[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #78
Host: GHost++
Saver: boldx
Players: 10
Version: 1.30
Length: 23:37
Observers: No Observers
Map: maps\download\DotA v6.83d fixed v5 by h3rmit.w3x
(00:00 / All) T-A-Z: Shortest load by player [Vegeto-] was 3.25 seconds.
(00:00 / All) T-A-Z: Longest load by player [hexar] was 31.01 seconds.
(00:00 / All) T-A-Z: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) T-A-Z: Host your own game with: /w ClanEnterprise !help
(00:00 / All) T-A-Z: Check out our website at http://entgaming.net/
(00:00 / All) T-A-Z: Leavers will be banned! Rules are on wiki.entgaming.net
(00:00 / All) T-A-Z: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) T-A-Z: Join ENT's Discord! https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(00:00 / All) T-A-Z: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) T-A-Z: Good luck and have fun!
(00:09 / Allied) hexar: !scores
(00:14 / Allied) hexar: -random
(00:14 / Allied) good/bad: '
(00:22 / Allied) good/bad: guess
(00:24 / Allied) good/bad: ill pick it up
(00:25 / Allied) hexar: -repick
(00:35 / Allied) teamallstars: you go mid again
(00:36 / Allied) teamallstars: p
(02:15 / Allied) good/bad: once i pick they gonna go silencer
(02:28 / Allied) T-A-Z: just wait then
(02:35 / Allied) good/bad: ill go omnk
(02:39 / Allied) good/bad: tro support
(02:41 / Allied) teamallstars: mid
(02:42 / Allied) teamallstars: plz
(02:46 / Allied) Nodder: the have alot of magic
(02:47 / Allied) T-A-Z: brown is so annoying
(02:59 / Allied) good/bad: talks a lot
(03:05 / Allied) Nodder: u should go silener
(03:05 / Allied) teamallstars: D
(03:24 / Allied) good/bad: oimnk
(03:26 / Allied) good/bad: better
(03:30 / Allied) Nodder: idk
(03:34 / Allied) Nodder: they dont have physical
(03:42 / Allied) good/bad: onk]
(03:45 / Allied) good/bad: has repel
(04:05 / Allied) hexar: go top
(04:06 / Allied) hexar: range
(04:12) good/bad killed goatseus
(04:32 / Allied) hexar: need range
(04:33 / Allied) hexar: top
(04:36 / Allied) hexar: axe
(05:00 / Allied) teamallstars: mid ss
(05:06 / Allied) hexar: too late
(05:12) T-A-Z killed DDR44
(05:18) bluebag- killed hexar
(05:21 / Allied) hexar: -kickafk 9
(05:21 / All) T-A-Z: bluebag- has left the game voluntarily.
(05:21 / QUIT) bluebag-: Left
(05:22 / Allied) teamallstars: what you mean
(05:24 / Allied) teamallstars: why kick
(05:25 / Allied) hexar: !draw
(05:25 / All) T-A-Z: Player [hexar] has voted to draw the game. 6 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(05:27 / Allied) DDR44: !draw
(05:27 / All) T-A-Z: Player [DDR44] has voted to draw the game. 5 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(05:31 / Allied) goatseus: !draw
(05:31 / All) T-A-Z: Player [goatseus] has voted to draw the game. 4 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(05:36 / Allied) boldx: why kikck man
(05:40 / Allied) teamallstars: !draw
(05:40 / All) T-A-Z: Player [teamallstars] has voted to draw the game. 3 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(05:41 / Allied) boldx: hed come in a moment
(05:50) Vegeto- killed Nodder
(05:51 / Allied) DDR44: hexar
(05:53 / Allied) DDR44: noob
(06:03 / Allied) teamallstars: they not going to draw
(06:14 / Allied) boldx: oom
(06:37 / Allied) T-A-Z: i would draw
(06:42 / Allied) T-A-Z: if brown was not being a bitch
(06:47 / Allied) hexar: ss
(06:48 / Allied) Nodder: they didnt draw for us last game
(06:58 / Allied) Nodder: but we beat them :)
(07:26 / Allied) teamallstars: hexar
(07:28 / Allied) teamallstars: ur dumbass
(07:29 / Allied) teamallstars: kick
(07:38 / Allied) teamallstars: you dumbass bitch
(07:51) bluebag- killed hexar
(08:06 / Allied) T-A-Z: those nukes so strong
(08:20) Vegeto- killed DDR44
(08:25) good/bad killed bluebag-
(08:25 / All) T-A-Z: Player [hexar]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(08:28 / All) T-A-Z: Player [DDR44]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(08:32 / All) T-A-Z: Player [goatseus]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(08:36 / All) T-A-Z: [Calm] has refilled [teamallstars]'s cookie jar. [teamallstars] now has three cookies (try !eat)!
