[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #26

Host: GHost++
Saver: _009

Players: 10
Version: 1.30

Length: 77:39
Observers: No Observers
Map: maps\download\DotA v6.83d fixed v5 by h3rmit.w3x
Winner: Scourge

Download: 12244798.w3g
Lobby chat: 12244798.txt

Ban / Pick




Name Level APM K/D/A CS Extra
Phantom Lancer MOGUL*-*! 20 70 12/16/12 223/3/53
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Skeleton King Burnout12 25 99 7/12/20 339/0/70
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Omniknight Computer_Easy 22 78 0/8/7 134/2/28
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Spectre alwayswrapping 25 96 26/10/21 266/3/106
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Priestess of the Moon scubasteve 25 143 15/6/23 413/3/28
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Name Level APM K/D/A CS Extra
Doom Bringer La_Vida_Loca 24 79 11/16/23 219/9/157
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Silencer LetsBowl 21 101 5/9/15 78/1/41
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Legion Commander Al13n 25 91 9/13/5 185/0/131
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Necrolyte MaxwellHouse 25 104 14/15/13 161/2/40
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Earthshaker _009 25 102 11/8/17 355/3/22
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(00:00 / All) MaxwellHouse: Shortest load by player [Computer_Easy] was 4.88 seconds.
(00:00 / All) MaxwellHouse: Longest load by player [scubasteve] was 25.95 seconds.
(00:00 / All) MaxwellHouse: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) MaxwellHouse: Host your own game with: /w ClanEnterprise !help
(00:00 / All) MaxwellHouse: Check out our website at http://entgaming.net/
(00:00 / All) MaxwellHouse: Leavers will be banned! Rules are on wiki.entgaming.net
(00:00 / All) MaxwellHouse: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) MaxwellHouse: Join ENT's Discord! https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(00:00 / All) MaxwellHouse: ================================================================
(00:00 / All) MaxwellHouse: Good luck and have fun!
(00:27 / Allied) Burnout12: !scores
(01:06 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: -random
(01:21 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: !scores
(01:47 / Allied) scubasteve: !sd lets
(01:57 / Allied) scubasteve: !sd 13
(01:58 / Allied) alwayswrapping: come top rune
(02:00 / Allied) LetsBowl: i m not mid
(02:08 / Allied) alwayswrapping: c
(02:11 / Allied) alwayswrapping: come omni
(02:21 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: ill mid
(02:44 / Allied) Burnout12: damn gotta say that was a good dodge
(02:45 / Allied) _009: -ma
(02:48 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: nice arrow dodge
(02:49 / Allied) alwayswrapping: y
(02:53 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: made me laugh lol
(03:01 / Allied) Computer_Easy: he a dancer
(04:15 / Allied) scubasteve: ss
(04:54) La_Vida_Loca killed Al13n
(04:54) Al13n killed Computer_Easy
(04:59 / Allied) Computer_Easy: :P
(05:07 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: !sd bowl
(05:11 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: nort u should mid vs spec
(05:35) La_Vida_Loca killed Al13n
(06:16) MOGUL*-*! killed MaxwellHouse
(06:20 / Allied) scubasteve: ss top
(06:22 / Allied) LetsBowl: good stun
(06:27 / Allied) _009: ty
(06:38 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: sp[ec ss
(06:40 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: spec is farming too much
(07:23 / Allied) MOGUL*-*!: need gank nort
(08:00) scubasteve killed Al13n
(08:07 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: 3v1
(08:09 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: top
(08:21) Burnout12 killed Computer_Easy
(08:26 / All) MaxwellHouse: lol
(08:29 / Allied) Computer_Easy: is better you me
(08:35 / All) Computer_Easy: for the horde
(09:05) La_Vida_Loca killed Al13n
(09:09 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: they love me
(09:14 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: 3 again
(09:24 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: im looking at this like wtf
(09:26 / All) La_Vida_Loca: i will fuck u good
(09:33 / All) scubasteve: kk
(09:39 / All) alwayswrapping: who?
(09:48 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: all of u
(09:49 / All) Computer_Easy: is hand
(10:19 / Allied) Computer_Easy: man i need aderp to my new 32 inch
(10:28 / Allied) _009: bottle
(10:38) Al13n killed alwayswrapping
(10:46 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: dont know why oyu even have bottle as es
(10:49) scubasteve killed Al13n
(10:51) MOGUL*-*! killed scubasteve
(10:53 / All) La_Vida_Loca: die bitch
(11:06 / All) alwayswrapping: thats hurtful
(11:15 / Allied) _009: oj
(11:16 / All) Burnout12: u get banned for that on ent bro
(11:23 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: sec
(11:41 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: ?
