[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #59
Host: GHost++
Saver: california_gurl
Players: 10
Version: 1.30
Length: 37:02
Observers: No Observers
Map: maps\download\DotA v6.83d fixed v5 by h3rmit.w3x
(00:00 / All) dziendobre: Shortest load by player [tekson] was 4.08 seconds.
(00:00 / All) dziendobre: Longest load by player [fkbeerlord] was 9.23 seconds.
(00:00 / All) dziendobre: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) dziendobre: Host your own game with: /w ClanEnterprise !help
(00:00 / All) dziendobre: Check out our website at http://entgaming.net/
(00:00 / All) dziendobre: Leavers will be banned! Rules are on wiki.entgaming.net
(00:00 / All) dziendobre: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) dziendobre: Join ENT's Discord! https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(00:00 / All) dziendobre: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) dziendobre: Good luck and have fun!
(00:05 / Allied) dziendobre: -random
(00:06 / Allied) dziendobre: -random
(00:07 / Allied) dziendobre: -random
(00:10 / Allied) dziendobre: -random
(00:10 / Allied) dziendobre: -random
(00:11 / Allied) dziendobre: -random
(00:12 / Allied) dziendobre: -random
(00:13 / All) dziendobre: [dziendobre] has been automatically muted for spamming. (You will be unmuted momentarily, but please do not spam again!)
(00:15 / Allied) tekson: -random
(00:26 / Allied) california_gurl: --random
(00:28 / All) dziendobre: [dziendobre] has been automatically unmuted. (Don't spam or you'll be muted again!)
(00:28 / Allied) california_gurl: -random
(00:31 / Allied) dziendobre: -swapall
(00:35 / Allied) dziendobre: -swapall
(00:38 / Allied) dziendobre: -swapall
(00:40 / Allied) dziendobre: -swapall
(00:41 / Allied) dziendobre: -repick
(00:45 / Allied) no_rules: repick bro
(00:48 / Allied) no_rules: going random vs them
(00:48 / Allied) dziendobre: yessir
(00:56 / Allied) no_rules: so u are pong
(00:57 / Allied) no_rules: :D
(01:01 / Allied) charlyzapre: !scores
(01:01 / Allied) dziendobre: im
(01:02 / Allied) dziendobre: master
(01:03 / Allied) dziendobre: tarekk
(01:04 / Allied) dziendobre: like always
(01:05 / Allied) dziendobre: u faggot
(01:07 / Allied) dziendobre: u traitor
(01:08 / Allied) dziendobre: u snitch
(01:11 / Allied) fkbeerlord: voker?
(01:13 / Allied) fkbeerlord: lol
(01:16 / Allied) dziendobre: :D
(01:28 / Allied) dziendobre: fucking pong faggot rofl
(01:34 / Allied) dziendobre: u even dare to imagine im him
(01:38 / Allied) dziendobre: thats gross as fuck
(01:56 / Allied) dziendobre: so we have storm and medusa
(01:59 / Allied) dziendobre: wiochj refuse to take mid
(02:00 / Allied) dziendobre: thats fun
(02:00 / Allied) dziendobre: xDDD
(02:03 / Allied) charlyzapre: need a good tank
(02:03 / Allied) charlyzapre: pls
(02:06 / Allied) tekson: i can
(02:12 / Allied) charlyzapre: slark.. ofc
(02:13 / Allied) california_gurl: i can mid
(02:15 / Allied) fkbeerlord: lol
(02:17 / Allied) dziendobre: nah
(02:18 / Allied) dziendobre: u dont purple
(02:19 / Allied) tekson: u go
(02:21 / Allied) dziendobre: teal will
(02:21 / Allied) dziendobre: NO
(02:25 / Allied) tekson: k
(02:26 / Allied) dziendobre: purp is retard as fuck
(02:26 / Allied) charlyzapre: !sd no
(02:37 / Allied) charlyzapre: slark with 1400 elo
(02:38 / Allied) charlyzapre: smh
(02:39 / Allied) charlyzapre: !scores
(02:40 / Allied) dziendobre: when u 3
(02:42 / Allied) dziendobre: call me for gank
(02:44 / Allied) dziendobre: not before
(02:47 / Allied) dziendobre: !!!!
