[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #85

Host: GHost++
Saver: Jazzy3113

Players: 10
Version: 1.30

Length: 51:30
Observers: No Observers
Map: maps\download\DotA v6.83d fixed v5 by h3rmit.w3x
Winner: Scourge

Download: 12236353.w3g
Lobby chat: 12236353.txt

Ban / Pick




Name Level APM K/D/A CS Extra
Butcher avengerz 18 54 3/4/16 101/1/49
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Gyrocopter rheyn 11 52 2/9/11 142/2/7
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Skywrath Mage DiamondSupply 15 91 6/2/14 36/1/2
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Enchantress xbluex 18 146 11/4/12 84/10/15
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Pit Lord pitLARD 19 120 8/6/19 190/1/22
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Name Level APM K/D/A CS Extra
Sacred Warrior Laucibai 17 93 8/8/9 88/1/30
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Omniknight Jazzy3113 21 80 1/5/6 43/3/6
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Spiritbreaker gIPsy 14 45 2/7/5 102/4/8
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Drow Ranger Titanium75 14 95 6/5/10 122/18/84
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Undying KHABIB 20 101 7/7/12 127/6/74
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(00:00 / All) Titanium75: Shortest load by player [gIPsy] was 3.20 seconds.
(00:00 / All) Titanium75: Longest load by player [Titanium75] was 44.74 seconds.
(00:00 / All) Titanium75: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) Titanium75: Host your own game with: /w ClanEnterprise !help
(00:00 / All) Titanium75: Check out our website at http://entgaming.net/
(00:00 / All) Titanium75: Leavers will be banned! Rules are on wiki.entgaming.net
(00:00 / All) Titanium75: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) Titanium75: Join ENT's Discord! https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(00:00 / All) Titanium75: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) Titanium75: Good luck and have fun!
(00:02 / Allied) Titanium75: -i
(00:05 / Allied) Titanium75: -ii
(00:05 / Allied) Laucibai: hi Khabib :D
(00:09 / Allied) KHABIB: sup bro
(00:11 / Allied) KHABIB: carry it
(00:13 / Allied) Laucibai: :DDD
(00:16 / Allied) avengerz: -random
(00:18 / Allied) avengerz: -random
(00:18 / Allied) Titanium75: !scores
(01:21 / Allied) Laucibai: wow
(01:29 / Allied) Laucibai: they will go for fast game?
(01:37 / Allied) KHABIB: &
(01:38 / Allied) Laucibai: they no carry at all
(02:00 / Allied) Titanium75: care gyro
(02:10 / Allied) KHABIB: silencer needed
(02:11 / Allied) KHABIB: this game
(02:21 / Allied) gIPsy: na we can overrun them
(02:34 / Allied) Laucibai: bro
(02:37 / Allied) Laucibai: u mid?
(02:41 / Allied) KHABIB: seems like
(02:42 / Allied) KHABIB: y
(02:46 / Allied) Laucibai: +
(02:48 / Allied) avengerz: omni huskar
(02:50 / Allied) avengerz: what a gay lane for us
(03:24 / Allied) avengerz: we cant do shit here
(03:25 / Allied) avengerz: rofl
(03:31 / Allied) avengerz: if i hook
(03:33 / Allied) avengerz: and he is stunned
(03:34 / Allied) avengerz: we are dead
(03:36 / Allied) avengerz: with heal and huskar fire
(03:40 / Allied) Titanium75: lag
(05:12 / Allied) KHABIB: bara?
(05:17 / Allied) pitLARD: bara ss
(05:24 / Allied) KHABIB: so late
(05:24 / Allied) KHABIB: now
(05:24 / Allied) pitLARD: charged
(05:26 / Allied) gIPsy: need lvl 3
(05:28 / Allied) KHABIB: b
(05:29 / Allied) gIPsy: chill
(05:29 / Allied) KHABIB: its late
(05:31 / Allied) KHABIB: we cant
(05:44 / Allied) gIPsy: k im 3
(06:23 / Allied) Jazzy3113: difgr
(06:24 / Allied) avengerz: ok
(06:25 / Allied) Jazzy3113: fught
(06:25 / Allied) avengerz: i go toplane
(06:28) rheyn killed Laucibai
(06:29 / Allied) avengerz: useless giro
(06:30 / Allied) Jazzy3113: i xcN HWl u
(06:35 / Allied) avengerz: autoattacking
(06:38) killed gIPsy
(06:40 / Allied) Laucibai: u need repel
(06:42 / Allied) Titanium75: FUCK ....
(06:42 / Allied) gIPsy: im switching the lane
(06:43 / Allied) avengerz: placement permanent bad
(06:47 / Allied) gIPsy: not fuck!
(06:51 / Allied) gIPsy: just dumb
(06:55 / Allied) pitLARD: bara ss
(06:57 / Allied) pitLARD: care charge
(07:12 / Allied) pitLARD: ss bara
(07:18 / Allied) gIPsy: heal me
(07:28) Laucibai killed Titanium75
(07:33 / Allied) avengerz: expected
(07:40 / Allied) avengerz: 3 miss and he just stay there and wait for death
(07:46 / Allied) pitLARD: ya
(07:52 / Allied) pitLARD: literal retards on ent
(07:57) xbluex killed avengerz
(07:58 / Allied) KHABIB: gg
(07:59 / Allied) KHABIB: nara
(08:00 / Allied) KHABIB: bara
(08:00 / Allied) avengerz: come to me
(08:01 / Allied) KHABIB: !ff
(08:01 / Allied) avengerz: oj
(08:02 / Allied) KHABIB: gj
(08:05 / Allied) avengerz: ffs
(08:09 / Allied) avengerz: !ff
(08:11 / Allied) KHABIB: he charge
(08:13 / Allied) KHABIB: and cancel
(08:14 / Allied) KHABIB: lol
(08:15 / Allied) gIPsy: !ignore kh
(08:15 / All) Titanium75: Player [gIPsy] has ignored player [KHABIB].
