[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #75

Host: GHost++
Saver: noobs.

Players: 10
Version: 1.30

Length: 04:22
Observers: No Observers
Map: maps\download\DotA v6.83d fixed v5 by h3rmit.w3x
Winner: Unknown

Download: 12238170.w3g
Lobby chat: 12238170.txt

Ban / Pick




Name Level APM K/D/A CS Extra
Priestess of the Moon Gargamel1 1 27 // //
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Templar Assassin Ketchuprelish 1 30 // //
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Goblin Techies best_nick_ever 1 50 // //
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Spiritbreaker gIPsy 1 9 // //
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Name Level APM K/D/A CS Extra
Phoenix noobs. 0 21 // //
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Drow Ranger 2ndthought 1 41 // //
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Shadow Shaman no_rules 2 37 // //
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Murloc Nightcrawler pascalouisback 2 131 // //
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(00:00 / All) best_nick_ever: Shortest load by player [GodSaveTheQQs] was 3.87 seconds.
(00:00 / All) best_nick_ever: Longest load by player [2ndthought] was 8.45 seconds.
(00:00 / All) best_nick_ever: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) best_nick_ever: Host your own game with: /w ClanEnterprise !help
(00:00 / All) best_nick_ever: Check out our website at http://entgaming.net/
(00:00 / All) best_nick_ever: Leavers will be banned! Rules are on wiki.entgaming.net
(00:00 / All) best_nick_ever: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) best_nick_ever: Join ENT's Discord! https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(00:00 / All) best_nick_ever: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) best_nick_ever: Good luck and have fun!
(00:14 / Allied) no_rules: !ignore ket
(00:14 / All) best_nick_ever: Player [no_rules] has ignored player [Ketchuprelish].
(00:17 / Allied) 2ndthought: 2 fames for 10 elo
(00:27 / All) Ketchuprelish: every game he stack and act like he is the boss lol
(00:28 / Allied) no_rules: !scores
(00:40 / Allied) GodSaveTheQQs: you want tech Nick ?
(00:46 / Allied) GodSaveTheQQs: or you gonna repick ?
(00:51 / Allied) best_nick_ever: no i play
(00:53 / Allied) GodSaveTheQQs: kk
(00:53 / Allied) best_nick_ever: 4 elo
(00:57 / Allied) GodSaveTheQQs: y i know
(01:01 / Allied) no_rules: first kill
(01:03 / Allied) gIPsy: lol 4 elo xD
(01:04 / Allied) no_rules: yanik
(01:05 / Allied) no_rules: go
(01:06 / Allied) GodSaveTheQQs: but they got range
(01:10 / Allied) no_rules: je lattrap tu le ken
(01:13 / Allied) pascalouisback: ou ca
(01:15 / Allied) pascalouisback: jarrive
(01:16 / Allied) GodSaveTheQQs: and silence and disable with rasta
(01:54 / Allied) best_nick_ever: i go top
(02:14 / Allied) GodSaveTheQQs: lol
(02:15 / All) gIPsy: ....
(02:16 / Allied) 2ndthought: lol
(02:32 / All) noobs.: u have some sec
(02:34 / All) noobs.: to repick
(02:41 / Allied) gIPsy: !votekick ketch
(02:41 / All) best_nick_ever: A votekick against player [Ketchuprelish] has been started by player [gIPsy]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(02:41 / All) best_nick_ever: Type !yes to vote.
(02:41 / All) best_nick_ever: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(02:41 / All) noobs.: okey byebye teal and hope for a strong ban bro
(02:41 / All) no_rules: ban
(02:44 / Allied) Ketchuprelish: -repick
(02:45 / All) MOGUL1988->: !yes
(02:45 / All) best_nick_ever: Player [MOGUL1988->] voted to kick player [Ketchuprelish]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(02:46 / All) noobs.: na no kick 5 days ban now
(02:49 / All) 2ndthought: lol
(02:51 / Allied) no_rules: !yes
(02:51 / All) best_nick_ever: Player [no_rules] voted to kick player [Ketchuprelish]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(02:51 / All) Ketchuprelish: oh no
(03:02 / All) best_nick_ever: Ketchuprelish was kicked by player [Admin].
(03:02 / QUIT) Ketchuprelish: Left
(03:02 / All) best_nick_ever: A votekick against player [Ketchuprelish] has been cancelled.
(03:02 / All) MOGUL1988->: this teal ruin last game as well
(03:08 / Allied) MOGUL1988->: !draw
(03:08 / All) best_nick_ever: Player [MOGUL1988->] has voted to draw the game. 6 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(03:08 / All) noobs.: wait don't used lanaya
(03:08 / Allied) GodSaveTheQQs: !draw
(03:08 / All) best_nick_ever: Player [GodSaveTheQQs] has voted to draw the game. 5 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(03:09 / All) noobs.: we gonna draw
(03:13 / Allied) no_rules: !draw
(03:13 / All) best_nick_ever: Player [no_rules] has voted to draw the game. 4 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(03:13 / All) noobs.: give one sec i ban him
(03:13 / Allied) Gargamel1: !draw
(03:13 / All) best_nick_ever: Player [Gargamel1] has voted to draw the game. 3 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(03:15 / Allied) gIPsy: !draw
(03:15 / All) best_nick_ever: Player [gIPsy] has voted to draw the game. 2 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(03:17 / Allied) best_nick_ever: !dara
(03:31 / All) GodSaveTheQQs: 2 more and go next
(03:34 / All) MOGUL1988->: draw ?
(03:36 / All) GodSaveTheQQs: y
(03:36 / All) no_rules: !draw
(03:39 / All) MOGUL1988->: !draw
(03:40 / Allied) pascalouisback: !draw
(03:40 / All) best_nick_ever: Player [pascalouisback] has voted to draw the game. 1 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(03:44 / All) MOGUL1988->: ! mre
(03:45 / All) GodSaveTheQQs: 1 more
(03:48 / Allied) 2ndthought: !draw
(03:48 / All) best_nick_ever: The game has now been recorded as a draw. You may leave at any time.
(03:49 / All) best_nick_ever: draw and 4 elo game again?
(03:50 / All) best_nick_ever: 2ndthought has left the game voluntarily.
(03:50 / QUIT) 2ndthought: Left
(03:50 / All) best_nick_ever: Gargamel1 has left the game voluntarily.
(03:50 / QUIT) Gargamel1: Left
(03:51 / All) best_nick_ever: no_rules has left the game voluntarily.
(03:51 / QUIT) no_rules: Left
(03:51 / All) best_nick_ever: GodSaveTheQQs has left the game voluntarily.
(03:51 / QUIT) GodSaveTheQQs: Left
(03:51 / All) best_nick_ever: MOGUL1988-> has left the game voluntarily.
(03:51 / QUIT) MOGUL1988->: Left
(03:52 / All) best_nick_ever: pascalouisback has left the game voluntarily.
(03:52 / QUIT) pascalouisback: Left
(03:53 / All) best_nick_ever: gIPsy has left the game voluntarily.
(03:53 / QUIT) gIPsy: Left
(03:53 / All) best_nick_ever: best_nick_ever has left the game voluntarily.
(03:53 / QUIT) best_nick_ever: Left
(04:02) killed MOGUL1988->
(04:22 / All) noobs.: noobs. has left the game voluntarily.
(04:22 / QUIT) noobs.: Left
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