(02:49 / Allied) no_rules: k
(02:51 / Allied) dziendobre: and dare u to fail it
(03:00 / Allied) charlyzapre: !scpres
(03:02 / Allied) charlyzapre: !scores
(04:03 / Allied) dziendobre: NO
(04:09 / Allied) no_rules: i cant
(04:10 / Allied) dziendobre: LOOK ME BRO
(04:15 / Allied) dziendobre: 100 HP
(04:16 / Allied) dziendobre: CANT
(04:26 / Allied) no_rules: bot gone
(04:43 / Allied) dziendobre: NP ME COMING WITH BOOTS NOW
(04:54 / Allied) fkbeerlord: mid ss
(04:54 / Allied) fkbeerlord: re
(05:04 / Allied) dziendobre: storm solo vs zeus with ring is hard
(05:07 / Allied) dziendobre: and check him
(05:09 / Allied) dziendobre: he is low
(05:09 / Allied) dziendobre: xD
(05:19 / Allied) dziendobre: COMING
(05:22 / Allied) dziendobre: FOR TIDE LADIES
(05:28) california_gurl killed fkbeerlord
(05:29 / Allied) no_rules: necro
(05:29 / Allied) dziendobre: LET EM PUSH
(05:51 / Allied) acronym: 3
(05:58 / Allied) acronym: bn
(06:00 / Allied) dziendobre: NOW
(06:01 / Allied) acronym: b
(06:02 / Allied) acronym: ax
(06:09 / Allied) acronym: ax
(06:09 / Allied) no_rules: they are so agressive
(06:11 / Allied) acronym: 3
(06:27) killed alt_qq
(06:35 / Allied) acronym: fucking sb
(06:41) tekson killed !-.-!
(06:44 / Allied) acronym: i said 3
(06:46) tekson killed charlyzapre
(06:47 / Allied) acronym: you fuciking noob
(06:55 / Allied) dziendobre: u call me pong u faggot
(06:56 / Allied) acronym: !ignore alt
(06:56 / All) dziendobre: Player [acronym] has ignored player [alt_qq].
(06:57 / Allied) dziendobre: i swear
(07:14) acronym killed alt_qq
(07:18 / Allied) dziendobre: call me pong
(07:19 / Allied) no_rules: gj
(07:19 / Allied) dziendobre: 1 time again
(07:20 / All) dziendobre: alt_qq has left the game voluntarily.
(07:20 / QUIT) alt_qq: Left
(07:21 / Allied) dziendobre: i find u
(07:23 / Allied) dziendobre: in fr
(07:24 / Allied) charlyzapre: !draw
(07:24 / All) dziendobre: Player [charlyzapre] has voted to draw the game. 6 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(07:27 / Allied) fkbeerlord: !draw
(07:27 / All) dziendobre: Player [fkbeerlord] has voted to draw the game. 5 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(07:27 / All) dziendobre: nope
(07:29 / Allied) xbluex: !draw
(07:29 / All) dziendobre: Player [xbluex] has voted to draw the game. 4 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(07:31 / All) dziendobre: no draw
(07:31 / All) acronym: im rporting that fucking russian
(07:33 / All) dziendobre: for this
(08:18 / Allied) fkbeerlord: mid ss
(08:36 / Allied) tekson: gank mid?
(08:41 / Allied) dziendobre: omw
(09:21 / Allied) acronym: b
(09:28 / Allied) acronym: b
(09:32 / Allied) charlyzapre: fake
(09:34 / Allied) !-.-!: warded
(09:37 / Allied) dziendobre: no
(09:38 / Allied) acronym: just b
(09:40 / Allied) !-.-!: yes
(09:40 / Allied) acronym: thy all top
(09:44 / Allied) !-.-!: he bolted
(09:47 / Allied) !-.-!: ilu
(10:05 / Allied) dziendobre: pujrple
(10:06 / Allied) dziendobre: hilarious bad
(10:18 / Allied) dziendobre: fucking incel
(10:25 / All) dziendobre: Player [charlyzapre]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(10:27 / All) dziendobre: Player [fkbeerlord]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(10:29 / All) dziendobre: Player [xbluex]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(10:39 / All) acronym: this mf is in nxt lobby
(10:40 / Allied) tekson: !scores
(10:44 / All) acronym: pos russian
(10:45 / All) dziendobre: ofc he is
(11:17) no_rules killed xbluex
(11:22 / Allied) acronym: !ff
(11:22 / All) dziendobre: [acronym] has voted to forfeit.