(08:16 / Allied) KHABIB: amazing
(08:18) KHABIB killed gIPsy
(08:19 / Allied) KHABIB: !ignore psy
(08:19 / All) Titanium75: Player [KHABIB] has ignored player [gIPsy].
(08:22 / Allied) KHABIB: just ff
(08:25 / Allied) Titanium75: miss pudge ????
(08:25 / Allied) KHABIB: we cant win with this cancer
(08:36 / Allied) KHABIB: im leaving mid
(08:38 / Allied) KHABIB: fuck this game
(08:40 / Allied) KHABIB: retard bara
(08:54 / Allied) KHABIB: !ff
(08:59 / Allied) xbluex: mia
(09:36 / Allied) Titanium75: ss
(09:42 / Allied) KHABIB: ARRETE
(09:44 / Allied) KHABIB: PUTAIN
(09:49 / Allied) KHABIB: k
(09:49 / Allied) avengerz: COME HERE
(09:50 / Allied) KHABIB: im done
(09:50 / Allied) avengerz: MAN
(09:53 / Allied) DiamondSupply: !ignore aven
(09:53 / All) Titanium75: Player [DiamondSupply] has ignored player [avengerz].
(09:54 / Allied) avengerz: i swear
(09:56 / Allied) KHABIB: fuck this game
(09:57 / Allied) KHABIB: !ff
(09:58) xbluex killed Jazzy3113
(09:59 / All) avengerz: !so many retards on this platform
(10:02 / All) avengerz: it hurts
(10:04 / All) KHABIB: i agree
(10:05 / Allied) KHABIB: !ff
(10:05 / All) Titanium75: [KHABIB] has voted to forfeit.
(10:05 / All) Titanium75: 1/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(10:08 / Allied) KHABIB: ff huskar
(10:10 / Allied) KHABIB: we cant win
(10:12 / Allied) KHABIB: with this cancers
(10:14 / All) avengerz: purple 0 skill
(10:16 / All) Jazzy3113: it sucks cause undead is just quitting, against me he never quit
(10:16 / All) avengerz: giro 0 skill
(10:16 / Allied) KHABIB: waste of time
(10:19 / Allied) Laucibai: we doing well at bot
(10:24 / All) avengerz: u suck
(10:26 / All) Jazzy3113: ive seen undead never quit
(10:29 / All) avengerz: as well jaz
(10:30 / All) Jazzy3113: but he is this game
(10:30 / All) gIPsy: chill we have more noobs
(10:46 / Allied) gIPsy: b
(10:50 / Allied) Jazzy3113: idiotr bara
(10:51 / Allied) gIPsy: they bait
(10:52 / Allied) Jazzy3113: jesus
(10:55 / Allied) KHABIB: told u
(10:55 / Allied) Jazzy3113: i can heal
(10:56 / Allied) KHABIB: he sucks
(10:56 / Allied) Jazzy3113: moron
(11:01 / Allied) avengerz: useeslss shit
(11:03 / Allied) avengerz: purple teal
(11:04 / All) Titanium75: [Calm] has refilled [avengerz]'s cookie jar. [avengerz] now has three cookies (try !eat)!
(11:04 / Allied) avengerz: stupid
(11:12 / Allied) Laucibai: why bara
(11:14 / Allied) Laucibai: no charge
(11:15 / Allied) Laucibai: wtf
(11:15 / Allied) Jazzy3113: useless fucking gypsty
(11:16 / Allied) gIPsy: THEY BAIT
(11:19 / Allied) Jazzy3113: hes so bad
(11:25 / Allied) gIPsy: !ignore jazz
(11:25 / All) Titanium75: Player [gIPsy] has ignored player [Jazzy3113].
(11:26 / Allied) KHABIB: just ff
(11:27 / Allied) KHABIB: guys
(11:36 / Allied) Jazzy3113: wat sucks if i submit for ban
(11:39 / All) avengerz: can u guys kill this giro and SW
(11:39 / Allied) Jazzy3113: not one of u will ocmment
(11:39 / All) avengerz: botlane
(11:41 / All) avengerz: girop farming woods
(11:43 / All) avengerz: wioth purple
(11:46 / Allied) KHABIB: i will
(11:47 / Allied) KHABIB: coment
(11:48 / All) avengerz: not moving to any teamfights
(12:13 / All) avengerz: purple teal both wood
(12:15 / Allied) Laucibai: they early game heroes
(12:29 / Allied) KHABIB: gyro
(12:29 / Allied) gIPsy: and they warded
(12:30 / Allied) KHABIB: is late hero
(12:34 / Allied) gIPsy: they have map awareness
(12:53 / Allied) avengerz: !votekick rheyn
(12:53 / All) Titanium75: A votekick against player [rheyn] has been started by player [avengerz]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(12:53 / All) Titanium75: Type !yes to vote.
