
(32:55 / Allied) no_rules: fking doc
(33:05 / Allied) no_rules: and why no fking ulti
(33:05 / Allied) no_rules: zeus
(33:09 / Allied) no_rules: to stop doc ult??
(33:17 / Allied) FullKaboom: arguing with rhasta
(33:21 / Allied) FullKaboom: was more important
(33:23 / Allied) partycrasher: zeus why u fucking it up man
(34:49 / Allied) partycrasher: wtf
(34:49 / Allied) partycrasher: man
(35:00) partycrasher killed lOIM90
(35:00) razorramonchico killed FreeMYWilly
(35:03) FreeMYWilly killed Legabichon
(35:07 / Allied) no_rules: no zeus ult
(35:07 / Allied) no_rules: g
(35:08) BobLazar killed cotobyc
(35:14 / Allied) cotobyc: we just needed goood stun wd ....
(35:17 / Allied) gyuki: look zeus
(35:21 / Allied) no_rules: no idea
(35:23 / Allied) no_rules: why he ruins
(35:24 / Allied) razorramonchico: bad sight in jungle
(35:26 / Allied) gyuki: done nothing
(35:33 / Allied) FullKaboom: i won that fight
(35:42 / Allied) no_rules: u playing vs us
(36:05 / Allied) no_rules: !timestamp
(36:08 / Allied) FullKaboom: have to farm
(36:14 / Allied) partycrasher: b
(36:14 / Allied) FullKaboom: i have lost trust in you guys
(36:17 / Allied) gyuki: report this trash
(36:19 / Allied) no_rules: its fine
(36:22 / Allied) no_rules: im reporting him
(36:22 / Allied) no_rules: yes
(36:27 / Allied) FullKaboom: for what lol?
(36:32 / Allied) no_rules: !ignore boom
(36:32 / All) lOIM90: Player [no_rules] has ignored player [FullKaboom].
(36:47 / Allied) BobLazar: dust
(36:51 / Allied) cotobyc: cd
(36:58 / Allied) cotobyc: tide
(37:00 / Allied) cotobyc: u need blink
(37:02 / Allied) partycrasher: lothars wd
(37:23 / Allied) lOIM90: gem
(37:45 / Allied) gyuki: rosh?
(37:53 / Allied) partycrasher: need heart first
(37:58 / Allied) gyuki: k
(38:35 / Allied) partycrasher: now we rosh
(38:46 / Allied) BobLazar: push middl
(38:50 / Allied) lOIM90: def
(38:54 / Allied) gyuki: go
(39:17 / Allied) BobLazar: middle push
(39:41 / Allied) razorramonchico: b
(39:49) BobLazar killed razorramonchico
(39:50) cotobyc killed gyuki
(40:23) lOIM90 killed partycrasher
(40:36 / Allied) cotobyc: b
(40:44) BobLazar killed lOIM90
(40:48) FreeMYWilly killed Legabichon
(41:37) BobLazar killed cotobyc
(41:43) killed BobLazar
(41:50 / Allied) partycrasher: late ulti again
(41:56) FullKaboom killed FreeMYWilly
(41:59 / Allied) FullKaboom: bad lc again
(42:04 / Allied) no_rules: he's a trash
(42:07 / Allied) no_rules: he plays for ks
(42:19 / Allied) partycrasher: u will not be missed after u get ban zeus
(42:20) lOIM90 killed no_rules
(42:22 / Allied) cotobyc: go
(42:23 / Allied) cotobyc: he no bb
(42:24 / Allied) partycrasher: just know that
(42:37 / Allied) partycrasher: b
(42:38 / Allied) partycrasher: b
(42:51 / Allied) razorramonchico: haste top
(43:21) BobLazar killed lOIM90
(43:24) gyuki killed cotobyc
(43:25) razorramonchico killed partycrasher
(43:25) razorramonchico killed gyuki
(43:27) razorramonchico killed BobLazar
(44:01 / Allied) FullKaboom: lol lc
(44:07 / Allied) partycrasher: why banish
(44:09 / Allied) partycrasher: whn i hit
(44:10 / Allied) FullKaboom: you should be banned for that
(44:12 / Allied) gyuki: !ignore full
(44:12 / All) lOIM90: Player [gyuki] has ignored player [FullKaboom].
(44:43 / Allied) lOIM90: lc
(44:45 / Allied) lOIM90: goig
(44:59) gyuki killed lOIM90
(45:03 / Allied) no_rules: !timestamp ks
(45:04 / Allied) partycrasher: wait
(45:12 / Allied) partycrasher: gem coming
(45:14 / Allied) partycrasher: i get wd
(45:15 / Allied) partycrasher: now
(45:31) cotobyc killed partycrasher
(45:34 / Allied) gyuki: shit
(45:36) Legabichon killed no_rules
(45:44) cotobyc killed FreeMYWilly
(45:47 / Allied) FullKaboom: i was dead you dumbass
(45:53 / Allied) no_rules: !timestmap zeus farming while we push
(46:16 / Allied) razorramonchico: b
(46:22 / Allied) razorramonchico: lc mid
(46:52 / Allied) razorramonchico: ss
(47:02) BobLazar killed Legabichon
(47:20 / Allied) BobLazar: care
(47:20 / Allied) razorramonchico: b
(47:21 / Allied) razorramonchico: oom
(47:23 / Allied) BobLazar: think is mh
(47:24 / Allied) razorramonchico: bad sight
(47:25 / Allied) razorramonchico: -ma
(47:26 / Allied) partycrasher: i get gtravel
(48:24) FullKaboom killed FreeMYWilly
(48:26) lOIM90 killed no_rules
(48:27) razorramonchico killed gyuki
(48:33 / Allied) no_rules: !timestamp zeus refuse to ult to save us
(48:35 / All) FreeMYWilly: lol grey . . .
