[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #75
Host: GHost++
Saver: Mrb0ng
Players: 10
Version: 1.30
Length: 42:11
Observers: No Observers
Map: maps\download\DotA v6.83d fixed v5 by h3rmit.w3x
(00:00 / All) caffISgay: Shortest load by player [Mrb0ng] was 3.24 seconds.
(00:00 / All) caffISgay: Longest load by player [Superok] was 17.37 seconds.
(00:00 / All) caffISgay: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) caffISgay: Host your own game with: /w ClanEnterprise !help
(00:00 / All) caffISgay: Check out our website at http://entgaming.net/
(00:00 / All) caffISgay: Leavers will be banned! Rules are on wiki.entgaming.net
(00:00 / All) caffISgay: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) caffISgay: Join ENT's Discord! https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(00:00 / All) caffISgay: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) caffISgay: Good luck and have fun!
(01:17 / Allied) caffISgay: spec get big
(01:25 / Allied) caffISgay: when i ulti u must own them
(01:25 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: axe u want top or bot?
(01:29 / Allied) Mrb0ng: nah get small
(01:31 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: k
(01:31 / Allied) Santa.Claus: lets rape this jazzy again
(01:42 / Allied) Jazzy3113: rhasta is astros
(01:46 / Allied) caffISgay: sk is noob anyway
(01:58 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: !sd caff
(02:02 / Allied) Superok: ward
(02:21 / Allied) Santa.Claus: to me
(02:31) Santa.Claus killed Spinlord
(02:36) Mr.Proper12 killed Superok
(02:37 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: nice
(02:37 / Allied) Jazzy3113: gj
(02:52 / Allied) Mrb0ng: r u the real jazzy? the one thats gay?
(03:13 / Allied) Superok: ill tp top later
(04:23) Santa.Claus killed Spinlord
(04:27 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: help
(04:27 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: brp
(04:30 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: one attk
(04:32 / Allied) Orkut: hekp top
(04:32) Jazzy3113 killed Orkut
(04:34 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: are u afk
(04:35 / All) Mrb0ng: FUCK OIFF
(04:50 / Allied) Superok: omw top
(04:54 / Allied) Orkut: k
(05:02 / Allied) Superok: go bot spec
(05:04 / Allied) Santa.Claus: axer, can u swap with lancer?
(05:04 / Allied) bluebag-: jug top
(05:10 / Allied) Santa.Claus: they will feed on him down here
(05:44 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: noob
(06:01 / Allied) bluebag-: ss mid care top
(06:20 / Allied) Orkut: -ma
(06:30 / Allied) carefreey: just back
(06:32 / Allied) carefreey: you slo af
(06:47 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: sle mia
(06:47 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: re
(07:02 / Allied) Mrb0ng: FUCK
(07:05) Jazzy3113 killed Orkut
(07:09 / Allied) Mrb0ng: oh my fucking goid
(07:11 / Allied) Orkut: ss
(07:15) Jazzy3113 killed Superok
(07:19 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: gj
(07:26 / Allied) Superok: u keep going oom
(07:29 / Allied) Superok: at times i need stuns lol
(07:36 / Allied) Mrb0ng: that was BS
(07:45) bluebag- killed Mrb0ng
(07:47 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: gj
(07:53 / Allied) Mrb0ng: both those mother fuckers haver entered fog wehen im casting
(07:58 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: go
(07:59 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: bobby
(07:59 / Allied) Mrb0ng: with 1 hit
(08:08) Mr.Proper12 killed Santa.Claus
(08:17 / Allied) caffISgay: !sd ork
(08:52) Jazzy3113 killed Santa.Claus
(08:57) killed Jazzy3113
(09:17) Superok killed Spinlord
(10:07 / Allied) Santa.Claus: im low
(10:09) killed Jazzy3113
(10:54) caffISgay killed Superok
(11:37) Mrb0ng killed Mr.Proper12
(11:39 / All) carefreey: trash bag alin
(11:49) Superok killed caffISgay
(11:58) Mrb0ng killed Jazzy3113
(12:44 / Allied) Orkut: dd
(12:55 / Allied) Mrb0ng: get it
(13:01) Santa.Claus killed Jazzy3113
(13:11 / Allied) Santa.Claus: help
(13:11) Superok killed Mr.Proper12
(13:20 / Allied) Spinlord: too many farmers
(13:43 / Allied) Santa.Claus: gonna farm a little also
(13:50) Santa.Claus killed bluebag-
(13:52 / Allied) Santa.Claus: my turn
(14:08 / Allied) carefreey: bobby
(14:09) Spinlord killed Orkut
(14:11 / Allied) carefreey: do 8hatever you 8ant
(14:12 / Allied) Santa.Claus: ?