(12:53 / All) Titanium75: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(12:53 / Allied) avengerz: go
(12:54 / Allied) avengerz: kick him
(12:56 / Allied) pitLARD: !yes
(12:56 / All) Titanium75: Player [pitLARD] voted to kick player [rheyn]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(12:57 / Allied) avengerz: or i go woods
(12:58 / All) KHABIB: kick bara
(12:58 / All) KHABIB: too
(13:00 / All) avengerz: yes
(13:03 / Allied) gIPsy: come kill gypro
(13:03 / Allied) KHABIB: !yes
(13:03 / All) Titanium75: Player [KHABIB] voted to kick player [rheyn]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(13:05 / Allied) gIPsy: he is alone
(13:05 / All) Titanium75: Player [KHABIB]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(13:05 / All) avengerz: i will if u kick this faggot giro
(13:23) xbluex killed pitLARD
(13:27) KHABIB killed KHABIB
(13:27 / Allied) avengerz: ok
(13:29 / Allied) avengerz: i go woods
(13:32) xbluex killed Jazzy3113
(13:32 / Allied) avengerz: hf
(13:39 / Allied) KHABIB: cancer bara
(13:40 / Allied) avengerz: thanks for gameruin teal
(13:41 / Allied) KHABIB: ruiner
(13:46 / Allied) Laucibai: timestamp him
(13:50 / Allied) Laucibai: submit ban
(13:52 / All) Titanium75: A votekick against player [rheyn] has expired.
(13:55 / Allied) Jazzy3113: so because bara sucks, u fuck the other 3 teammates?
(13:56 / Allied) Laucibai: i will comment and support
(14:00 / Allied) Jazzy3113: ill submit
(14:01 / Allied) Jazzy3113: just play
(14:12 / Allied) avengerz: go kick me
(14:14 / Allied) KHABIB: why play?
(14:16 / Allied) avengerz: ill never join this team again
(14:17 / Allied) KHABIB: its already lost
(14:20 / Allied) KHABIB: waste of time
(14:20 / Allied) avengerz: in any fights or any shit
(14:25 / Allied) pitLARD: we arent doing so bad lets just try to get through this game
(14:27 / Allied) gIPsy: start to support and ward/deward
(14:28 / Allied) avengerz: idc
(14:31 / Allied) pitLARD: then avoid future games with them
(14:32 / Allied) avengerz: not playing with rtuiners
(14:39 / Allied) avengerz: i just ruin aswell than
(14:40 / Allied) pitLARD: go all mid
(14:44 / Allied) avengerz: fgarming woods
(14:45 / Allied) avengerz: orry
(14:51 / Allied) pitLARD: why did you join then? idgi
(14:52 / Allied) gIPsy: u want to lose?
(14:54 / Allied) avengerz: ?
(14:57 / Allied) avengerz: why did purple amnd teal join?
(15:01 / Allied) KHABIB: ty
(15:02 / Allied) avengerz: what they have done this game?
(15:07 / Allied) avengerz: why u dont ask them
(15:09 / Allied) avengerz: why they join the game?
(15:11 / Allied) avengerz: u faggot
(15:14 / Allied) avengerz: fucking double standards
(15:15) pitLARD killed Titanium75
(15:19 / Allied) avengerz: like all of this shitjew entbase
(15:30 / Allied) avengerz: why u refuse to kick those gameruining shit jews
(15:34 / Allied) avengerz: wich refused to join team for 12 min straighrt?
(15:34 / Allied) pitLARD: I voted yes
(15:39 / Allied) avengerz: farming woods when we teamfight mid
(15:44 / Allied) avengerz: why u didnt care than?
(15:45 / Allied) avengerz: but now?
(16:00 / Allied) avengerz: double standards like i said
(16:06 / Allied) avengerz: again teal top with purple
(16:08 / Allied) avengerz: what u say about that
(16:08 / Allied) avengerz: ?
(16:09) DiamondSupply killed Laucibai
(16:10 / Allied) pitLARD: are you mentally ill or something? what the fuck lmao
(16:12 / Allied) avengerz: !ignore pit
(16:12 / All) Titanium75: Player [avengerz] has ignored player [pitLARD].
(16:14 / Allied) avengerz: !ff
(16:14 / All) Titanium75: [avengerz] has voted to forfeit.
(16:14 / All) Titanium75: 1/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(16:15 / All) avengerz: kick me
(16:16 / All) avengerz: perma afk woods
(16:20 / Allied) pitLARD: fuckin crybaby
(16:34 / All) DiamondSupply: mercy
(16:38 / All) KHABIB: y
(16:41 / All) DiamondSupply: is pudge the tarek?
(16:44 / All) DiamondSupply: he's acting like one
(16:46 / All) DiamondSupply: super toxic
(16:52 / All) KHABIB: no idea
(17:11 / All) pitLARD: can we kick blue
(17:13 / All) pitLARD: hes just raging
(17:15 / All) pitLARD: non stop
(17:20 / Allied) Jazzy3113: lol
(17:32 / Allied) KHABIB: jazzy
(17:35 / Allied) KHABIB: rush aganim
(17:37 / Allied) Jazzy3113: ok
(17:38 / Allied) KHABIB: why u go hood
(17:40 / Allied) KHABIB: i have already
(17:46 / All) DiamondSupply: lets kick and draw
(17:48 / All) DiamondSupply: or ff
(17:49 / All) DiamondSupply: idc
(18:16 / Allied) KHABIB: ask cancer bara
(18:18 / Allied) KHABIB: to charge them
(18:19 / Allied) KHABIB: we can kill
(18:39 / Allied) KHABIB: gg
(18:40 / Allied) avengerz: gj teal
(18:42 / Allied) KHABIB: again
(18:43 / Allied) avengerz: keep farm botlane
(18:45 / Allied) avengerz: useless shitjew
(18:47 / Allied) Laucibai: !Timestamp bara ruin no charge
(18:50 / Allied) pitLARD: !sd aveng
(18:51 / Allied) KHABIB: that's why
(18:55 / Allied) KHABIB: i dont want to play this game
(18:55 / Allied) DiamondSupply: !timestamp pudge trolling
(18:56 / Allied) KHABIB: useless
(19:02 / Allied) Jazzy3113: ill submit him
(19:06 / Allied) gIPsy: !ignore lauc
(19:06 / All) Titanium75: Player [gIPsy] has ignored player [Laucibai].
