[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #11

Host: GHost++
Saver: !-.-!

Players: 10
Version: 1.30

Length: 29:24
Observers: No Observers
Map: maps\download\DotA v6.83d fixed v5 by h3rmit.w3x
Winner: Sentinel

Download: 12232582.w3g
Lobby chat: 12232582.txt

Ban / Pick




Name Level APM K/D/A CS Extra
Shadow Fiend Dai- 15 113 7/2/5 115/11/47
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Undying Computer_Easy 13 63 4/3/13 56/0/3
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Drow Ranger titanium75 11 76 6/2/6 82/24/20
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Slithereen Guard yourbutt 10 73 3/4/12 28/1/25
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Stealth Assassin !-.-! 16 113 10/3/8 46/5/2
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Name Level APM K/D/A CS Extra
Twin Head Dragon master_pain 8 108 0/5/4 24/0/5
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Anti-Mage haliente 9 53 0/8/1 43/0/6
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Sacred Warrior Laucibai 13 82 7/8/1 34/1/6
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Demon Witch isurus 13 96 2/4/4 18/0/1
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Legion Commander tradex 16 79 5/6/3 68/0/66
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(00:00 / All) yourbutt: Shortest load by player [Computer_Easy] was 6.05 seconds.
(00:00 / All) yourbutt: Longest load by player [titanium75] was 93.60 seconds.
(00:00 / All) yourbutt: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) yourbutt: Host your own game with: /w ClanEnterprise !help
(00:00 / All) yourbutt: Check out our website at http://entgaming.net/
(00:00 / All) yourbutt: Leavers will be banned! Rules are on wiki.entgaming.net
(00:00 / All) yourbutt: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) yourbutt: Join ENT's Discord! https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(00:00 / All) yourbutt: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) yourbutt: Good luck and have fun!
(00:04 / Allied) titanium75: -ii
(00:11 / Allied) titanium75: target is Laucibai !!!!
(00:15 / Allied) titanium75: -ii
(00:25 / Allied) yourbutt: !scores
(00:27 / Allied) tradex: !scores
(00:38 / Allied) haliente: -ρανδομ
(00:40 / Allied) isurus: !sd dai
(00:45 / Allied) haliente: !random
(00:45 / Allied) master_pain: !scores
(01:01 / Allied) haliente: -random
(01:06 / Allied) tradex: ill aim tomb 1st later when he tombs
(01:34 / Allied) tradex: aoe top solo
(01:39 / Allied) tradex: i farm woods all night
(01:44 / Allied) Laucibai: i top
(02:00 / Allied) tradex: i farm lothar then come out to ganks
(02:04 / Allied) Laucibai: i top
(02:12 / Allied) haliente: ok
(02:13 / Allied) tradex: am go BOT
(02:17 / Allied) titanium75: ward
(02:24 / Allied) Laucibai: i called 1st
(02:45 / Allied) tradex: i woods
(02:46 / Allied) Laucibai: am
(02:47 / Allied) tradex: u 2 can
(02:55 / Allied) Laucibai: ok
(02:59 / Allied) haliente: go fu stupid
(03:23 / Allied) Laucibai: !timestamp grey igniore called
(03:24) master_pain killed !-.-!
(03:33 / Allied) Laucibai: !timestamp grey feed
(03:45 / Allied) tradex: how he die?
(03:51 / Allied) Laucibai: he feed
(04:06 / Allied) Laucibai: just stayed there to die
(05:16 / Allied) !-.-!: ss
(05:18) killed !-.-!
(05:42 / Allied) Laucibai: !timestamp grey fed again
(06:27 / Allied) isurus: ss mid
(08:15 / Allied) tradex: mid SSSS
(08:21 / Allied) Laucibai: ss 2
(08:21 / Allied) isurus: 6
(08:24 / Allied) master_pain: stop trying to die
(08:29 / Allied) isurus: ss
(08:46 / Allied) Dai-: ss
(08:46 / Allied) Dai-: mid
(08:46 / Allied) master_pain: im b
(08:52 / Allied) tradex: u guys fed 2 pets
(08:54 / Allied) tradex: tey rich
(08:54 / Allied) master_pain: grey
(09:24 / Allied) tradex: i duel top
(09:29 / Allied) isurus: duel mid
(09:35 / Allied) isurus: ss
(09:51 / Allied) !-.-!: ss
(09:52 / Allied) !-.-!: top