(14:15 / Allied) carefreey: you gonna get banned either 8ay
(14:20) caffISgay killed carefreey
(14:22 / Allied) carefreey: no one cares about you anymore
(14:23) Superok killed caffISgay
(14:31 / All) Mr.Proper12: bad idea letting me live
(14:33 / Allied) carefreey: you can chat to pretend all you 8ant
(14:35 / Allied) Santa.Claus: do i know you, dude?
(14:40 / Allied) carefreey: !Ignore sant
(14:40 / All) caffISgay: Player [carefreey] has ignored player [Santa.Claus].
(14:47 / All) Mrb0ng: bad idea you being born, should of been a blowjob
(15:13) Mrb0ng killed Jazzy3113
(15:58) carefreey killed Mr.Proper12
(15:58) Mr.Proper12 killed carefreey
(16:31) Superok killed caffISgay
(16:46) Mrb0ng killed Jazzy3113
(17:12 / Allied) Jazzy3113: rosh?
(17:16 / Allied) Superok: no
(17:20 / Allied) caffISgay: pl
(17:25 / Allied) caffISgay: we should search him
(17:44 / Allied) Santa.Claus: calm down, axe
(17:47 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: lucky
(17:47 / Allied) bluebag-: stp feedin blue
(17:50 / All) Superok: alalallalal
(17:52 / All) Mr.Proper12: nice luck
(17:54 / All) Superok: bad idea to let me live
(18:01 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: nice tp tho
(18:04 / All) Mr.Proper12: nice tp tho
(18:13) Santa.Claus killed Mr.Proper12
(18:21 / Allied) bluebag-: yall gotta stop feedin
(18:26 / Allied) Orkut: fuck[
(18:31 / Allied) Santa.Claus: axe, why the cuyck you dived that far?
(18:43 / Allied) Santa.Claus: the fuck*
(18:58) Spinlord killed Orkut
(19:05) Santa.Claus killed Spinlord
(19:06 / Allied) Mrb0ng: god i hate diffusal
(19:14 / Allied) Superok: soul ring!
(19:38 / Allied) Superok: spec gank rhasta
(19:59) caffISgay killed Superok
(20:37 / Allied) caffISgay: many
(21:07) Mrb0ng killed caffISgay
(21:10 / Allied) Spinlord: stop feed
(21:40 / Allied) caffISgay: no towers.....
(21:52 / Allied) Mrb0ng: good observation
(21:59 / Allied) Spinlord: i think we should push now, we have aga on rhasta and they got spec sile combo
(22:12 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: land r call
(22:33 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: go land call
(22:36 / Allied) Orkut: go
(22:51 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: gang top
(22:52 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: axe dpmt gp
(23:01 / Allied) carefreey: lol
(23:09 / Allied) Orkut: ready
(23:15) Spinlord killed Mrb0ng
(23:21) Superok killed caffISgay
(23:25 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: land brp
(23:28 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: stop mising
(23:30) Jazzy3113 killed Superok
(23:30 / Allied) Jazzy3113: !sd mr.
(23:36 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: there u go
(23:39) Spinlord killed carefreey
(23:47 / Allied) Superok: i really thought u had ulti spec
(23:50 / Allied) Superok: rhasta was so dead
(23:55 / Allied) bluebag-: b
(23:58) Santa.Claus killed Jazzy3113
(23:59 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: im back
(24:00 / Allied) Jazzy3113: nice
(24:04 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: we had push
(24:06 / Allied) Orkut: ?
(24:08 / Allied) Jazzy3113: pl is the only issue
(24:14 / Allied) Spinlord: !sd mr
(24:20 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: what does silencer have?
(24:22 / Allied) Spinlord: !scores
(24:23 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: coudltn u just run?
(24:28 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: he got hex?