(19:13 / Allied) gIPsy: only noobs
(19:14 / All) Titanium75: Player [avengerz]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(19:15 / Allied) DiamondSupply: !votekick aven
(19:15 / All) Titanium75: A votekick against player [avengerz] has been started by player [DiamondSupply]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(19:15 / All) Titanium75: Type !yes to vote.
(19:15 / All) Titanium75: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(19:16 / Allied) gIPsy: get wards
(19:19 / Allied) pitLARD: !yes
(19:19 / All) Titanium75: Player [pitLARD] voted to kick player [avengerz]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(19:21 / All) avengerz: !yes please
(19:24 / Allied) KHABIB: !yes
(19:24 / All) Titanium75: Player [KHABIB] voted to kick player [avengerz]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(19:25 / Allied) gIPsy: u have no vision
(19:29 / Allied) gIPsy: dumb as fuck
(19:47 / Allied) gIPsy: they are baiting and u fed like noobs
(19:52 / Allied) DiamondSupply: !timestamp pudge farming
(20:06 / Allied) gIPsy: get him
(20:06 / Allied) Laucibai: !timestamp bara solo and ignore team
(20:14 / All) Titanium75: A votekick against player [avengerz] has expired.
(20:37 / Allied) gIPsy: b
(20:39 / Allied) KHABIB: gg
(20:51 / Allied) Laucibai: !Timestamp bara still refusing to play
(20:52 / Allied) Titanium75: why barra never cahrge ???
(20:53 / Allied) Titanium75: fuck
(20:57 / Allied) gIPsy: noobs
(20:58 / Allied) gIPsy: !
(21:03 / Allied) gIPsy: THEY ARE BAITING
(21:27) xbluex killed Laucibai
(21:29) KHABIB killed gIPsy
(21:31) pitLARD killed rheyn
(21:32) xbluex killed pitLARD
(21:38 / Allied) Titanium75: fuck barra !!! really
(21:42) DiamondSupply killed avengerz
(21:43 / Allied) gIPsy: so bad
(21:45 / Allied) gIPsy: !ff
(21:45 / All) Titanium75: [gIPsy] has voted to forfeit.
(21:45 / All) Titanium75: 1/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(21:50) DiamondSupply killed Jazzy3113
(21:50 / Allied) Titanium75: !voteekik gy
(21:52 / Allied) KHABIB: told u
(21:55 / Allied) gIPsy: i told u they are baiting
(21:59 / Allied) Laucibai: fucking report this bara guys
(22:04 / Allied) Titanium75: !votekcik psy
(22:07 / Allied) Jazzy3113: i will
(22:09 / Allied) gIPsy: !ignore tit
(22:09 / All) Titanium75: Player [gIPsy] has ignored player [Titanium75].
(22:13 / Allied) Jazzy3113: keep timstamping so it doenst come from just me
(22:14 / Allied) Laucibai: i will 100% support
(22:22 / Allied) gIPsy: u cant read the game
(22:25 / Allied) gIPsy: its a mess
(22:34 / Allied) Laucibai: bara ruin big time
(22:42 / Allied) gIPsy: 3/13
(22:44 / Allied) gIPsy: omg
(23:06 / Allied) Titanium75: dd
(23:07 / Allied) Titanium75: care
(23:18 / Allied) gIPsy: are u stucked at mid?
(23:22 / Allied) Laucibai: !Timestamp bara afk
(23:33 / Allied) gIPsy: deward
(23:39 / Allied) gIPsy: or go ff
(23:43) rheyn killed pitLARD
(23:55) avengerz killed Titanium75
(23:56 / Allied) Laucibai: !Timestamp bara waited until every die and charge
(24:09) xbluex killed avengerz
(24:10 / Allied) KHABIB: gg
(24:12 / Allied) KHABIB: this bara
(24:12) rheyn killed Laucibai
(24:13 / Allied) Laucibai: !Timestamp bara cancelled charge again
(24:13 / Allied) Jazzy3113: !ff
(24:13 / All) Titanium75: [Jazzy3113] has voted to forfeit.
(24:13 / All) Titanium75: 2/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(24:15 / Allied) gIPsy: !ff
(24:16 / Allied) KHABIB: !ff
(24:16 / All) Titanium75: [KHABIB] has voted to forfeit.
(24:16 / All) Titanium75: 3/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(24:19 / All) avengerz: BEST
(24:20 / All) avengerz: PUDGE
(24:21 / All) avengerz: IN YOUR FACE
(24:22 / All) avengerz: FAGGOTS
(24:28 / All) KHABIB: bara for the win
(24:28 / Allied) Laucibai: !TIMESTAMP BARA RUINED BIG TIME
(24:40 / All) DiamondSupply: gipsy ruins
(24:44 / All) gIPsy: sure
(24:52 / All) gIPsy: i see 4/16
(24:58 / All) DiamondSupply: you ruin
(24:58 / All) gIPsy: no wards and all stuck in mid
(25:03 / All) DiamondSupply: i dont care if you don't believe it
(25:07 / Allied) DiamondSupply: !Ignore gip
(25:07 / All) Titanium75: Player [DiamondSupply] has ignored player [gIPsy].
(25:13 / All) gIPsy: i would say here are a lot of noobs with less brain
(25:26 / All) Laucibai: WE WILL REPORT BARA AFTER THIS
(25:34 / All) avengerz: report yourself
(25:40 / All) DiamondSupply: yup im tired of him too
(25:43 / Allied) KHABIB: just farm
(25:46 / All) DiamondSupply: he trolls
(25:50 / Allied) Titanium75: !votekick psy
(25:50 / All) Titanium75: A votekick against player [gIPsy] has been started by player [Titanium75]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(25:50 / All) Titanium75: Type !yes to vote.
