[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #29
Host: GHost++
Saver: Pandoras_Box
Players: 10
Version: 1.30
Length: 32:13
Observers: No Observers
Map: maps\download\DotA v6.83d fixed v5 by h3rmit.w3x
(00:00 / All) xalongbao: Shortest load by player [eastybeasty] was 3.46 seconds.
(00:00 / All) xalongbao: Longest load by player [bolbol] was 11.27 seconds.
(00:00 / All) xalongbao: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) xalongbao: Host your own game with: /w ClanEnterprise !help
(00:00 / All) xalongbao: Check out our website at http://entgaming.net/
(00:00 / All) xalongbao: Leavers will be banned! Rules are on wiki.entgaming.net
(00:00 / All) xalongbao: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) xalongbao: Join ENT's Discord! https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(00:00 / All) xalongbao: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) xalongbao: Good luck and have fun!
(00:08 / Allied) eastybeasty: !checkme
(00:11 / Allied) noobs.: faut parfois que tacepte de mourir
(00:19 / Allied) noobs.: tu fais vraiment des mouvement louche je te l'ai déjà dit
(00:21 / Allied) noobs.: !sd slark
(00:21 / All) xalongbao: [Slarked?@entconnect] (ELO: 1074.53). W/L: 5/0. Hero K/D/A: 59/9/48 (11.80/1.80/9.60). Creep K/D/N: 352/21/109 (70.40/4.20/21.8
(00:41 / Allied) entercode: tu liras sur messenger
(01:00 / Allied) entercode: !sd slark
(01:03 / Allied) entercode: 5-0
(01:07 / Allied) noobs.: get a strong mid
(01:10 / Allied) eastybeasty: -random
(01:19 / Allied) entercode: tu vas mid ?
(01:22 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: -random
(01:32 / Allied) Slarked?: !scores
(01:44 / Allied) Shogi~: to squishy
(02:00 / Allied) xalongbao: brb 1 min plz
(02:10 / Allied) noobs.: get
(02:11 / Allied) noobs.: silencer
(02:14 / Allied) noobs.: and ur meepo
(02:15 / Allied) noobs.: dg
(02:40 / Allied) noobs.: mogul
(02:42 / Allied) noobs.: get silencer
(02:42 / Allied) entercode: mid plz
(02:47 / Allied) pachee-: \go bot
(02:51 / Allied) entercode: need lvl 3 fast
(02:53 / Allied) noobs.: let lesh mid
(02:54 / Allied) noobs.: i think
(03:15 / Allied) noobs.: or lesh
(03:16 / Allied) noobs.: come top?
(03:28 / Allied) xalongbao: -ma
(03:37 / Allied) noobs.: really brown
(03:39 / Allied) noobs.: u took rhasta
(04:03 / Allied) noobs.: STOP LETING HHIM
(04:07 / Allied) noobs.: STACK THIS
(04:11 / Allied) noobs.: u blind or what
(04:26 / Allied) entercode: jai pas le temps de lire
(04:50 / Allied) Slarked?: ss
(04:52 / Allied) Slarked?: mid lesh
(05:07 / Allied) noobs.: gj no schakle
(05:08 / Allied) noobs.: sk
(05:12 / Allied) Slarked?: re
(05:16 / Allied) noobs.: at tower
(05:21 / Allied) MOGUL1988*): i do but no boot
(06:28) noobs. killed Slarked?
(06:28 / Allied) pachee-: gnkbot
(06:29 / Allied) Slarked?: lesh tp
(06:47) Shogi~ killed entercode
(06:49) pachee- killed xalongbao
(06:56 / Allied) MOGUL1988*): top mia
(07:17 / Allied) pachee-: slark 6
(07:25 / Allied) noobs.: cool i have the rune bug
(07:27 / Allied) noobs.: with chick
(07:35 / Allied) noobs.: can't used bottle can't get my 6th item
(07:39 / Allied) noobs.: anyone know to fix that bufg
(07:48 / Allied) noobs.: b
(07:49 / Allied) noobs.: oracle
(07:59 / Allied) noobs.: any of u
(08:01 / Allied) noobs.: know to fix my bug?
(08:03 / Allied) noobs.: check my bottle
(08:04 / Allied) noobs.: on my hero
(08:22 / Allied) Slarked?: ss mid
(08:28 / Allied) noobs.: pachee?