(48:42 / Allied) razorramonchico: throne?
(48:46 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: you guys are SUCH COWARDS
(48:48 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: !ff
(48:48 / All) lOIM90: [FreeMYWilly] has voted to forfeit.
(48:48 / All) lOIM90: 1/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(48:50 / Allied) FullKaboom: !ff
(48:50 / All) lOIM90: [FullKaboom] has voted to forfeit.
(48:50 / All) lOIM90: 2/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(48:52) BobLazar killed razorramonchico
(48:54 / Allied) no_rules: zeus
(48:54 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: can't go tanks because everyone is scared
(48:56 / Allied) no_rules: is the problem
(49:17 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: actually no, grey is also the problem. . . he is a coward
(49:19 / Allied) Legabichon: top
(49:52) BobLazar killed FullKaboom
(49:56 / Allied) razorramonchico: b
(50:00 / Allied) razorramonchico: gem
(50:00 / Allied) razorramonchico: lc
(50:03) lOIM90 killed BobLazar
(50:06) Legabichon killed partycrasher
(50:07 / Allied) partycrasher: wow
(50:09 / Allied) partycrasher: just gg
(50:11 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: yea you are right
(50:12) cotobyc killed FreeMYWilly
(50:13 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: lb is horrible
(50:15 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: just horrible
(50:27 / Allied) razorramonchico: mid?
(50:28 / Allied) partycrasher: u are trash shit as well
(50:34 / Allied) razorramonchico: buyback
(50:36 / Allied) razorramonchico: shaman
(50:39) lOIM90 killed no_rules
(50:42) killed Legabichon
(50:48 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: !ff
(50:50 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: !ff
(50:53 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: ff it guys
(50:55 / Allied) partycrasher: u see why i diont want to join this game
(50:56 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: !scores
(50:57 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: lol
(50:58 / Allied) partycrasher: !scores
(51:00 / Allied) gyuki: !ff
(51:00 / All) lOIM90: [gyuki] has voted to forfeit.
(51:00 / All) lOIM90: 3/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(51:02 / Allied) partycrasher: gg now
(51:08 / Allied) no_rules: u are sooo negative
(51:10 / Allied) no_rules: we could win easy
(51:13 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: lol no
(51:16 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: not with a punga
(51:16 / Allied) partycrasher: u always do this man
(51:18 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: what a SHIT PICK
(51:20 / Allied) partycrasher: every fucking time
(51:23 / Allied) partycrasher: u do this to me
(51:31) lOIM90 killed gyuki
(51:34) razorramonchico killed partycrasher
(51:38) razorramonchico killed FreeMYWilly
(51:43 / All) BobLazar: happy landing :D
(51:44 / Allied) partycrasher: just come we win ask me to go serious while u play what a pugna?
(51:51 / All) lOIM90: Player [FullKaboom]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(51:56 / Allied) no_rules: pugna im a beast with it
(51:57 / Allied) cotobyc: !scores
(51:58 / Allied) cotobyc: !sd
(51:58 / Allied) no_rules: u guys suck
(51:59 / Allied) razorramonchico: gg
(52:00 / Allied) no_rules: that's it
(52:03 / Allied) partycrasher: y sure as hell not thios game
(52:11 / Allied) razorramonchico: b
(52:14 / Allied) no_rules: 0 9
(52:15 / Allied) no_rules: dusa
(52:19 / Allied) no_rules: zeus playing alone
(52:23 / Allied) no_rules: rasta couldnt push
(52:25 / Allied) no_rules: what u want?
(52:27 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: 0/9. . . because you guys NEVER go in
(52:29 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: you just play to ks
(52:31 / Allied) gyuki: really
(52:33 / All) lOIM90: This game was hosted by GHost++ (www.ghostpp.com).
(52:33 / All) lOIM90:
(52:33 / All) lOIM90: Join ENT's Discord: https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(52:33 / Allied) FreeMYWilly: sad what ENT has become
(52:34 / Allied) partycrasher: they were trash told u in lobby
(52:34 / All) lOIM90: no_rules has left the game voluntarily.
(52:34 / QUIT) no_rules: Left
(52:34 / Allied) gyuki: how can i push
(52:35 / All) lOIM90: lOIM90 has left the game voluntarily.
(52:35 / QUIT) lOIM90: Left
(52:36 / All) razorramonchico: razorramonchico has left the game voluntarily.
(52:36 / QUIT) razorramonchico: Left
(52:37 / All) Legabichon: partycrasher has left the game voluntarily.
(52:37 / QUIT) partycrasher: Left
(52:37 / All) Legabichon: BobLazar has left the game voluntarily.
(52:37 / QUIT) BobLazar: Left
(52:38 / All) Legabichon: gyuki has left the game voluntarily.
(52:38 / QUIT) gyuki: Left
(52:39 / All) Legabichon: FullKaboom has left the game voluntarily.
(52:39 / QUIT) FullKaboom: Left
(52:40 / All) Legabichon: cotobyc has left the game voluntarily.
(52:40 / QUIT) cotobyc: Left
(52:40 / All) Legabichon: FreeMYWilly has left the game voluntarily.
(52:40 / QUIT) FreeMYWilly: Left
(52:42 / All) Legabichon: Legabichon has left the game voluntarily.
(52:42 / QUIT) Legabichon: Left
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