(10:07 / Allied) titanium75: ss
(10:09 / Allied) Dai-: mid
(10:09) haliente killed yourbutt
(10:09 / Allied) Dai-: ss
(10:16) tradex killed Laucibai
(10:24 / Allied) master_pain: gj
(10:33 / Allied) titanium75: ganged bottom !!!!
(10:33 / Allied) titanium75: tx
(10:38 / Allied) isurus: need duel mdi
(10:42 / Allied) tradex: ok brt
(10:46 / Allied) master_pain: grey a liability
(10:49 / Allied) isurus: kinda late
(11:17 / Allied) tradex: sf dagger!
(11:44 / Allied) isurus: gnak top
(12:00) haliente killed master_pain
(12:04) titanium75 killed !-.-!
(12:13) Dai- killed isurus
(12:15 / Allied) master_pain: 3
(12:17 / Allied) Computer_Easy: 3 here shit
(12:17 / Allied) master_pain: ty
(12:52) Computer_Easy killed yourbutt
(13:01) master_pain killed Computer_Easy
(13:06) haliente killed master_pain
(13:08 / Allied) tradex: gj
(13:10) yourbutt killed haliente
(13:11 / All) Computer_Easy: 0_-
(13:11 / Allied) tradex: dam sa near him
(13:15 / Allied) Laucibai: wtf
(13:20 / Allied) tradex: maybe zombie
(13:20 / Allied) Laucibai: i was stupid
(13:21) Laucibai killed isurus
(13:25 / Allied) master_pain: gg
(13:43 / Allied) master_pain: !ff
(13:43 / All) yourbutt: [master_pain] has voted to forfeit.
(13:43 / All) yourbutt: 1/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(14:05) Computer_Easy killed Dai-
(14:10 / Allied) titanium75: WTF
(14:21) Computer_Easy killed titanium75
(14:27 / Allied) Dai-: darn
(14:27) haliente killed Laucibai
(14:28) master_pain killed tradex
(14:31) master_pain killed haliente
(14:34) yourbutt killed Computer_Easy
(14:37 / Allied) titanium75: gj
(14:46 / Allied) tradex: i healed am
(14:50 / Allied) tradex: which i shouldnt of had
(16:40) master_pain killed !-.-!
(16:44 / All) yourbutt: Player [master_pain]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(16:52) titanium75 killed haliente
(17:21 / Allied) tradex: got a towetr
(17:21 / Allied) Laucibai: need gem
(17:22 / Allied) tradex: $$$$
(17:34 / Allied) Computer_Easy: lion go lotah
(17:37 / Allied) tradex: pal;ce obs i bought
(18:03) master_pain killed isurus
(18:07) Laucibai killed haliente
(18:08 / Allied) master_pain: fun
(18:09) haliente killed master_pain
(18:12) Dai- killed tradex
(18:17 / Allied) master_pain: lets watch
(18:22 / Allied) master_pain: fun
(18:24) Computer_Easy killed Laucibai
(18:26) yourbutt killed Computer_Easy
(18:28 / Allied) Laucibai: !ff
(18:28 / All) yourbutt: [Laucibai] has voted to forfeit.
(18:28 / All) yourbutt: 1/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(18:30 / Allied) isurus: gg
(18:31 / Allied) isurus: !ff
(18:31 / All) yourbutt: [isurus] has voted to forfeit.
(18:31 / All) yourbutt: 2/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(18:35 / Allied) tradex: it was already late for me to come in
(18:37 / Allied) Computer_Easy: sry sdlasrd healing cd not ready
(18:41 / Allied) yourbutt: np
(18:41 / Allied) tradex: had to time it well
(18:43 / Allied) isurus: wtf is am doign
(18:49 / Allied) master_pain: jerking off
(18:53 / Allied) master_pain: spunking on his team
(19:03 / Allied) tradex: 0-4 feeding
(19:04 / Allied) Laucibai: who can buy and take gem
(19:08 / Allied) Laucibai: they have too many invi
(19:11 / Allied) tradex: later when i deso
(19:18 / Allied) Laucibai: ok
(20:10 / Allied) !-.-!: lol say u have bottle
(20:15 / Allied) !-.-!: sry
(20:24 / Allied) !-.-!: didnt notice
(20:34 / Allied) isurus: gotta gnak
(20:56) haliente killed yourbutt
(21:01) master_pain killed isurus
(21:04) titanium75 killed haliente
(21:06) titanium75 killed !-.-!
(21:07) tradex killed titanium75
(21:07) master_pain killed tradex
(21:13 / Allied) master_pain: gj
(21:16 / Allied) master_pain: got sf
(21:29 / All) yourbutt: Player [Laucibai]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(21:32 / All) yourbutt: Player [isurus]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(21:40 / Allied) Computer_Easy: lc farming easy