(11:22 / All) dziendobre: 1/4 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (3/4 needed to pass).
(11:24) fkbeerlord killed california_gurl
(11:31 / All) dziendobre: never seen a storm
(11:33 / All) dziendobre: so slow and bad
(11:33 / All) dziendobre: ROFL
(11:44 / All) charlyzapre: never seen a pussy axe...
(11:49 / All) dziendobre: yy zeus
(12:01 / All) charlyzapre: thats a big pussy axe ;)
(12:11) acronym killed charlyzapre
(12:12 / All) dziendobre: u not good bro
(12:13 / All) dziendobre: sry
(12:20 / All) dziendobre: [Calm] has refilled [charlyzapre]'s cookie jar. [charlyzapre] now has three cookies (try !eat)!
(12:20 / All) charlyzapre: at least im not a pussy ;)
(12:25 / All) dziendobre: neither am i
(12:28 / All) dziendobre: just because u say so
(12:29 / All) charlyzapre: im not sorry... i kno u are
(12:31 / All) dziendobre: doesnt make me one
(12:32 / All) dziendobre: LOL
(12:40 / All) dziendobre: u fucking fat virgin
(12:41 / Allied) fkbeerlord: 1
(12:58 / Allied) acronym: b
(12:58 / Allied) fkbeerlord: omg
(13:03 / Allied) acronym: im lvl 5
(13:04 / Allied) acronym: fu
(13:09 / Allied) acronym: im not your tank
(13:24) california_gurl killed fkbeerlord
(14:00 / Allied) dziendobre: ok
(14:00 / Allied) dziendobre: lets
(14:04 / Allied) dziendobre: talk
(14:06 / Allied) dziendobre: before we start
(14:07 / Allied) dziendobre: next time
(14:08 / Allied) dziendobre: xD
(14:12 / Allied) no_rules: y
(14:22 / All) dziendobre: Player [acronym]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(14:53 / Allied) !-.-!: oops
(15:10 / Allied) !-.-!: my finger shaked a bit
(15:11 / Allied) !-.-!: lol
(15:18 / Allied) dziendobre: u junkie?
(15:22 / Allied) !-.-!: no lol
(15:22 / Allied) dziendobre: on turkey?
(15:27 / Allied) !-.-!: Ș)))
(15:27 / Allied) dziendobre: HAHA
(15:29 / Allied) dziendobre: joking bro
(15:29 / Allied) dziendobre: ^^
(15:32 / Allied) dziendobre: IM JUNKY
(15:33 / Allied) dziendobre: THOUGH
(15:34 / Allied) dziendobre: HAAHAHAHA
(15:45 / Allied) !-.-!: although i dont refuse weed
(15:50 / Allied) dziendobre: thats no drug though
(15:54 / Allied) dziendobre: WE TALK ABOUT COCAINE BABY
(15:58 / Allied) acronym: slark invi
(16:21) !-.-! killed fkbeerlord
(16:27 / Allied) acronym: slark around
(16:27 / All) dziendobre: THIS STORM
(16:28 / All) dziendobre: IS RLY
(16:29 / All) dziendobre: THE WORST
(16:31 / All) dziendobre: ON EARTH
(16:32 / All) dziendobre: XD
(16:40 / Allied) no_rules: they all
(16:48 / Allied) dziendobre: dusa is ok at least
(16:56 / Allied) dziendobre: GO
(17:02 / Allied) dziendobre: GOGOGO
(17:23) killed no_rules
(17:25) fkbeerlord killed charlyzapre
(17:26 / All) dziendobre: THIS
(17:27) xbluex killed acronym
(17:28 / All) dziendobre: SILENCER
(17:28 / All) dziendobre: ROFL
(17:28) !-.-! killed fkbeerlord
(17:33 / All) dziendobre: OH GOD
(17:34 / All) dziendobre: XDDDD
(17:38 / Allied) dziendobre: PUSH DUSA
(17:39 / Allied) dziendobre: PUSH
(17:43 / Allied) !-.-!: maybe slow down with the cocaine
(17:47 / Allied) dziendobre: nono
(17:47 / Allied) !-.-!: u are too hyper