(11:51 / Allied) Al13n: duel
(11:57) MaxwellHouse killed Burnout12
(12:00 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: fking idiot es
(12:05 / Allied) _009: bottle
(12:10 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: !ignore 009
(12:10 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [MaxwellHouse] has ignored player [_009].
(12:20 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: this guy is beyond stupid
(12:22 / Allied) scubasteve: i ult
(12:22 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: soul ring + bottle on es
(12:26 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: then fails mid gank with invis rune
(13:12 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: omni
(13:32 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: warded
(13:42) _009 killed alwayswrapping
(13:45 / Allied) LetsBowl: nice
(14:05 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: domnt pus hline
(14:32 / Allied) _009: bottle
(14:35 / Allied) _009: omg
(14:39 / Allied) _009: u fucktard
(14:51 / Allied) _009: faggot u didnt ewven need reg
(15:01) alwayswrapping killed _009
(15:14 / Allied) _009: necro is a cunt\]
(15:30) MaxwellHouse killed MOGUL*-*!
(15:58 / Allied) LetsBowl: i got wards for u lc
(16:01 / Allied) LetsBowl: get some duel
(16:25) Burnout12 killed MaxwellHouse
(16:28 / Allied) Al13n: gj
(16:30 / Allied) Burnout12: warded
(16:36 / Allied) Burnout12: spec
(16:39) Burnout12 killed alwayswrapping
(16:51 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: b
(16:51 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: lc
(17:49) La_Vida_Loca killed _009
(19:00 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: ?
(19:20 / Allied) Computer_Easy: !sd masx
(19:23 / Allied) Computer_Easy: !sd max
(20:24 / Allied) Computer_Easy: im nt sure but i tink dg mh
(20:49 / Allied) Computer_Easy: he know rune timing perfect and he har to gk
(21:18 / Allied) alwayswrapping: repel me omni
(21:25 / Allied) alwayswrapping: repel me
(21:43 / Allied) alwayswrapping: fuckin nort
(22:04) alwayswrapping killed LetsBowl
(22:11) alwayswrapping killed MOGUL*-*!
(22:16) alwayswrapping killed Burnout12
(22:21 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: can u retards ping when shit is going down?
(22:30 / Allied) Al13n: are you blind ?
(22:35) Al13n killed Computer_Easy
(22:38 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: we have 4 different fights going on
(23:01 / Allied) Computer_Easy: !scores
(23:15 / Allied) Computer_Easy: idk why they dont try push late game wqe win
(23:43 / Allied) alwayswrapping: i cant buy a kill this game
(23:46 / Allied) alwayswrapping: just assist machine
(23:54 / Allied) alwayswrapping: repel me
(23:54 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: better if u wait
(24:00 / Allied) Computer_Easy: nah
(24:02 / Allied) alwayswrapping: repel
(24:08 / Allied) alwayswrapping: lol ok
(24:13 / Allied) Computer_Easy: elevel 1
(24:14 / Allied) Computer_Easy: wairt
(24:16) Burnout12 killed alwayswrapping
(24:18) Burnout12 killed MaxwellHouse
(24:21 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: wtf
(24:21 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: lmfao
(24:27 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: aura killed 2nd
(24:32) _009 killed scubasteve
(24:47 / Allied) _009: !votekick maxwell
(24:47 / All) MaxwellHouse: A votekick against player [MaxwellHouse] has been started by player [_009]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(24:47 / All) MaxwellHouse: Type !yes to vote.
(24:47 / All) MaxwellHouse: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(25:08 / Allied) _009: kk wherever max is fighting i will tp out
(25:08 / All) Computer_Easy: mher cant vote
(25:14 / All) MaxwellHouse: !yes
(25:17 / Allied) _009: cunt he is
(25:39 / Allied) _009: i say we kick him
(25:46 / All) MaxwellHouse: A votekick against player [MaxwellHouse] has expired.
(25:56 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: plan?