(25:50 / All) Titanium75: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(25:51 / Allied) KHABIB: we are 4 vs 5
(25:51 / All) Jazzy3113: diamond can u add a timestamp comment pls
(25:53 / Allied) KHABIB: !yes
(25:53 / All) Titanium75: Player [KHABIB] voted to kick player [gIPsy]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(25:53 / Allied) DiamondSupply: !yes
(25:53 / All) Titanium75: Player [DiamondSupply] voted to kick player [gIPsy]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(25:56 / All) Jazzy3113: so i can include
(25:58 / Allied) Jazzy3113: !yes
(25:58 / All) Titanium75: Player [Jazzy3113] voted to kick player [gIPsy]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(26:07 / All) gIPsy: oh look they have warded
(26:07 / All) avengerz: die to aids jazzy
(26:09 / All) gIPsy: my team
(26:13 / All) gIPsy: starts to votekick me
(26:21 / Allied) Laucibai: REPEL ME OMNI
(26:22 / Allied) Laucibai: MAYBE
(26:26 / Allied) Laucibai: I DIVE
(26:36 / Allied) Jazzy3113: i like to heal u
(26:41) rheyn killed gIPsy
(26:49 / All) Titanium75: A votekick against player [gIPsy] has expired.
(26:50) pitLARD killed Titanium75
(26:50 / Allied) Titanium75: AMAZING BARRA
(26:53 / Allied) Titanium75: fucker ruiner
(26:54) DiamondSupply killed pitLARD
(27:06) rheyn killed Laucibai
(27:13 / All) Titanium75: Player [Jazzy3113]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(27:14 / All) gIPsy: chase him
(27:15 / All) Titanium75: Player [gIPsy]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(27:16 / All) Titanium75: Player [KHABIB]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(27:18 / All) gIPsy: nice
(27:20 / All) avengerz: AHAHAHHA
(27:20 / All) gIPsy: !ff
(27:20 / All) Titanium75: [gIPsy] has voted to forfeit.
(27:20 / All) Titanium75: 1/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(27:21 / Allied) KHABIB: did u see bara?
(27:34 / Allied) Titanium75: he ran around and does nothing .. wait to only ks
(27:41 / Allied) gIPsy: fuckin noobs
(27:43 / Allied) Laucibai: TITA
(27:47 / Allied) Laucibai: ALSO TIMESTAMP PLS
(27:48 / Allied) gIPsy: i warded and bought sentrys
(27:53 / Allied) gIPsy: do something!
(28:08 / Allied) Jazzy3113: its better if the timestamps dont come from me
(28:09 / Allied) Titanium75: !timestamp barra rining
(28:19 / Allied) DiamondSupply: sb
(28:20 / Allied) pitLARD: ward
(28:25 / Allied) KHABIB: like now
(28:25 / Allied) gIPsy: FUCKIN NOOB
(28:27 / Allied) KHABIB: he buy wards
(28:28 / Allied) DiamondSupply: care
(28:29 / Allied) KHABIB: and senties lol
(28:29 / Allied) DiamondSupply: 3
(28:30 / Allied) gIPsy: go ff
(28:38 / Allied) gIPsy: !ff
(28:51 / Allied) gIPsy: horrible player on ent in one team
(29:04 / Allied) Laucibai: OMNI
(29:07 / Allied) Laucibai: REPEL ME
(29:08 / Allied) Laucibai: I DIVE
(29:21 / Allied) gIPsy: fake
(29:27 / All) gIPsy: WTF
(29:30) DiamondSupply killed pitLARD
(29:31) KHABIB killed Jazzy3113
(29:38 / Allied) Jazzy3113: !ff
(29:38 / All) Titanium75: [Jazzy3113] has voted to forfeit.
(29:38 / All) Titanium75: 2/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(29:39) xbluex killed avengerz
(29:41 / Allied) KHABIB: he comes
(29:42 / Allied) Laucibai: !FF
(29:42 / All) Titanium75: [Laucibai] has voted to forfeit.
(29:42 / All) Titanium75: 3/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(29:43 / Allied) KHABIB: only to ks
(29:44 / All) avengerz: CU
(29:45 / Allied) KHABIB: coming last
(29:46 / Allied) KHABIB: this cunt
(29:51 / Allied) Jazzy3113: !timestamp bara refuses to teamfight
(29:52 / Allied) KHABIB: !timestamp full hp bara
(29:52 / Allied) Titanium75: !votekick psy
(29:52 / All) Titanium75: A votekick against player [gIPsy] has been started by player [Titanium75]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(29:52 / All) Titanium75: Type !yes to vote.
(29:52 / All) Titanium75: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(29:55 / Allied) KHABIB: !yes
(29:55 / All) Titanium75: Player [KHABIB] voted to kick player [gIPsy]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(29:56 / Allied) DiamondSupply: !yes
(29:56 / All) Titanium75: Player [DiamondSupply] voted to kick player [gIPsy]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(29:59 / All) gIPsy: i cant handle this noobs
(29:59 / Allied) Laucibai: !YES
(29:59 / All) Titanium75: Player [Laucibai] voted to kick player [gIPsy]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(30:00 / All) KHABIB: why u refuse to kick our ruiner?
(30:00 / All) gIPsy: gg
(30:04 / All) avengerz: why u refused to kick giro?
(30:08 / All) KHABIB: i did yes
(30:12 / All) gIPsy: 5/22
(30:16 / All) gIPsy: start kicking here
(30:17 / All) avengerz: he still ingame though
(30:19 / All) KHABIB: u need bara guys?