(08:29 / Allied) noobs.: any idea,
(08:30 / Allied) pachee-: no
(08:33 / Allied) MOGUL1988*): you got gold in your bottle
(08:38 / Allied) pachee-: gnk
(08:43 / Allied) noobs.: y i can't used
(08:52) Shogi~ killed MOGUL1988*)
(09:48 / Allied) Slarked?: ss mid 2
(09:50 / All) noobs.: someone know to fix bug
(09:55 / All) Slarked?: bug?
(09:56 / All) noobs.: when u took bottle with a rune inside of it
(09:59 / All) noobs.: and u put it to ur hero?
(10:04 / All) noobs.: check top
(10:05 / All) noobs.: my hero
(10:13 / All) Slarked?: cant see you
(10:19 / All) noobs.: now
(10:20 / All) noobs.: check
(10:27 / All) Slarked?: looks normal bottle with rune
(10:31 / All) Slarked?: will it auto use in 2m
(10:32 / All) Slarked?: ?
(10:36 / All) noobs.: i picked it with chick
(10:41 / All) noobs.: i did not remember to used it with chick
(10:47 / All) noobs.: so unable to click on it....
(11:00 / All) Slarked?: i think it auto uses in 2 mins
(11:14 / All) Slarked?: max bottle time
(11:32 / All) noobs.: was rune of min 4 :(
(11:44 / All) Slarked?: o shit rip :(
(11:46 / All) Pandoras_Box: did you pick up rune with hero
(11:46 / Allied) MOGUL1988*): can you drop it?
(11:52 / All) noobs.: with my chick
(11:54 / All) Slarked?: cant drop either right?
(11:57 / All) Pandoras_Box: put it back on the chik
(11:58 / All) noobs.: can't drop can't used
(12:02 / All) noobs.: can't drop it :D
(12:11) Shogi~ killed xalongbao
(12:12) Shogi~ killed MOGUL1988*)
(12:16 / Allied) noobs.: gj
(12:18 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: mid can you gank
(12:19) pachee- killed Slarked?
(12:23) eastybeasty killed entercode
(12:25 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: or are we getting slarked
(12:25 / Allied) Slarked?: sec
(12:27 / Allied) Slarked?: let me get tower
(12:28 / Allied) xalongbao: gg
(12:28) Slarked? killed eastybeasty
(12:36 / Allied) bolbol: DA FUQ
(12:37 / Allied) xalongbao: !ff
(12:37 / All) xalongbao: [xalongbao] has voted to forfeit.
(12:37 / All) xalongbao: 1/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(12:38 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: 6 ganks by lesh
(12:40 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: none by our mid
(12:41 / Allied) xalongbao: im done
(12:43 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: is stupid
(12:54 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: super shit
(13:07 / Allied) xalongbao: its gg
(13:09 / Allied) pachee-: slark loth
(13:14 / Allied) xalongbao: gay slark noob is trying to outfarm geo and spec
(13:24 / Allied) Slarked?: sry gonna have to ignore now
(13:28 / Allied) Slarked?: !ignore bao
(13:28 / All) xalongbao: Player [Slarked?] has ignored player [xalongbao].
(13:30 / Allied) Slarked?: !ignore pand
(13:30 / All) xalongbao: Player [Slarked?] has ignored player [Pandoras_Box].
(14:00) Shogi~ killed Pandoras_Box
(14:04 / Allied) noobs.: gj
(14:07 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: !votekick slark
(14:07 / All) xalongbao: A votekick against player [Slarked?] has been started by player [Pandoras_Box]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(14:07 / All) xalongbao: Type !yes to vote.
(14:07 / All) xalongbao: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(14:10 / Allied) xalongbao: !ff
(14:22 / Allied) pachee-: next wave
(14:29) Shogi~ killed Slarked?
(14:35) xalongbao killed Shogi~
(14:41 / Allied) noobs.: b
(14:44) xalongbao killed bolbol
(14:54 / Allied) pachee-: deny
(15:02 / Allied) pachee-: b
(15:03 / Allied) pachee-: b
(15:06 / All) xalongbao: A votekick against player [Slarked?] has expired.
(15:08 / Allied) noobs.: so slow llol
(15:38 / Allied) noobs.: no ulti
(16:06) Shogi~ killed entercode
(16:09 / Allied) xalongbao: lol
(16:13 / Allied) xalongbao: nig is farming
(16:30 / Allied) eastybeasty: this blue is a super tard
(16:34 / Allied) eastybeasty: !ignore long
(16:34 / All) xalongbao: Player [eastybeasty] has ignored player [xalongbao].
(16:36 / Allied) xalongbao: !sd beas
(16:38 / Allied) xalongbao: lol
(16:51) pachee- killed Slarked?