(17:49 / Allied) dziendobre: u slow down
(17:52 / Allied) dziendobre: with beeing retarded and noob
(17:53 / Allied) dziendobre: please
(18:02 / Allied) dziendobre: b
(18:03 / Allied) dziendobre: b
(18:04 / Allied) dziendobre: b
(18:04 / Allied) acronym: covr snipr
(18:04 / Allied) dziendobre: b
(18:05 / Allied) no_rules: axe
(18:05 / Allied) dziendobre: b
(18:07 / Allied) no_rules: u need dagger
(18:07 / Allied) acronym: and hav a chanc
(18:08 / Allied) no_rules: man
(18:10 / Allied) no_rules: we cant engage
(18:10 / Allied) dziendobre: im on it
(18:11 / Allied) no_rules: without it
(18:12 / Allied) charlyzapre: on it
(18:12 / Allied) dziendobre: 400
(18:14 / Allied) dziendobre: yyy
(18:30 / Allied) charlyzapre: all mid?
(18:33 / Allied) charlyzapre: i think we did fine
(18:38 / Allied) dziendobre: no
(18:39 / Allied) dziendobre: dont
(18:39 / Allied) dziendobre: please
(18:41 / Allied) dziendobre: this dagger
(18:53 / Allied) acronym: i farm daggr
(18:55 / Allied) dziendobre: i luv u
(18:56 / Allied) acronym: 100 gold
(18:57 / Allied) dziendobre: dagger done
(19:02 / Allied) no_rules: good
(19:06 / Allied) dziendobre: lets go
(19:33 / Allied) dziendobre: look this idiot
(19:33) california_gurl killed fkbeerlord
(19:41 / Allied) dziendobre: cant describe this bastard rofl
(19:47 / Allied) dziendobre: COME
(19:49 / Allied) dziendobre: BLPUE
(19:50 / Allied) dziendobre: SIOLÖENCER
(19:50 / Allied) dziendobre: GO
(19:51 / Allied) charlyzapre: we got extra gold
(19:53 / Allied) charlyzapre: we should push
(19:53 / Allied) dziendobre: WTF
(19:55 / Allied) no_rules: wait
(20:00 / Allied) no_rules: go
(20:05 / Allied) tekson: f
(20:07 / Allied) no_rules: me first
(20:12 / Allied) dziendobre: y np
(20:13 / Allied) dziendobre: !ff
(20:13 / All) dziendobre: [dziendobre] has voted to forfeit.
(20:13 / All) dziendobre: 1/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(20:16 / Allied) acronym: go mid
(20:20 / Allied) fkbeerlord: slark
(20:23 / Allied) no_rules: they stick
(20:26 / Allied) tekson: 0-0-0-
(20:30 / Allied) dziendobre: dusa
(20:30 / Allied) tekson: framed
(20:31 / Allied) dziendobre: MID
(20:32 / Allied) dziendobre: COME
(20:36 / Allied) tekson: comuing
(20:50) california_gurl killed no_rules
(20:54) fkbeerlord killed california_gurl
(20:55 / Allied) !-.-!: lol
(20:57 / Allied) !-.-!: axe
(21:14 / Allied) dziendobre: omfg
(21:15) xbluex killed tekson
(21:17 / Allied) dziendobre: why i even tank
(21:19 / Allied) dziendobre: i go afk farm woods
(21:22 / Allied) acronym: im b
(21:25 / Allied) charlyzapre: yah
(21:26 / Allied) charlyzapre: nj
(21:29 / Allied) tekson: need silence
(21:30 / Allied) charlyzapre: b
(21:31 / Allied) charlyzapre: sniper
(21:32 / Allied) dziendobre: no
(21:32 / Allied) charlyzapre: u solo
(21:33 / Allied) charlyzapre: bro
(21:33 / Allied) dziendobre: u stupid
(21:40 / Allied) fkbeerlord: i k
(21:40 / Allied) dziendobre: u can join purple and yellow
(21:41 / Allied) dziendobre: u faggot
(21:43 / Allied) dziendobre: !Ignore tek
(21:43 / All) dziendobre: Player [dziendobre] has ignored player [tekson].