(30:25 / All) DiamondSupply: kick him
(30:27 / All) avengerz: u need giro guys?
(30:27) gIPsy killed Titanium75
(30:29 / Allied) KHABIB: !timestamp bara no charge
(30:31 / All) avengerz: whats this double standard
(30:31 / All) avengerz: stfu
(30:40 / Allied) KHABIB: -afk
(30:51 / All) Titanium75: A votekick against player [gIPsy] has expired.
(31:36 / Allied) KHABIB: stick
(31:38 / All) Titanium75: Player [gIPsy]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(31:40 / Allied) Laucibai: !Timesmap bara farm all game
(31:44 / Allied) Laucibai: last charge then die
(31:49) DiamondSupply killed avengerz
(31:49 / Allied) Titanium75: !votekick psy
(31:54 / All) gIPsy: wtf
(31:58 / Allied) KHABIB: !timestamp bara
(32:01 / Allied) KHABIB: not coming to help
(32:04 / All) avengerz: AHAHAHAH
(32:18 / Allied) DiamondSupply: im back oom
(32:23 / Allied) Laucibai: !Timestamp bara no charge again
(32:38 / All) Titanium75: Player [Jazzy3113]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(32:42 / All) Titanium75: Player [Laucibai]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(33:02 / Allied) Laucibai: !sd psy
(33:02 / Allied) DiamondSupply: brb 1 min afk
(33:27 / Allied) KHABIB: stick
(33:41) xbluex killed Laucibai
(33:48) rheyn killed pitLARD
(33:50) gIPsy killed KHABIB
(33:59 / Allied) avengerz: -afk
(34:29 / Allied) Laucibai: i am so angry with this bara
(35:02 / Allied) Laucibai: agha ready
(35:08 / Allied) KHABIB: good
(35:15) xbluex killed pitLARD
(35:19) pitLARD killed rheyn
(35:25) avengerz killed Titanium75
(35:31) avengerz killed xbluex
(35:36 / Allied) pitLARD: damn lol
(35:53 / Allied) DiamondSupply: need to kill omni first
(36:10 / All) avengerz: MAN U GUYS ARE FUCKING BAD
(36:10 / Allied) gIPsy: horrible
(36:11 / All) avengerz: ROFL
(36:14 / All) gIPsy: y
(36:29 / Allied) Titanium75: thus barra !!!!! over fuck us
(36:35 / All) gIPsy: gg
(36:39 / All) avengerz: gg cu
(37:22) xbluex killed avengerz
(37:35) Titanium75 killed pitLARD
(37:42 / Allied) KHABIB: !timestamp bara late charge
(37:47 / Allied) Laucibai: !Timestamp bara still didnt charge
(38:04) Titanium75 killed Laucibai
(38:05 / Allied) Laucibai: !timestamp bara farm in wood and wait tilol every dies and suicide
(38:06 / Allied) KHABIB: lol
(38:07 / Allied) KHABIB: what a noob
(38:11 / Allied) Laucibai: ok
(38:11 / Allied) gIPsy: !ff
(38:11 / All) Titanium75: [gIPsy] has voted to forfeit.
(38:11 / All) Titanium75: 1/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(38:12 / Allied) Laucibai: ff
(38:14 / Allied) Laucibai: !ff
(38:14 / All) Titanium75: [Laucibai] has voted to forfeit.
(38:14 / All) Titanium75: 2/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(38:18 / Allied) Laucibai: lets get him ban
(38:20 / Allied) KHABIB: no
(38:23 / Allied) KHABIB: we dont ff now
(38:23 / Allied) Jazzy3113: ill submit
(38:25 / Allied) pitLARD: !ignore gerz
(38:25 / All) Titanium75: Player [pitLARD] has ignored player [avengerz].
(38:29 / Allied) pitLARD: !Ignore gerz
(38:29 / All) Titanium75: Player [pitLARD] has ignored player [avengerz].
(38:32 / Allied) pitLARD: !ignore gerz
(38:32 / All) Titanium75: Player [pitLARD] has ignored player [avengerz].
(38:40) avengerz killed DiamondSupply
(38:40 / Allied) avengerz: !votrekick pitlard
(38:42 / Allied) avengerz: retarded shiitjew
(38:47 / Allied) avengerz: !votekick pitlard
(38:47 / All) Titanium75: A votekick against player [pitLARD] has been started by player [avengerz]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(38:47 / All) Titanium75: Type !yes to vote.
(38:47 / All) Titanium75: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(38:49) pitLARD killed Titanium75
(38:59) avengerz killed xbluex
(39:06 / Allied) gIPsy: i got dust
(39:10) Jazzy3113 killed rheyn
(39:18 / Allied) DiamondSupply: gonna lose playing like this
(39:45 / Allied) gIPsy: b
(39:46 / All) Titanium75: A votekick against player [pitLARD] has expired.
(39:47 / Allied) gIPsy: all b
(39:53 / Allied) gIPsy: ALL B
(39:56 / Allied) Titanium75: b after
(40:31 / Allied) gIPsy: OMG
(40:33 / Allied) gIPsy: jazzy
(40:36 / Allied) DiamondSupply: gyro
(40:37 / Allied) DiamondSupply: ult rosh
(40:49 / Allied) DiamondSupply: zzzz
(40:55 / Allied) Laucibai: vb
(41:11 / All) Titanium75: Player [gIPsy]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(41:14 / All) Titanium75: Player [Laucibai]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(41:29 / Allied) Titanium75: let me butter
(41:35 / Allied) DiamondSupply: defend mid
(41:37 / Allied) DiamondSupply: they are coming
(42:07 / Allied) Laucibai: top?