(17:02) eastybeasty killed Pandoras_Box
(17:05) pachee- killed MOGUL1988*)
(17:10 / All) xalongbao: Player [xalongbao]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(17:49 / Allied) entercode: ta bottle est broken
(17:49 / Allied) Shogi~: !ff
(17:49 / All) xalongbao: [Shogi~] has voted to forfeit.
(17:49 / All) xalongbao: 1/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(17:52 / Allied) xalongbao: !ff
(17:52 / All) xalongbao: [xalongbao] has voted to forfeit.
(17:52 / All) xalongbao: 2/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(18:32 / Allied) MOGUL1988*): !scores
(18:39 / All) noobs.: my bounty rune must be 500g now xd
(18:39 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: b
(18:41 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: dont push
(18:44 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: stay back
(18:44 / All) Slarked?: lol
(18:54) MOGUL1988*) killed eastybeasty
(19:47 / Allied) Slarked?: illu
(20:24 / Allied) noobs.: let me pick next bounty
(20:25 / Allied) noobs.: idk
(20:49 / All) xalongbao: Player [Shogi~]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(20:52 / All) xalongbao: Player [xalongbao]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(22:28 / Allied) noobs.: what is this dota version i don't remember
(22:31 / Allied) xalongbao: !ff
(22:31 / All) xalongbao: [xalongbao] has voted to forfeit.
(22:31 / All) xalongbao: 1/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(23:04 / Allied) xalongbao: literally waiting to get fucking spanked
(23:13 / Allied) Shogi~: ya
(23:13 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: shhh
(23:15 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: you arent good
(23:16 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: stop talking
(23:19 / Allied) xalongbao: and you are noob?
(23:20 / Allied) noobs.: get sentris
(23:20 / Allied) xalongbao: lol
(23:21 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: yes
(23:22 / Allied) noobs.: and all mid end ?
(23:24 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: i am
(23:25 / Allied) xalongbao: lmfaoooooooooooooo
(23:27 / Allied) noobs.: they can't do a shit vs sentries
(23:29 / Allied) xalongbao: !sd pan
(23:32 / Allied) xalongbao: oh gooooood
(23:40 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: all you do is cry
(23:43 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: be less garbage
(23:44 / Allied) xalongbao: all do is cry
(23:47 / Allied) noobs.: do not ulti for this tower rhasta
(23:47 / Allied) xalongbao: be less garbage
(24:00) bolbol killed Slarked?
(24:08) pachee- killed xalongbao
(24:19) eastybeasty killed Pandoras_Box
(24:20) pachee- killed MOGUL1988*)
(24:26 / Allied) Shogi~: !ff
(24:26 / All) xalongbao: [Shogi~] has voted to forfeit.
(24:26 / All) xalongbao: 2/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(24:31 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: can you guys stop solo and just team play
(24:33 / Allied) xalongbao: !ignore pan
(24:33 / All) xalongbao: Player [xalongbao] has ignored player [Pandoras_Box].
(24:35 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: its so bad
(24:39 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: you guys are all really noob
(24:50 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: wards and just chill in base
(24:51 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: and we win
(25:20) xalongbao killed eastybeasty
(25:22) Pandoras_Box killed noobs.
(25:32 / All) xalongbao: Player [xalongbao]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(25:35 / Allied) pachee-: my bad
(25:40 / Allied) pachee-: thought u guys were gonna get mid
(25:49 / Allied) noobs.: i had 50hp
(25:51 / Allied) noobs.: needed to b
(26:06 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: stop solo
(26:06) Shogi~ killed Slarked?
(26:07 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: wtf
(26:08 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: dude
(26:11 / Allied) eastybeasty: my bad
(26:14 / Allied) eastybeasty: 1st death solo
(26:17 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: why is this team so braindead
(26:23 / Allied) eastybeasty: relax those emotioons
(26:25 / Allied) eastybeasty: u on period?
(26:32 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: we losing to noobs
(26:34 / Allied) eastybeasty: clearly i have been ffighting in team battles...
(26:36 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: because you guys are so fuckin stupid
(26:40 / Allied) noobs.: go again plz
(26:42 / Allied) noobs.: useless game
(26:42 / Allied) eastybeasty: u are super sunshine man
(26:47 / Allied) noobs.: we late it for what? to loose?
(26:48 / Allied) pachee-: up to geo
(26:52 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: i ask you 5 seconds ago to team play
(26:56 / Allied) eastybeasty: negative emos always go somewhere positive
(27:00 / Allied) eastybeasty: i am playing team play
(27:03 / Allied) eastybeasty: first solo death noob
(27:10 / Allied) eastybeasty: who has most assits moron?