(08:36 / Allied) teamallstars: dumbsass hexar
(08:40 / All) T-A-Z: Player [teamallstars]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(09:14) bluebag- killed teamallstars
(09:37 / Allied) teamallstars: fr
(09:41) DDR44 killed T-A-Z
(09:41 / Allied) teamallstars: hexar
(09:47 / Allied) teamallstars: u have to be the most retarded player on ent
(10:12) DDR44 killed hexar
(10:28) good/bad killed goatseus
(10:35 / Allied) teamallstars: warded
(10:36 / Allied) T-A-Z: idk why they all want me so much
(10:45 / Allied) teamallstars: help deward boldx plz
(10:47 / Allied) teamallstars: u range
(10:51 / Allied) teamallstars: this dg
(10:54 / Allied) teamallstars: is just stupid
(11:24) goatseus killed good/bad
(11:27 / Allied) boldx: lol
(11:28 / Allied) boldx: nice
(11:36 / Allied) teamallstars: warded
(12:13 / Allied) teamallstars: !Timestamp
(12:15) Vegeto- killed goatseus
(12:22 / Allied) teamallstars: kk hexar
(12:23) hexar killed Nodder
(12:25 / Allied) hexar: lag
(12:26 / Allied) hexar: wtf
(12:27 / Allied) teamallstars: im reporting you
(12:29 / Allied) teamallstars: nawww
(12:32 / Allied) teamallstars: im done with you
(12:51 / Allied) teamallstars: im messaging mike right now.. you did that in that one game
(12:54 / Allied) teamallstars: you kept tossing us
(12:58 / Allied) hexar: sry
(12:58 / Allied) hexar: wtf
(12:59 / Allied) hexar: i lag
(13:01 / Allied) teamallstars: and said "i was lagging so i coudln't read"
(13:03 / Allied) teamallstars: naww fuck you
(13:04 / Allied) hexar: tried to toss anything
(13:09 / Allied) teamallstars: youre a dumbass liar
(13:12 / Allied) teamallstars: i saw you
(13:14 / Allied) hexar: dude
(13:16 / Allied) teamallstars: literally ran up to me
(13:17 / Allied) teamallstars: to toss me
(13:19 / Allied) teamallstars: naww
(13:19 / Allied) hexar: no
(13:21 / Allied) hexar: sry
(13:22 / Allied) hexar: man
(13:23 / Allied) teamallstars: im done with you
(13:30 / Allied) teamallstars: !timestamp 8 mins tiny toss
(14:02 / Allied) teamallstars: get 2 day ban
(14:04 / Allied) teamallstars: say sorry
(14:06 / Allied) teamallstars: and now do it again
(14:07 / Allied) hexar: sry
(14:08 / Allied) teamallstars: lol
(14:08 / Allied) teamallstars: xD
(14:10 / Allied) teamallstars: bye
(14:15 / Allied) teamallstars: !Ignore hexa
(14:15 / All) T-A-Z: Player [teamallstars] has ignored player [hexar].