(22:06) Dai- killed Computer_Easy
(22:10) Dai- killed !-.-!
(22:14 / Allied) isurus: lol
(22:22 / Allied) tradex: what takes so long?
(22:40 / Allied) tradex: u was supposed to get drow
(22:43 / Allied) tradex: drow was lower
(23:18 / Allied) master_pain: ill try get book
(23:37 / Allied) Computer_Easy: reg
(23:55) Laucibai killed haliente
(24:23 / Allied) isurus: tf
(24:39 / Allied) isurus: sa
(24:52) Computer_Easy killed Dai-
(25:00 / Allied) titanium75: fok i was on ship
(25:03) titanium75 killed Computer_Easy
(25:11 / Allied) tradex: u nnieed dagger
(25:18) titanium75 killed haliente
(25:21 / Allied) Laucibai: !ff
(25:21 / All) yourbutt: [Laucibai] has voted to forfeit.
(25:21 / All) yourbutt: 1/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(25:21 / Allied) isurus: wow
(25:28 / Allied) tradex: and fastrer tp
(25:41 / Allied) isurus: 0-6 am just ruining this
(25:45 / Allied) tradex: why are uguys placing OBS WARDS
(25:48 / Allied) tradex: i even bought them
(26:17 / Allied) haliente: ...
(26:39) Dai- killed !-.-!
(26:51 / Allied) haliente: lion puta gay
(26:53 / Allied) haliente: play
(26:55 / Allied) Laucibai: need gem
(26:56 / Allied) isurus: !votekick hal
(26:56 / All) yourbutt: A votekick against player [haliente] has been started by player [isurus]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(26:56 / All) yourbutt: Type !yes to vote.
(26:56 / All) yourbutt: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(26:58 / Allied) haliente: dont cry
(27:00 / Allied) haliente: idiot
(27:05 / Allied) master_pain: !yes
(27:05 / All) yourbutt: Player [master_pain] voted to kick player [haliente]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(27:35 / Allied) haliente: look lion
(27:47 / Allied) Laucibai: !ff
(27:50 / Allied) isurus: !ff
(27:50 / All) yourbutt: [isurus] has voted to forfeit.
(27:50 / All) yourbutt: 2/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(27:51 / Allied) tradex: dEF
(27:56 / All) yourbutt: A votekick against player [haliente] has expired.
(27:59) Dai- killed !-.-!
(28:00 / Allied) isurus: ahahha
(28:10 / Allied) haliente: go to base lion
(28:19 / Allied) haliente: agahgghahahah
(28:25) master_pain killed isurus
(28:29 / Allied) tradex: DEF
(28:33) master_pain killed tradex
(28:35 / Allied) haliente: so so stupid
(28:36) haliente killed Laucibai
(28:36) yourbutt killed haliente
(28:37 / Allied) master_pain: nutless assholes
(28:46 / Allied) master_pain: nutless asssholes why play
(28:50 / Allied) Computer_Easy: trone
(28:59 / All) yourbutt: isurus has left the game voluntarily.
(28:59 / QUIT) isurus: Left
(28:59 / Allied) master_pain: cant cover a teammate with ur full health
(29:02 / All) Computer_Easy: g lc
(29:11 / All) Computer_Easy: 0_-<
(29:14) titanium75 killed Computer_Easy
(29:14 / All) yourbutt: This game was hosted by GHost++ (www.ghostpp.com).
(29:14 / All) yourbutt:
(29:14 / All) yourbutt: Join ENT's Discord: https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(29:16 / All) yourbutt: haliente has left the game voluntarily.
(29:16 / QUIT) haliente: Left
(29:17 / All) yourbutt: Computer_Easy has left the game voluntarily.
(29:17 / QUIT) Computer_Easy: Left
(29:17 / All) yourbutt: tradex has left the game voluntarily.
(29:17 / QUIT) tradex: Left
(29:17 / All) yourbutt: Laucibai has left the game voluntarily.
(29:17 / QUIT) Laucibai: Left
(29:18 / All) yourbutt: titanium75 has left the game voluntarily.
(29:18 / QUIT) titanium75: Left
(29:18 / All) Dai-: lol 2 hit
(29:18 / All) yourbutt: master_pain has left the game voluntarily.
(29:18 / QUIT) master_pain: Left
(29:19 / All) yourbutt: yourbutt has left the game voluntarily.
(29:19 / QUIT) yourbutt: Left
(29:21 / All) !-.-!: Dai- has left the game voluntarily.
(29:21 / QUIT) Dai-: Left
(29:24 / All) !-.-!: !-.-! has left the game voluntarily.
(29:24 / QUIT) !-.-!: Left
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