(27:13 / Allied) eastybeasty: some ppl so dumb
(27:25 / All) xalongbao: Player [Shogi~]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(27:32) xalongbao killed eastybeasty
(27:41) pachee- killed Slarked?
(27:44) killed Pandoras_Box
(27:51) noobs. killed MOGUL1988*)
(27:57 / Allied) Shogi~: we got this guys!
(27:58) bolbol killed entercode
(28:04 / Allied) eastybeasty: sure do
(28:05 / Allied) eastybeasty: !ff
(28:05 / All) xalongbao: [eastybeasty] has voted to forfeit.
(28:05 / All) xalongbao: 1/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(29:01 / Allied) noobs.: gogogo heal and top
(29:11 / Allied) noobs.: necro rahsta u full go top
(29:15 / Allied) noobs.: why u run base for nothingguys
(29:36 / Allied) eastybeasty: !pingall
(29:37 / Allied) eastybeasty: !ping
(29:39 / Allied) eastybeasty: !checkme
(30:16) Pandoras_Box killed eastybeasty
(30:17) Shogi~ killed Pandoras_Box
(30:25) pachee- killed Slarked?
(30:47 / All) Pandoras_Box: god this team is bad
(30:48 / All) Pandoras_Box: gg
(30:50 / All) Pandoras_Box: wp
(30:55 / All) eastybeasty: god this teal is super shit stain
(30:56 / All) eastybeasty: gg wp
(30:58 / All) Pandoras_Box: yea
(31:00 / All) eastybeasty: yea
(31:06 / All) Pandoras_Box: im a shitstain cause i ask the team to team play
(31:06 / All) xalongbao: Player [eastybeasty]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(31:08 / All) eastybeasty: keep crying invis boy
(31:09 / All) Pandoras_Box: but thats a bad idea
(31:14 / All) noobs.: well nothing u can do vs our picks
(31:15 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: gg dude
(31:15 / All) eastybeasty: u love those last hits to talk shit lol
(31:18 / All) Pandoras_Box: na
(31:19 / All) eastybeasty: go to bed
(31:23 / All) Pandoras_Box: we could have won this
(31:26 / All) eastybeasty: u just on period and cranky
(31:36 / All) eastybeasty: yeah we could with some positive love
(31:36 / All) Slarked?: ggwp
(31:36 / All) xalongbao: xalongbao has left the game voluntarily.
(31:36 / QUIT) xalongbao: Left
(31:37 / All) eastybeasty: u just cry
(31:42 / All) eastybeasty: with your bf blue
(31:46 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: i ask for team play
(31:48 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: and that is crying
(31:49) Shogi~ killed Slarked?
(31:57 / Allied) eastybeasty: i did team play
(32:00 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: no you didn
(32:02 / Allied) eastybeasty: and got murdered and left
(32:02) eastybeasty killed MOGUL1988*)
(32:04 / Allied) Pandoras_Box: you went solo and farmed
(32:07 / Allied) eastybeasty: most assist were fake?
(32:07 / All) Pandoras_Box: This game was hosted by GHost++ (www.ghostpp.com).
(32:07 / All) Pandoras_Box:
(32:07 / All) Pandoras_Box: Join ENT's Discord: https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(32:08 / All) Pandoras_Box: MOGUL1988*) has left the game voluntarily.
(32:08 / QUIT) MOGUL1988*): Left
(32:08 / All) Pandoras_Box: Slarked? has left the game voluntarily.
(32:08 / QUIT) Slarked?: Left
(32:08 / All) Pandoras_Box: entercode has left the game voluntarily.
(32:08 / QUIT) entercode: Left
(32:10 / All) Pandoras_Box: pachee- has left the game voluntarily.
(32:10 / QUIT) pachee-: Left
(32:11 / All) Pandoras_Box: noobs. has left the game voluntarily.
(32:11 / QUIT) noobs.: Left
(32:11 / All) Pandoras_Box: bolbol has left the game voluntarily.
(32:11 / QUIT) bolbol: Left
(32:12 / All) Pandoras_Box: Shogi~ has left the game voluntarily.
(32:12 / QUIT) Shogi~: Left
(32:12 / All) Pandoras_Box: eastybeasty has left the game voluntarily.
(32:12 / QUIT) eastybeasty: Left
(32:13 / All) Pandoras_Box: Pandoras_Box has left the game voluntarily.
(32:13 / QUIT) Pandoras_Box: Left
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