(21:45 / Allied) dziendobre: !ignore cal
(21:45 / All) dziendobre: Player [dziendobre] has ignored player [california_gurl].
(21:49 / All) dziendobre: !ignore -.-
(21:49 / All) dziendobre: Player [dziendobre] has ignored player [!-.-!].
(21:51 / All) dziendobre: [Calm] has refilled [dziendobre]'s cookie jar. [dziendobre] now has three cookies (try !eat)!
(21:51 / Allied) dziendobre: stupid faggots
(22:05 / Allied) charlyzapre: we need mid tower
(22:08 / Allied) dziendobre: can ff at 30 probably since carries ujseless
(22:18 / Allied) dziendobre: look storm items
(22:23 / All) dziendobre: just look storm items all
(22:25 / Allied) tekson: her;lpl
(22:33 / All) dziendobre: Use !ignore <playername> to ignore players (for example, if they are flaming); partial names work. Don't flame back!
(22:33 / All) dziendobre: hilarious faggot
(22:34 / All) charlyzapre: stfu pussy
(22:36 / All) charlyzapre: XD
(22:37 / All) dziendobre: die to aids
(22:38 / Allied) !-.-!: b
(22:38 / All) dziendobre: u shitjew
(22:49) xbluex killed dziendobre
(22:55) !-.-! killed fkbeerlord
(22:55 / Allied) dziendobre: !ff
(22:56 / Allied) tekson: gg
(23:33 / Allied) charlyzapre: where to?/
(23:37 / Allied) tekson: all mid 1 time?
(23:39 / Allied) dziendobre: storm bought a hood
(23:40 / Allied) acronym: prolly smok gank it
(23:42 / Allied) dziendobre: i wont believe this bs
(23:45 / Allied) charlyzapre: i think if we all push together
(23:47 / Allied) charlyzapre: they cannot stop us
(23:49 / Allied) acronym: i finish stick first
(23:53 / Allied) tekson: come guys\1
(23:56 / Allied) dziendobre: y go push alone u faggot
(23:57 / Allied) acronym: 500 gold
(23:59 / Allied) dziendobre: with your hood
(24:00 / Allied) dziendobre: and stuff
(24:03 / Allied) no_rules: just farm
(24:03 / Allied) dziendobre: stupid shit kids here
(24:03 / Allied) no_rules: dusa
(24:06 / Allied) no_rules: we have late heroes
(24:09 / Allied) tekson: k
(24:11 / All) dziendobre: RADI
(24:12 / All) dziendobre: LOL
(24:13 / All) dziendobre: RADI DUSA
(24:17 / All) dziendobre: NOW IVE SEEN IT ALL
(24:21 / All) dziendobre: LOLOLOLOLOLOOLOL
(24:22 / Allied) no_rules: why u went radi??
(24:23 / All) dziendobre: LOLOLOLOLOL
(24:24 / Allied) no_rules: so stupid
(24:25 / All) dziendobre: OLOLOLOLOLOL
(24:28 / All) dziendobre: !ff
(24:31 / Allied) dziendobre: go ff bro
(24:35 / Allied) dziendobre: i wont go any team fights
(24:38 / Allied) dziendobre: with a dusa with radi
(24:39 / Allied) dziendobre: sorry
(24:40 / Allied) no_rules: i dont ff easy :)
(24:46 / Allied) dziendobre: i rather ruin
(24:49 / All) dziendobre: [Calm] has refilled [dziendobre]'s cookie jar. [dziendobre] now has three cookies (try !eat)!