(14:19 / Allied) hexar: i suck k
(14:39 / Allied) DDR44: slow
(14:40 / Allied) DDR44: so
(14:40 / Allied) DDR44: i
(14:41 / Allied) DDR44: can
(14:42 / Allied) DDR44: doom
(14:55) DDR44 killed good/bad
(15:23 / Allied) DDR44: first
(15:24 / Allied) DDR44: item
(15:26 / Allied) DDR44: aga
(15:26 / Allied) DDR44: on
(15:28 / Allied) DDR44: tiny
(15:28 / Allied) DDR44: xd
(15:34 / Allied) hexar: what do i need?
(15:35 / Allied) teamallstars: he ran up to me
(15:36 / Allied) Vegeto-: lets end
(15:38 / Allied) teamallstars: and tossed me
(15:41 / Allied) DDR44: xd
(15:41 / Allied) teamallstars: during that fight
(15:46 / Allied) teamallstars: he said LAG
(15:50 / Allied) boldx: oom
(15:50 / Allied) Vegeto-: they cant stop tomb
(15:54 / Allied) boldx: b
(16:01 / Allied) teamallstars: going to hook
(16:03 / Allied) teamallstars: be here
(16:52) good/bad killed DDR44
(16:53) goatseus killed goatseus
(16:58 / Allied) DDR44: xd
(17:01 / Allied) teamallstars: well
(17:04 / Allied) Vegeto-: stay
(17:05 / Allied) Vegeto-: go
(17:12 / Allied) teamallstars: im reporting hexar
(17:12) hexar killed Nodder
(17:16 / Allied) Vegeto-: attack
(17:19 / Allied) teamallstars: can't deal with this idiot no more
(17:25 / Allied) DDR44: xd
(17:28 / Allied) DDR44: 20y
(17:30 / Allied) DDR44: playing
(17:31 / Allied) DDR44: dota
(17:32 / Allied) DDR44: and
(17:34) T-A-Z killed bluebag-
(17:36 / Allied) DDR44: nothing
(17:38 / Allied) teamallstars: "Im lagging"
(17:41 / Allied) Vegeto-: small
(17:43 / Allied) teamallstars: came up straight to me
(17:45 / Allied) teamallstars: during fight
(17:46 / Allied) teamallstars: to toss me
(17:50 / Allied) teamallstars: "Im lagging" lol
(18:24 / Allied) Vegeto-: b
(18:36 / Allied) Vegeto-: heal buy
(18:37 / Allied) Vegeto-: go top
(18:48 / Allied) teamallstars: !ff
(18:48 / All) T-A-Z: [teamallstars] has voted to forfeit.
(18:48 / All) T-A-Z: 1/4 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (3/4 needed to pass).
(18:50 / Allied) boldx: who kciked bleu
(18:55 / Allied) T-A-Z: need dagger
(18:58 / Allied) teamallstars: so i can go report please
(19:00 / Allied) teamallstars: hexar
(19:00 / Allied) teamallstars: did
(19:05 / Allied) teamallstars: i said wait
(19:07 / Allied) teamallstars: hes going to brb
(19:10 / Allied) teamallstars: hexar kicked
(19:14 / Allied) teamallstars: eventhough he saw
(19:36) DDR44 killed hexar
(19:54) DDR44 killed teamallstars
(20:13 / Allied) teamallstars: fr that hexar
(20:21 / Allied) teamallstars: made me lose the joy of playing
(20:26 / Allied) teamallstars: when he does this everytime
(20:36 / Allied) boldx: be more resilient it is life
(20:38 / Allied) teamallstars: can't even have fun
(20:42 / Allied) T-A-Z: pa get agies
(20:43 / Allied) T-A-Z: real quick
(20:45 / Allied) boldx: then ur depressive
(20:52 / Allied) teamallstars: no
(20:57 / Allied) teamallstars: play the game to enjoy
(21:10) good/bad killed Nodder
(21:17 / All) T-A-Z: Player [hexar] reconnected with GProxy++!