(26:04 / Allied) alwayswrapping: lol this team
(26:18) scubasteve killed Al13n
(26:22) Burnout12 killed La_Vida_Loca
(26:28 / All) La_Vida_Loca: why the fuck ult my kill retard
(26:30) scubasteve killed _009
(26:37 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: are u fucking sutopid
(26:43) scubasteve killed MOGUL*-*!
(26:48) scubasteve killed Burnout12
(26:52) LetsBowl killed scubasteve
(26:57 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: necro fucking idiot
(27:01 / All) MaxwellHouse: [Calm] has refilled [La_Vida_Loca]'s cookie jar. [La_Vida_Loca] now has three cookies (try !eat)!
(27:01 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: stop ksiing retard
(27:15 / Allied) alwayswrapping: nice ult omni
(28:06 / Allied) Burnout12: lol
(28:40 / All) MaxwellHouse: LOL MIRA
(28:43 / All) MaxwellHouse: MIRA
(28:52 / All) scubasteve: xD
(30:05 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: Panic reveng
(30:06 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: just hunt
(30:24 / All) Computer_Easy: srouge you can ff a thi point...
(30:33) alwayswrapping killed _009
(30:40) alwayswrapping killed Al13n
(30:44) LetsBowl killed MaxwellHouse
(30:50) Burnout12 killed alwayswrapping
(30:57) scubasteve killed LetsBowl
(31:12 / All) MaxwellHouse: Bye
(31:19 / All) alwayswrapping: sick move
(32:16 / All) MaxwellHouse: Bye
(32:26 / All) alwayswrapping: too pro bro
(32:42 / All) MaxwellHouse: Sounds to me like you want a nec ult from Daddy
(32:50 / All) MaxwellHouse: with that backtalk
(32:53 / Allied) Al13n: warded
(33:02 / All) alwayswrapping: whatever floats your boat
(33:07 / All) Computer_Easy: any her eplay on 32 ?
(33:15 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: !ignore comp
(33:15 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [MaxwellHouse] has ignored player [Computer_Easy].
(33:23 / All) MaxwellHouse: Dont even know what hes saying half the time
(33:30 / Allied) Burnout12: rosh
(33:31 / Allied) Burnout12: come
(33:32 / Allied) alwayswrapping: go
(33:33 / All) Computer_Easy: why he mad
(33:40 / Allied) _009: they coming
(33:42 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: GO
(33:43 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: STOP
(33:43 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: wtf
(33:50 / All) Computer_Easy: you have what 27 like ?
(33:59) Al13n killed MaxwellHouse
(34:01) scubasteve killed Burnout12
(34:03) La_Vida_Loca killed _009
(34:05 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: this fuckign nort
(34:06) Al13n killed scubasteve
(34:06 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: is slow
(34:07 / All) alwayswrapping: bye bro
(34:14 / All) MaxwellHouse: Bye to you too buddy
(34:14 / Allied) Burnout12: omni...
(34:16 / Allied) Burnout12: wtf
(34:22 / Allied) Computer_Easy: sielncer
(34:22 / Allied) _009: wait till max is dead checkkkk
(34:28 / Allied) LetsBowl: !ignore max
(34:28 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [LetsBowl] has ignored player [MaxwellHouse].
(34:29 / All) alwayswrapping: i should spank u less hard next time?
(35:52 / Allied) _009: go
(35:56) alwayswrapping killed MOGUL*-*!
(36:00 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: nort is retard
(36:15) scubasteve killed Burnout12
(36:16) _009 killed alwayswrapping
(36:18 / All) alwayswrapping: bye
(36:49) MaxwellHouse killed Al13n
(36:51 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: sk is goign directly to us
(36:52 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: in fog
(36:53 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: fucking lc
(37:02 / Allied) MOGUL*-*!: !scores
(37:04 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: fight noob
(37:22 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: nort is fucking us over
(37:26 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: we needed his ulti and he hasnt had it last 2 fights
(37:36 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: !sd let
(38:02 / Allied) _009: b
(38:02 / Allied) _009: b
(38:04 / Allied) Computer_Easy: go
(38:07 / Allied) Computer_Easy: refresheer
(38:14 / Allied) _009: b
(38:14 / Allied) _009: b
(38:15 / Allied) _009: b
(38:15 / Allied) _009: b
(38:31) Al13n killed alwayswrapping
(38:40) scubasteve killed Al13n
(38:49 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: fucking useless team
(38:54) scubasteve killed Burnout12
(38:55 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: !votekick bowl
(38:55 / All) MaxwellHouse: A votekick against player [LetsBowl] has been started by player [MaxwellHouse]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(38:55 / All) MaxwellHouse: Type !yes to vote.