(42:10 / Allied) gIPsy: !unignore jaz
(42:13 / Allied) Laucibai: nee to use agies
(42:14 / Allied) gIPsy: finaly gj
(42:15 / Allied) Titanium75: no bot
(42:19 / Allied) gIPsy: u start to support
(42:29 / Allied) Jazzy3113: u ruined i hope u get a ban for what u did
(42:30 / Allied) pitLARD: lmfao
(42:37 / Allied) gIPsy: DAMN NOOB
(42:39 / Allied) gIPsy: i warded
(42:41 / Allied) gIPsy: and dewarded
(42:44 / Allied) KHABIB: he ignored u
(42:46 / Allied) gIPsy: warned you that they bait
(42:49 / Allied) gIPsy: !ignore jazz
(42:49 / All) Titanium75: Player [gIPsy] has ignored player [Jazzy3113].
(42:50 / Allied) KHABIB: go push
(42:50 / Allied) KHABIB: now
(43:30) Laucibai killed KHABIB
(43:30) pitLARD killed Titanium75
(43:33 / Allied) avengerz: nice block
(43:37 / All) avengerz: !votekick rheyn
(43:37 / All) Titanium75: A votekick against player [rheyn] has been started by player [avengerz]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(43:37 / All) Titanium75: Type !yes to vote.
(43:37 / All) Titanium75: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(43:37 / All) avengerz: !ff
(43:37 / All) Titanium75: [avengerz] has voted to forfeit.
(43:37 / All) Titanium75: 1/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(43:40) gIPsy killed xbluex
(43:42 / All) avengerz: useless shit giro :D
(43:42 / Allied) DiamondSupply: gg
(43:49) avengerz killed DiamondSupply
(43:53 / Allied) DiamondSupply: he hooked husk
(43:54 / Allied) DiamondSupply: 8ith aegies
(43:55 / Allied) pitLARD: bb
(44:12) rheyn killed Jazzy3113
(44:14) pitLARD killed KHABIB
(44:15) gIPsy killed rheyn
(44:19 / Allied) Jazzy3113: rax
(44:20 / Allied) Jazzy3113: rax
(44:20 / Allied) Jazzy3113: rax
(44:22 / All) avengerz: !ignore pitlard
(44:22 / All) Titanium75: Player [avengerz] has ignored player [pitLARD].
(44:25 / Allied) Jazzy3113: im dead
(44:25 / Allied) avengerz: !Ignore pitlard
(44:25 / All) Titanium75: Player [avengerz] has ignored player [pitLARD].
(44:26 / Allied) Jazzy3113: get bn
(44:26 / Allied) avengerz: !Ignore pitlard
(44:26 / All) Titanium75: Player [avengerz] has ignored player [pitLARD].
(44:28 / Allied) avengerz: !Ignore pitlard
(44:28 / All) Titanium75: Player [avengerz] has ignored player [pitLARD].
(44:28 / Allied) Jazzy3113: b
(44:28 / Allied) Jazzy3113: b
(44:29 / Allied) Jazzy3113: b
(44:29 / Allied) Jazzy3113: b
(44:30 / All) Titanium75: [Jazzy3113] has been automatically muted for spamming. (You will be unmuted momentarily, but please do not spam again!)
(44:36 / All) Titanium75: A votekick against player [rheyn] has expired.
(44:45 / All) Titanium75: [Jazzy3113] has been automatically unmuted. (Don't spam or you'll be muted again!)
(44:49 / Allied) Jazzy3113: b
(44:49 / Allied) Jazzy3113: b
(44:49 / Allied) Jazzy3113: b
(44:49 / Allied) KHABIB: b
(44:50 / Allied) Jazzy3113: b
(44:50 / Allied) Jazzy3113: b
(44:52 / Allied) Jazzy3113: b
(44:53 / Allied) Titanium75: y
(45:02 / Allied) DiamondSupply: !ff
(45:02 / All) Titanium75: [DiamondSupply] has voted to forfeit.
(45:02 / All) Titanium75: 2/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(45:06 / Allied) DiamondSupply: go ff
(45:15 / All) avengerz: XD
(45:15 / Allied) DiamondSupply: gyro is too noob
(45:16 / Allied) DiamondSupply: on top
(46:14 / All) gIPsy: pit get dust bro
(46:19 / Allied) KHABIB: care
(46:20 / Allied) KHABIB: trax
(46:22 / Allied) KHABIB: and omni
(46:23 / Allied) KHABIB: they stick
(46:37 / All) Titanium75: Player [avengerz]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(46:39 / Allied) Titanium75: i b
(46:40 / Allied) Jazzy3113: rosh again?
(46:45 / Allied) Titanium75: shopping
(46:47 / Allied) Laucibai: not tey
(46:50 / Allied) Laucibai: yet roshan
(47:15 / Allied) KHABIB: i get shivas
(47:16 / Allied) KHABIB: and we go
(47:18 / Allied) DiamondSupply: !ff
(47:24 / Allied) DiamondSupply: sb
(47:26 / Allied) gIPsy: b
(47:27 / Allied) KHABIB: go
(47:31 / Allied) KHABIB: choose
(47:33 / Allied) KHABIB: a spot
(47:39 / Allied) DiamondSupply: god you guys
(47:43 / Allied) DiamondSupply: b
(47:43 / Allied) Laucibai: bot?
(47:46 / Allied) DiamondSupply: b
(47:47 / Allied) KHABIB: meet
(47:48 / Allied) KHABIB: and go
(47:54 / All) avengerz: !ff
(47:54 / All) Titanium75: [avengerz] has voted to forfeit.