(24:49 / Allied) dziendobre: with this faggot
(24:49 / Allied) no_rules: dont
(24:50 / Allied) dziendobre: than waste time
(24:51 / Allied) dziendobre: sorry
(24:59) xbluex killed dziendobre
(25:02 / Allied) dziendobre: !ff
(25:04 / Allied) no_rules: sell radiance
(25:05 / Allied) tekson: no help
(25:06 / Allied) no_rules: and get skady
(25:08 / Allied) tekson: at all
(25:15 / All) dziendobre: push
(25:17 / All) dziendobre: I dont def
(25:24 / Allied) no_rules: !timestamp
(25:26 / Allied) no_rules: !ignore dz
(25:26 / All) dziendobre: Player [no_rules] has ignored player [dziendobre].
(25:28 / All) dziendobre: dusa radi
(25:30 / All) no_rules: he's saying he s ruining
(25:32 / Allied) charlyzapre: b?
(25:32 / All) dziendobre: Never seen this
(25:33 / Allied) no_rules: !votekick dzien
(25:33 / All) dziendobre: A votekick against player [dziendobre] has been started by player [no_rules]. 6 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(25:33 / All) dziendobre: Type !yes to vote.
(25:33 / All) dziendobre: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(25:33 / Allied) acronym: b
(25:34 / All) no_rules: kick pls
(25:35 / Allied) acronym: cant rax
(25:37 / Allied) tekson: !yes
(25:37 / All) dziendobre: Player [tekson] voted to kick player [dziendobre]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(25:37 / All) no_rules: 4 vs 4
(25:40 / All) no_rules: refusing to play
(25:43 / Allied) no_rules: &
(25:44 / Allied) !-.-!: !yes
(25:44 / All) dziendobre: Player [!-.-!] voted to kick player [dziendobre]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(25:49 / All) no_rules: go kick
(25:53 / All) dziendobre: y kick me
(25:54 / All) no_rules: im reporting him this time
(25:55 / All) dziendobre: i dont have radi
(25:56 / All) dziendobre: HAHAHA
(26:01 / All) no_rules: 4 vs 4
(26:01 / Allied) charlyzapre: !yes
(26:01 / All) dziendobre: Player [charlyzapre] voted to kick player [dziendobre]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(26:02 / All) no_rules: kick
(26:03 / All) no_rules: pls
(26:05 / All) no_rules: 3 more
(26:06 / Allied) fkbeerlord: !ignore dzi
(26:06 / All) dziendobre: Player [fkbeerlord] has ignored player [dziendobre].
(26:15 / All) dziendobre: XDDD
(26:17 / All) dziendobre: MEDUSA RADI
(26:18 / All) dziendobre: AHAHAHAHAHAHA
(26:19 / Allied) charlyzapre: bot now?
(26:23 / Allied) no_rules: dusa
(26:23 / Allied) acronym: y
(26:24 / Allied) no_rules: listen to me
(26:26 / Allied) no_rules: sell radiance
(26:28 / Allied) charlyzapre: on it let me push mid
(26:28 / Allied) no_rules: get skady
(26:31 / Allied) no_rules: mjolnir
(26:31 / Allied) tekson: next
(26:33 / All) dziendobre: A votekick against player [dziendobre] has expired.
(26:39 / All) no_rules: u not kicking?
(26:40 / All) no_rules: k
(26:44 / All) no_rules: ssee your name in the report
(27:06 / All) dziendobre: losing to lothar tide
(27:06 / All) dziendobre: ROFL
(27:08 / Allied) no_rules: b
(27:09 / Allied) no_rules: all
(27:10 / Allied) no_rules: b
(27:12 / Allied) acronym: g
(27:29) charlyzapre killed acronym
(27:34) xbluex killed no_rules
(27:36 / All) dziendobre: XD
(27:38 / Allied) dziendobre: !ff
(27:41 / All) dziendobre: pro dusa
(27:42 / Allied) fkbeerlord: all mid end
(27:43 / All) dziendobre: with radi
(27:44 / All) dziendobre: !ff
(27:48 / Allied) acronym: push
(27:48 / Allied) tekson: sa ved your ass
(27:50 / All) dziendobre: storm with hood
(27:51 / All) dziendobre: ROFL
(27:59 / Allied) no_rules: storm
(28:02 / Allied) no_rules: focus sniper with me
(28:07) !-.-! killed dziendobre
(28:14 / All) dziendobre: AHAHAHA
(28:16 / All) dziendobre: LOOK STORM
(28:17 / All) dziendobre: XDD
(28:18 / All) dziendobre: FARMING MID
(28:20 / All) dziendobre: XDDD
(28:24 / All) dziendobre: !ff
(28:27 / Allied) tekson: saved axes ass
(28:28 / Allied) acronym: and b
(28:30 / Allied) charlyzapre: get bit
(28:36) fkbeerlord killed xbluex
(28:40 / Allied) no_rules: gj
(28:42 / Allied) fkbeerlord: ??????