(38:55 / All) MaxwellHouse: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(38:59 / All) alwayswrapping: again bro
(39:00 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: !yes
(39:00 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [La_Vida_Loca] voted to kick player [LetsBowl]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(39:01 / All) alwayswrapping: bye
(39:02 / Allied) Computer_Easy: !ignore max
(39:02 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [Computer_Easy] has ignored player [MaxwellHouse].
(39:02 / All) MaxwellHouse: TROLLING AT THIS POINT
(39:03 / All) Burnout12: shouldnt have killed me bro
(39:04 / All) MaxwellHouse: caps
(39:05 / All) scubasteve: bye
(39:10 / All) MaxwellHouse: Nort has missed 3 ulits now
(39:11 / All) MOGUL*-*!: lol
(39:21 / All) MaxwellHouse: actually 4
(39:30 / All) MOGUL*-*!: bye
(39:37 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: retards cant see amp
(39:39 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: map
(39:50) _009 killed MaxwellHouse
(39:52 / Allied) Burnout12: thanks
(39:55 / All) MaxwellHouse: A votekick against player [LetsBowl] has expired.
(39:58 / Allied) alwayswrapping: b
(40:03 / All) La_Vida_Loca: lol es ult to creeps
(40:17 / Allied) _009: sheilded purp or oj
(40:39 / Allied) alwayswrapping: to me
(40:46 / Allied) Burnout12: deny
(40:50 / Allied) Burnout12: denmy
(40:50) scubasteve killed La_Vida_Loca
(40:51 / Allied) scubasteve: gh
(40:58) scubasteve killed Al13n
(41:00 / Allied) scubasteve: gj
(41:27) _009 killed Computer_Easy
(41:33 / Allied) alwayswrapping: push bot pl
(41:38 / Allied) alwayswrapping: buy time for omni respawn
(41:38 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: b
(41:47 / Allied) Computer_Easy: 50 sec lol
(41:56 / Allied) alwayswrapping: nm they not pushing
(42:03 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: you had him
(42:06 / Allied) Al13n: cd
(42:26 / Allied) LetsBowl: 1400 till refresher
(42:46 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: i have shivas
(42:53 / Allied) Burnout12: are we gonna push
(43:00 / Allied) MOGUL*-*!: i am ready
(43:01 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: just go with aegis
(43:02 / Allied) _009: fight
(43:03 / Allied) Al13n: push?
(43:06 / Allied) alwayswrapping: i mean we trying
(43:11 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: gank then push
(43:26) _009 killed Computer_Easy
(43:35) scubasteve killed MOGUL*-*!
(43:37 / Allied) Computer_Easy: they aim me f
(43:41) alwayswrapping killed Burnout12
(43:42) La_Vida_Loca killed _009
(43:45 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: stupid retard team
(43:46) LetsBowl killed MaxwellHouse
(43:50 / Allied) Burnout12: where the fuck were u guys
(43:50 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: fucking kser
(43:53 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: let him die
(43:54 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: stupid noob
(43:56 / Allied) alwayswrapping: lc aegis
(43:59 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: LOL
(44:01 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: i will let u die next time
(44:01 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: LMFAO
(44:02 / Allied) _009: lol
(44:03 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: stupid shit
(44:09 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: saving u and u ks
(44:10 / Allied) Burnout12: jesus chrsit plz push
(44:10 / All) MaxwellHouse: [Calm] has refilled [La_Vida_Loca]'s cookie jar. [La_Vida_Loca] now has three cookies (try !eat)!
(44:10 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: fuck u
(44:17 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: Its m96 lmfao
(44:27 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: !sd 009
(44:41) LetsBowl killed alwayswrapping
(44:41 / Allied) Burnout12: bad
(44:43 / All) MaxwellHouse: Bye
(44:47 / Allied) LetsBowl: gj
(44:48 / All) MaxwellHouse: Use !ignore <playername> to ignore players (for example, if they are flaming); partial names work. Don't flame back!