(24:32 / Allied) Spinlord: we were 4n1
(24:34 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: dude
(24:36 / Allied) Spinlord: and you all had full hp
(24:38 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: we need creeps to psh
(24:43 / Allied) Spinlord: i expected you to come instead of farm
(24:43 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: u know that right
(24:48 / Allied) Superok: help wards
(24:54 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: we cant push without creeps
(25:02 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: what dont u understand
(25:06 / Allied) Spinlord: we cant push vs heros alive, we had free kill on sile
(25:15 / Allied) Spinlord: i will farm now
(25:21 / Allied) Spinlord: i had dagger and boots minute 4
(25:29 / Allied) Spinlord: now i feed because i supported mid and bot
(25:42) Spinlord killed Orkut
(25:47 / Allied) Jazzy3113: god hes so bad
(25:49 / Allied) Mrb0ng: for fuck sakes
(25:59 / Allied) Mrb0ng: i cant do anything bout pol faggot
(26:00) caffISgay killed Superok
(26:04) caffISgay killed carefreey
(26:16) Mrb0ng killed caffISgay
(26:22) bluebag- killed Santa.Claus
(26:29 / All) Jazzy3113: every game
(26:31 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: les go bobby
(26:32 / Allied) Jazzy3113: there is one ruiner
(26:37 / All) Jazzy3113: and i awlays get the ruiner
(26:40 / All) Jazzy3113: every fucing game
(26:40 / Allied) caffISgay: i said it in start
(26:43 / Allied) caffISgay: this sk sucks hard
(26:43 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: k
(26:44 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: back
(26:47 / Allied) Superok: !sd mr
(26:48 / Allied) Mrb0ng: fuck off
(26:51 / Allied) Superok: !sd ng
(26:59 / All) Jazzy3113: no one believes me
(27:03 / Allied) carefreey: !Ignore jaz
(27:03 / All) caffISgay: Player [carefreey] has ignored player [Jazzy3113].
(27:07 / All) Mr.Proper12: i let u talk this game
(27:08 / Allied) Superok: its even
(27:12 / All) Mr.Proper12: u ding well
(27:13 / All) Mr.Proper12: doing
(27:17 / All) Jazzy3113: why cant i just have a nice team
(27:18 / All) Jazzy3113: why
(27:24 / All) Jazzy3113: why cant i have a teamplay effort
(27:24 / All) Mrb0ng: go cry fag
(27:25 / All) Jazzy3113: WHY
(27:28 / All) Jazzy3113: WHY EVERY FUCKING GAME
(27:30 / All) Jazzy3113: THE ONE RUINER
(27:32 / All) Jazzy3113: IS ON MY TEAM
(27:36 / All) Jazzy3113: I DONT FUCKING GET IT
(27:47 / All) Santa.Claus: ask jesus on your prayers for a good team
(28:01) Spinlord killed Santa.Claus
(28:17) Superok killed bluebag-
(28:19) Spinlord killed Orkut
(28:21) bluebag- killed Superok
(28:21 / All) Mrb0ng: FUCK OFF PL
(28:32) Jazzy3113 killed carefreey
(28:34) Mrb0ng killed Spinlord
(28:37) Jazzy3113 killed Mrb0ng
(28:48 / Allied) caffISgay: 0-7
(28:55 / Allied) Spinlord: see what i mean? the only one moving was me
(29:04 / All) Jazzy3113: i mean its crazy, i just want the bad player to be agsint me, or just have afun balanced game
(29:04 / Allied) Mrb0ng: i tp right onto PL, cant do shitr
(29:11 / All) Jazzy3113: why cant i ever have that
(29:13 / All) Jazzy3113: so annoyiung
(29:21 / All) Santa.Claus: do you know who i am, jazzy?
(29:28 / All) Mr.Proper12: thats why u gotta play better
(29:32 / All) Jazzy3113: yes bobby ur not ruiing for some reaosn
(29:33 / All) Mr.Proper12: pick up their slacks
(29:35 / All) Jazzy3113: who knows why
(29:40 / Allied) Superok: spec no RAD
(29:42 / All) Mr.Proper12: i got bobby. we picking up his slack
(29:43 / All) Mr.Proper12: lol..
(29:45 / All) Jazzy3113: everyone thinks I troll whine or something
(29:46 / All) Santa.Claus: then stop whining
(29:49 / All) Jazzy3113: but im serios
(29:54 / Allied) Spinlord: !ignore 311
(29:54 / All) caffISgay: Player [Spinlord] has ignored player [Jazzy3113].
(29:55 / All) Jazzy3113: i never get a normal helpful team
(30:07 / Allied) Spinlord: lets push mid together
(30:10 / All) Santa.Claus: then try tetris
(30:13 / Allied) carefreey: just support pl
(30:14 / Allied) carefreey: he's big
(30:16 / All) Mrb0ng: jazzy i fucked you up last game i played you
(30:22 / All) Jazzy3113: sure u did feeder
(30:31 / All) Jazzy3113: sk has no soul ring
(30:36 / All) Jazzy3113: this is my ent luck
(30:54 / All) Santa.Claus: did you work this on your therapy sessions?