(28:44 / All) tekson: y not mpoving snmiper?
(28:52 / Allied) acronym: b
(28:53 / Allied) charlyzapre: back
(28:53 / Allied) charlyzapre: now
(28:54 / Allied) acronym: b
(28:59 / Allied) tekson: call?
(29:01 / Allied) tekson: lol
(29:05 / All) dziendobre: !ff
(29:10 / Allied) charlyzapre: now top?
(29:13) acronym killed charlyzapre
(29:15 / Allied) tekson: gj
(29:18 / Allied) acronym: go
(29:18 / Allied) tekson: come b
(29:18 / Allied) charlyzapre: dang..
(29:21 / Allied) acronym: 8ait for snip
(29:27 / Allied) charlyzapre: and tide
(29:30 / Allied) charlyzapre: dont overstay
(29:31 / Allied) charlyzapre: pls
(30:23 / Allied) charlyzapre: top?
(30:24 / Allied) charlyzapre: care
(30:32 / Allied) tekson: we have a good team
(30:50 / Allied) fkbeerlord: why no tmid
(30:54 / Allied) fkbeerlord: why not
(30:56 / Allied) fkbeerlord: tell me
(30:59 / Allied) charlyzapre: they all b
(31:00 / Allied) no_rules: !timestamp
(31:01 / Allied) charlyzapre: we cant
(31:02 / Allied) acronym: gotta d mid
(31:03 / Allied) acronym: and bot
(31:05 / Allied) acronym: b
(31:05 / Allied) fkbeerlord: top for what
(31:10 / Allied) acronym: b
(31:28 / Allied) charlyzapre: wann go mid
(31:29 / Allied) charlyzapre: fine
(31:32 / Allied) acronym: go i tp
(31:36 / Allied) charlyzapre: we noto rdy
(31:39 / Allied) fkbeerlord: top for what
(31:42 / Allied) fkbeerlord: tell me
(31:42 / Allied) charlyzapre: gold
(31:44 / Allied) fkbeerlord: i dont care mid
(31:46 / Allied) acronym: for t2
(31:51 / Allied) charlyzapre: for t
(31:53 / Allied) tekson: ss
(31:54 / Allied) tekson: al
(31:55 / Allied) acronym: should i g3m or no?
(31:58 / Allied) no_rules: base
(31:59 / Allied) no_rules: all
(32:02 / Allied) tekson: k
(32:06 / All) dziendobre: Player [dziendobre]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(32:14 / Allied) acronym: go rosh?
(32:19 / Allied) charlyzapre: go
(32:19 / Allied) charlyzapre: fat
(32:32 / Allied) charlyzapre: go snioper
(32:46 / Allied) acronym: b
(32:47 / Allied) acronym: b
(32:47 / Allied) acronym: b
(32:47 / Allied) acronym: b
(32:51 / Allied) acronym: tjh7u cpm,ing
(32:56 / Allied) no_rules: !timestamp
(32:58 / Allied) charlyzapre: omg
(33:02 / Allied) charlyzapre: !ff
(33:02 / All) dziendobre: [charlyzapre] has voted to forfeit.
(33:02 / All) dziendobre: 1/4 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (3/4 needed to pass).
(33:08 / Allied) charlyzapre: so no
(33:09 / Allied) charlyzapre: top
(33:10 / Allied) charlyzapre: no mid
(33:11 / Allied) charlyzapre: no rosh
(33:13 / Allied) charlyzapre: da fuck yall want
(33:15 / Allied) acronym: shhhhhhhhh
(33:25) !-.-! killed tekson
(33:27) acronym killed !-.-!