(47:54 / All) Titanium75: 2/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(47:55 / Allied) DiamondSupply: BACk
(47:58 / Allied) DiamondSupply: dont fight there
(48:05 / Allied) DiamondSupply: gg
(48:06) gIPsy killed rheyn
(48:12 / Allied) pitLARD: !ff
(48:12 / All) Titanium75: [pitLARD] has voted to forfeit.
(48:12 / All) Titanium75: 3/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(48:12 / Allied) DiamondSupply: i said back
(48:15 / Allied) DiamondSupply: dont fight there
(48:17 / All) avengerz: ok me afk
(48:17 / Allied) pitLARD: ff
(48:17 / Allied) KHABIB: !timestamp bara
(48:18 / Allied) pitLARD: go
(48:18 / Allied) DiamondSupply: you dont listen
(48:19 / Allied) KHABIB: not in fiht
(48:21 / Allied) DiamondSupply: !ff
(48:24 / All) avengerz: skywrath again run away from teamfight :D
(48:38 / All) avengerz: push
(48:41 / Allied) Titanium75: rosh
(48:43 / Allied) Titanium75: huks
(48:43 / All) avengerz: purple afk on fountain i just join hikm
(48:52 / All) KHABIB: kick bara?
(48:56 / All) avengerz: did u kick someone?
(48:58 / All) avengerz: did u kick giro?
(48:59 / All) avengerz: stfu
(49:02 / All) DiamondSupply: come finish it
(49:27 / All) KHABIB: RAX AND ROSH
(49:28 / All) Jazzy3113: gg
(49:29 / All) KHABIB: b after
(49:32 / All) KHABIB: make it long for blue
(49:33 / All) avengerz: die to aids
(49:34 / All) avengerz: both of u
(49:37 / All) DiamondSupply: just fininsh it
(49:38 / All) avengerz: stupid jewkids
(49:39 / All) Jazzy3113: toxic pudge
(49:39 / All) DiamondSupply: im gonna post this pudge
(49:41 / All) Jazzy3113: fucked u
(49:42 / All) KHABIB: !timestamp wishing death
(49:45 / All) DiamondSupply: pretty sure it's tarek
(49:46 / Allied) KHABIB: b
(49:55 / All) avengerz: !timestamp someone named''KHABIB''stupid muslim gay kissing bastard
(50:00 / All) avengerz: go bathtub with your hairy shitjewmuslim friends
(50:02) gIPsy killed Titanium75
(50:06 / All) avengerz: go touch each other
(50:06 / All) avengerz: rofl
(50:10 / All) KHABIB: !timestamp racism
(50:15 / All) avengerz: !timestamp shitjew KHABIB
(50:22) avengerz killed xbluex
(50:26) pitLARD killed rheyn
(50:28) rheyn killed gIPsy
(50:31 / Allied) Titanium75: ahahaha
(50:39 / Allied) Laucibai: rpeort him bara
(50:40 / Allied) Titanium75: i can bb if neede
(50:43 / Allied) Laucibai: he ruiend big time
(50:44 / All) pitLARD: someone please tell blue hes a crybaby piece of garbage
(50:53 / All) Jazzy3113: blue ur a fucking loser
(50:55 / All) Titanium75: Player [avengerz]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(50:55 / All) Jazzy3113: pls leave ent
(50:56 / All) KHABIB: im reporting him after
(50:57 / All) KHABIB: :D
(50:58 / Allied) Titanium75: we play as 4 .. and we win ....
(51:01 / All) avengerz: leave this world jazzy
(51:02 / All) avengerz: U shitjew
(51:04 / All) pitLARD: ty
(51:04 / All) avengerz: go cry in forum agaiN
(51:06 / All) Titanium75: pitLARD has left the game voluntarily.
(51:06 / QUIT) pitLARD: Left
(51:07 / All) avengerz: because people here hate you
(51:09 / All) avengerz: stupid jewshit
(51:10 / All) KHABIB: !tiestamp racism
(51:10 / All) gIPsy: gg
(51:14 / All) avengerz: go cry on forum jazzy
(51:15 / All) Jazzy3113: loser
(51:16 / All) avengerz: ask for your daddy
(51:17 / All) Titanium75: DiamondSupply has left the game voluntarily.
(51:17 / QUIT) DiamondSupply: Left
(51:18 / All) avengerz: u fucking fat virgin
(51:19 / All) avengerz: shitjew
(51:22 / All) Titanium75: xbluex has left the game voluntarily.
(51:22 / QUIT) xbluex: Left
(51:25 / All) avengerz: go cry for daddy on forum
(51:25 / All) Titanium75: This game was hosted by GHost++ (www.ghostpp.com).
(51:25 / All) Titanium75:
(51:25 / All) Titanium75: Join ENT's Discord: https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(51:26 / All) avengerz: so funny
(51:26 / All) Titanium75: gIPsy has left the game voluntarily.
(51:26 / QUIT) gIPsy: Left
(51:26 / All) Titanium75: rheyn has left the game voluntarily.
(51:26 / QUIT) rheyn: Left
(51:27 / All) Titanium75: KHABIB has left the game voluntarily.
(51:27 / QUIT) KHABIB: Left
(51:27 / All) Titanium75: Titanium75 has left the game voluntarily.
(51:27 / QUIT) Titanium75: Left
(51:27 / All) Jazzy3113: Laucibai has left the game voluntarily.
(51:27 / QUIT) Laucibai: Left
(51:27 / All) avengerz: u fucking faggot
(51:28 / All) Jazzy3113: avengerz has left the game voluntarily.
(51:28 / QUIT) avengerz: Left
(51:30 / All) Jazzy3113: Jazzy3113 has left the game voluntarily.
(51:30 / QUIT) Jazzy3113: Left
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