(30:57 / All) Santa.Claus: you should
(30:58 / All) Mrb0ng: LOL
(31:08 / All) Jazzy3113: bobby and sk are friends! yay!
(31:10 / All) Mrb0ng: nah hes too busy with gridnr in spare time
(31:14 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: need someone to push top
(31:14 / All) Jazzy3113: wat winners in life
(31:18 / All) Santa.Claus: grindr?
(31:20 / All) Santa.Claus: lol
(31:24 / All) Jazzy3113: im sure they have ivy league educations and great jobs!@
(31:33 / All) Santa.Claus: i meam, he likes dudes?
(31:44 / Allied) bluebag-: b mid
(32:02) carefreey killed Jazzy3113
(32:11 / Allied) carefreey: bobby is lost
(32:12 / Allied) carefreey: lmfaooooooo
(32:18 / Allied) carefreey: its so funny to see him on the map
(32:19 / Allied) Spinlord: wtf is a bobby
(32:31 / Allied) Superok: rosh and mid all
(32:38 / Allied) Santa.Claus: a bobby is a star
(32:41 / Allied) Santa.Claus: super famous
(32:44 / Allied) Santa.Claus: gorgeous
(32:48 / Allied) carefreey: hes standing mid
(32:48 / Allied) Spinlord: nice
(32:48 / Allied) carefreey: afk
(32:49 / Allied) carefreey: lol
(32:53 / Allied) Santa.Claus: loved by many
(33:00 / Allied) Spinlord: is it the viper with lothars and bm?
(33:05 / Allied) carefreey: y
(33:07 / Allied) Spinlord: 1
(33:09 / Allied) Spinlord: xd
(33:09 / Allied) Santa.Claus: yes
(33:20) carefreey killed Mr.Proper12
(33:22 / Allied) Santa.Claus: sheeeeit
(33:51) Superok killed caffISgay
(33:51 / Allied) carefreey: sk coming top
(34:02) Spinlord killed Superok
(34:04) Jazzy3113 killed Mrb0ng
(34:04 / Allied) Santa.Claus: rax, axe
(34:08 / All) Mr.Proper12: come to die?
(34:19) Santa.Claus killed Jazzy3113
(34:24) bluebag- killed carefreey
(34:27) Spinlord killed Orkut
(34:28) bluebag- killed Santa.Claus
(34:31 / All) Mr.Proper12: lite
(34:32 / All) Mr.Proper12: work
(34:41 / Allied) Santa.Claus: damn this lancer is good
(34:52) Spinlord killed Santa.Claus
(34:52 / All) Jazzy3113: if even one person comment and was like i finaly believe u, i think i would stop complaining
(35:01) Superok killed bluebag-
(35:07) Spinlord killed Superok
(35:08 / All) carefreey: good bb alin noob
(35:11 / All) Jazzy3113: if i can just convince one person
(35:15 / All) Jazzy3113: i think i could get over it
(35:21 / All) carefreey: play better if you gonna smuf troll names
(35:37 / All) Santa.Claus: you should talk to your shrink on dota matters
(35:41 / All) Santa.Claus: im serious
(35:47 / All) Mrb0ng: LOL
(36:17) Orkut killed Jazzy3113
(36:23 / All) Superok: 1st kill we win
(36:24 / Allied) carefreey: damn
(36:47 / All) Mrb0ng: every1 ks i should have 8
(37:00 / Allied) Spinlord: i really give a fuck how "PRO" or "BIG" pl and rhasta are, this ultra solo egotarded gameplay annoys me
(37:08) Superok killed caffISgay
(37:15) Spinlord killed carefreey
(37:15) Santa.Claus killed bluebag-
(37:26 / All) Santa.Claus: Shine bright like a diamond! (wooo-wooo-whoa)
(37:28) Santa.Claus killed Spinlord
(37:39) Mrb0ng killed caffISgay
(37:42 / Allied) Orkut: good
(37:51 / Allied) Superok: mid A::L
(37:53 / Allied) Superok: RAX NOW
(37:57 / Allied) carefreey: -afk
(38:00 / All) Jazzy3113: i genuiely dont try to ruin like veyrone says, i really want
(38:06 / All) Jazzy3113: a balanced game
(38:09 / All) Jazzy3113: but i never get it
(38:09 / All) Mrb0ng: ur gay stfu
(38:13 / All) Jazzy3113: i dont want to rage all the time
(38:21 / All) Jazzy3113: like i get sk players all the time