(33:28 / All) dziendobre: !ff
(33:28 / All) dziendobre: [dziendobre] has voted to forfeit.
(33:28 / All) dziendobre: 1/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(33:34) california_gurl killed acronym
(33:38) no_rules killed california_gurl
(33:39) charlyzapre killed no_rules
(33:42 / Allied) acronym: dg man
(33:44 / Allied) acronym: tank it up
(33:45 / Allied) acronym: stop running
(33:45 / Allied) tekson: w8 for me..
(33:48 / All) dziendobre: radi dusa woods
(33:50 / All) dziendobre: imagine
(33:50 / All) dziendobre: LOL
(33:53 / All) dziendobre: HAHAHAHAH
(33:54 / All) dziendobre: !ff
(34:02 / Allied) tekson: need my ult
(34:08 / Allied) charlyzapre: xan u get it at least
(34:08 / Allied) charlyzapre: ffs
(34:40 / Allied) charlyzapre: then we can go mid
(34:45 / Allied) tekson: now
(35:03 / Allied) tekson: ult rdy
(35:09 / Allied) acronym: 8ait for dg
(35:24) fkbeerlord killed california_gurl
(35:27) fkbeerlord killed xbluex
(35:27) !-.-! killed no_rules
(35:30) fkbeerlord killed !-.-!
(35:32 / All) tekson: Ez
(35:34 / Allied) acronym: god
(35:36 / Allied) acronym: said fucking 8ait
(35:37 / Allied) acronym: you noobs
(35:39 / Allied) acronym: so stupid
(35:41 / Allied) charlyzapre: nop
(35:44 / Allied) charlyzapre: yall dont wanna push top
(35:45 / Allied) tekson: c
(35:46 / Allied) no_rules: go
(35:47 / Allied) charlyzapre: yall wanna go mid
(35:48 / Allied) charlyzapre: so fuck it
(35:48 / Allied) acronym: ok just ff
(35:50 / Allied) tekson: my u;lt raepd them
(35:50 / Allied) acronym: idgaf
(35:51 / Allied) charlyzapre: !ff
(35:52 / Allied) acronym: you r crying
(35:55 / Allied) fkbeerlord: !ff
(35:55 / All) dziendobre: [fkbeerlord] has voted to forfeit.
(35:55 / All) dziendobre: 2/4 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (3/4 needed to pass).
(35:56 / Allied) acronym: lik a lil bitch
(35:58 / Allied) acronym: !ff
(35:58 / All) dziendobre: The Scourge/East has forfeited
(35:58 / All) dziendobre: Wait ten seconds before leaving or stats will not be properly recorded!
(35:58 / All) dziendobre: This game was hosted by GHost++ (www.ghostpp.com).
(35:58 / All) dziendobre:
(35:58 / All) dziendobre: Join ENT's Discord: https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(36:00 / All) dziendobre: charlyzapre has left the game voluntarily.
(36:00 / QUIT) charlyzapre: Left
(36:01 / All) dziendobre: !-.-! has left the game voluntarily.
(36:01 / QUIT) !-.-!: Left
(36:01 / All) dziendobre: no_rules has left the game voluntarily.
(36:01 / QUIT) no_rules: Left
(36:02 / All) dziendobre: The Scourge/East players have been removed from the game.
(36:02 / All) dziendobre: Please wait five or so seconds before leaving so that stats can be properly saved.
(36:02 / All) dziendobre: fkbeerlord forfeited.
(36:02 / QUIT) fkbeerlord: Left
(36:02 / All) dziendobre: acronym forfeited.
(36:02 / QUIT) acronym: Left
(36:02 / All) dziendobre: xbluex forfeited.
(36:02 / QUIT) xbluex: Left
(36:14 / All) dziendobre: tekson has left the game voluntarily.
(36:14 / QUIT) tekson: Left
(36:25 / All) dziendobre: dziendobre has left the game voluntarily.
(36:25 / QUIT) dziendobre: Left
(37:02 / All) california_gurl: california_gurl was disconnected (gameover timer finished).
(37:02 / QUIT) california_gurl: Left
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