(21:18 / Allied) hexar: i treid to go from behind
(21:34 / Allied) T-A-Z: repel me
(21:42 / Allied) boldx: and u for from behind man
(21:48) teamallstars killed goatseus
(21:48 / All) T-A-Z: Player [teamallstars]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(21:55) Vegeto- killed bluebag-
(22:04 / Allied) Nodder: gg
(22:06 / Allied) teamallstars: im from behind?
(22:11 / Allied) good/bad: heal
(22:12 / Allied) good/bad: me
(22:12) Vegeto- killed Nodder
(22:15 / Allied) good/bad: xzomb
(22:17 / Allied) boldx: no i said hexar went from behind and got from behind
(22:18 / Allied) Nodder: ok
(22:18 / Allied) Nodder: cd
(22:20) good/bad killed teamallstars
(22:21 / Allied) teamallstars: lol
(22:22 / Allied) Nodder: sorry
(22:23 / Allied) Nodder: didnt see
(22:24 / Allied) good/bad: kill me
(22:26 / Allied) teamallstars: hexar is a ruiner
(22:29 / Allied) teamallstars: nothing to it
(22:33 / Allied) boldx: i wonder intentional
(22:56) Vegeto- killed bluebag-
(23:05 / Allied) boldx: iots over
(23:07 / Allied) boldx: pa basher
(23:10) Vegeto- killed goatseus
(23:10 / Allied) teamallstars: ofcourse it is
(23:12 / Allied) boldx: !ff
(23:12 / All) T-A-Z: [boldx] has voted to forfeit.
(23:12 / All) T-A-Z: 1/4 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (3/4 needed to pass).
(23:15 / Allied) boldx: dont waste time
(23:19 / Allied) teamallstars: hexar fucked it up
(23:21 / Allied) hexar: !ff
(23:21 / All) T-A-Z: [hexar] has voted to forfeit.
(23:21 / All) T-A-Z: 2/4 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (3/4 needed to pass).
(23:23 / Allied) teamallstars: we had the lead
(23:27 / Allied) teamallstars: until he started tossing me
(23:29 / Allied) teamallstars: to them
(23:32 / Allied) teamallstars: !ff
(23:32 / All) T-A-Z: The Scourge/East has forfeited
(23:32 / All) T-A-Z: Wait ten seconds before leaving or stats will not be properly recorded!
(23:32 / All) T-A-Z: This game was hosted by GHost++ (www.ghostpp.com).
(23:32 / All) T-A-Z:
(23:32 / All) T-A-Z: Join ENT's Discord: https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(23:34 / All) T-A-Z: goatseus has left the game voluntarily.
(23:34 / QUIT) goatseus: Left
(23:34 / All) T-A-Z: T-A-Z has left the game voluntarily.
(23:34 / QUIT) T-A-Z: Left
(23:34 / All) Vegeto-: teamallstars has left the game voluntarily.
(23:34 / QUIT) teamallstars: Left
(23:34 / All) Vegeto-: good/bad has left the game voluntarily.
(23:34 / QUIT) good/bad: Left
(23:35 / All) Vegeto-: Vegeto- has left the game voluntarily.
(23:35 / QUIT) Vegeto-: Left
(23:35 / All) DDR44: hexar has left the game voluntarily.
(23:35 / QUIT) hexar: Left
(23:35 / All) DDR44: Nodder has left the game voluntarily.
(23:35 / QUIT) Nodder: Left
(23:36 / All) DDR44: The Scourge/East players have been removed from the game.
(23:36 / All) DDR44: Please wait five or so seconds before leaving so that stats can be properly saved.
(23:36 / All) DDR44: DDR44 forfeited.
(23:36 / QUIT) DDR44: Left
(23:36 / All) boldx: boldx forfeited.
(23:36 / QUIT) boldx: Left
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