(38:23 / All) Jazzy3113: its so annoying
(38:25 / All) Santa.Claus: dude, go to a doctor
(38:47 / Allied) Superok: theon
(38:55 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: range
(38:57 / Allied) Mr.Proper12: b
(39:03) carefreey killed Jazzy3113
(39:20) Orkut killed bluebag-
(39:23) Spinlord killed Superok
(39:24) carefreey killed caffISgay
(39:28 / Allied) Superok: throne
(39:28 / Allied) Superok: it
(39:39) Spinlord killed Santa.Claus
(39:39) Spinlord killed Orkut
(39:47) Mr.Proper12 killed carefreey
(39:48 / All) Mr.Proper12: wow
(39:48 / All) Santa.Claus: Shine bright like a diamond! (wooo-wooo-whoa)
(39:50 / All) Mr.Proper12: ruied my ultra
(39:54 / Allied) carefreey: lol
(39:58 / Allied) Superok: !sd pro
(40:01 / Allied) Santa.Claus: sorry
(40:03 / All) Mrb0ng: bobbyfagalino
(40:10 / Allied) Santa.Claus: i wanted to sing
(40:22 / All) Jazzy3113: i dont know wat to do
(40:27 / All) Jazzy3113: i evern make new names and get ruiners
(40:28 / All) Jazzy3113: gg
(40:30 / All) Jazzy3113: wp
(40:31 / Allied) Jazzy3113: !Ff
(40:31 / All) caffISgay: [Jazzy3113] has voted to forfeit.
(40:31 / All) caffISgay: 1/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(40:47) Jazzy3113 killed Mrb0ng
(40:53 / All) Mr.Proper12: messed up there
(41:03 / All) Santa.Claus: "the world hates me" a movie by jazzy 3113
(41:15) bluebag- killed Mrb0ng
(41:16) bluebag- killed Santa.Claus
(41:18) Orkut killed caffISgay
(41:21) Orkut killed bluebag-
(41:25) Spinlord killed Orkut
(41:28) Spinlord killed Superok
(41:33 / All) Santa.Claus: Shine bright like a diamond! (wooo-wooo-whoa)
(41:34) Mr.Proper12 killed carefreey
(41:37) Santa.Claus killed Mr.Proper12
(41:40 / All) Superok: spec neeer rad
(41:42) Spinlord killed Santa.Claus
(41:42 / All) Superok: win
(41:43 / All) Superok: !ff
(41:43 / All) caffISgay: [Superok] has voted to forfeit.
(41:43 / All) caffISgay: 2/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(41:47 / Allied) Orkut: !ff
(41:47 / All) caffISgay: [Orkut] has voted to forfeit.
(41:47 / All) caffISgay: 3/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(41:49 / All) Mr.Proper12: see gotta kill me
(41:50 / All) caffISgay: caffISgay has left the game voluntarily.
(41:50 / QUIT) caffISgay: Left
(41:50 / All) Mr.Proper12: gyro
(41:53 / All) Spinlord: Superok has left the game voluntarily.
(41:53 / QUIT) Superok: Left
(41:55 / All) Spinlord: Jazzy3113 has left the game voluntarily.
(41:55 / QUIT) Jazzy3113: Left
(41:55 / All) Spinlord: This game was hosted by GHost++ (www.ghostpp.com).
(41:55 / All) Spinlord:
(41:55 / All) Spinlord: Join ENT's Discord: https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(41:57 / All) Spinlord: Mr.Proper12 has left the game voluntarily.
(41:57 / QUIT) Mr.Proper12: Left
(41:57 / All) Spinlord: Orkut has left the game voluntarily.
(41:57 / QUIT) Orkut: Left
(41:57 / All) Spinlord: Spinlord has left the game voluntarily.
(41:57 / QUIT) Spinlord: Left
(41:58 / All) Santa.Claus: bluebag- has left the game voluntarily.
(41:58 / QUIT) bluebag-: Left
(41:59 / All) Santa.Claus: carefreey has left the game voluntarily.
(41:59 / QUIT) carefreey: Left
(41:59 / All) Santa.Claus: Santa.Claus has left the game voluntarily.
(41:59 / QUIT) Santa.Claus: Left
(42:11 / All) Mrb0ng: Mrb0ng has left the game voluntarily.
(42:11 / QUIT) Mrb0ng: Left
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