(44:48 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: u fucking retard
(44:54 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: u ult after he dead
(44:55 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: retard
(45:06 / Allied) Burnout12: -ma
(45:11 / Allied) _009: i just wanted to referesher double
(45:26 / Allied) Burnout12: what now
(45:28 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: u still retard
(45:28 / Allied) Burnout12: guys stop farming
(45:34 / Allied) _009: hhahaha u mad son?>
(45:35 / Allied) Computer_Easy: idmk we lose all fight
(45:41 / All) MaxwellHouse: [Calm] has refilled [La_Vida_Loca]'s cookie jar. [La_Vida_Loca] now has three cookies (try !eat)!
(45:41 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: about retards?
(45:43 / Allied) Burnout12: u havent ulted in like 15 minutes
(45:48 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: ur mom maybe
(45:54 / Allied) _009: seems mean to be mad at retards..
(45:58 / Allied) Computer_Easy: you funny
(46:03 / All) MaxwellHouse: MIRAAA
(46:38 / All) scubasteve: too fast for you bitch
(46:52 / All) La_Vida_Loca: u know how to run
(47:01 / All) La_Vida_Loca: u are use to it
(47:07 / Allied) alwayswrapping: ok lets go
(47:08 / Allied) alwayswrapping: mid
(47:20 / Allied) Burnout12: need gem
(47:23 / Allied) Al13n: lol luci no speed aura
(47:24 / Allied) Burnout12: wait for all
(47:25 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: Only way we win is if i ult spec
(47:27 / Allied) alwayswrapping: come omni
(47:29 / Allied) Burnout12: dont stay grouped
(47:31 / Allied) Burnout12: for es
(47:52 / Allied) Computer_Easy: bad feeling
(48:23 / Allied) Burnout12: gusy
(48:23 / Allied) alwayswrapping: these omni ults
(48:30) Burnout12 killed MaxwellHouse
(48:32) LetsBowl killed La_Vida_Loca
(48:32 / Allied) Burnout12: bad
(48:32) scubasteve killed Al13n
(48:33 / Allied) Burnout12: bad
(48:34 / Allied) Burnout12: bad
(48:34) LetsBowl killed scubasteve
(48:34 / Allied) Burnout12: bad
(48:38) LetsBowl killed alwayswrapping
(48:40 / Allied) alwayswrapping: dude omni
(48:41 / All) MaxwellHouse: bYE
(48:43 / Allied) Burnout12: omni cant ult for shit
(48:44 / Allied) alwayswrapping: wtf were those two ults?
(48:44 / Allied) Burnout12: garbage
(48:49 / All) _009: ES DOUBLE SHIT 4 THE WIN
(48:51 / Allied) alwayswrapping: we werent even fighting both those times
(48:51 / Allied) Burnout12: these dude ultied before we fought
(48:54 / Allied) LetsBowl: got refresher
(48:57 / All) MaxwellHouse: u ok aisha?
(48:58 / Allied) Burnout12: and repel hiimself
(49:02 / Allied) Burnout12: always repel me or spec
(49:08 / Allied) alwayswrapping: just repel me
(49:12 / Allied) alwayswrapping: and we win
(49:12 / Allied) Burnout12: yes
(49:13 / Allied) MOGUL*-*!: he is computer
(49:23 / Allied) Computer_Easy: silncer will use same time
(49:24 / Allied) Burnout12: holy shit he farm two cores in 46 mintues
(49:30 / Allied) Computer_Easy: i nee duse litle bit before him har dlol
(49:36 / Allied) Burnout12: its gg guys
(49:39 / Allied) Burnout12: just have fun
(49:39 / Allied) alwayswrapping: lol no
(49:41 / Allied) Computer_Easy: !ignore nout
(49:41 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [Computer_Easy] has ignored player [Burnout12].
(49:42 / Allied) MOGUL*-*!: 0/5 level 17
(49:43 / Allied) Computer_Easy: !ff
(49:43 / All) MaxwellHouse: [Computer_Easy] has voted to forfeit.
(49:43 / All) MaxwellHouse: 1/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(49:44 / Allied) Burnout12: i dont have expectation anymore
(49:44 / Allied) Computer_Easy: gg man
(49:48 / Allied) alwayswrapping: omni will ult just fine
(49:51 / Allied) Computer_Easy: casnt handle talk shit
(49:53 / Allied) Computer_Easy: like this
(49:57 / Allied) alwayswrapping: u fine bro
(49:58 / Allied) Burnout12: omni cant support its gg
(50:01 / Allied) alwayswrapping: just wait for them to engage
(50:02 / Allied) alwayswrapping: and ult
(50:03 / Allied) Computer_Easy: !ignore rapping
(50:03 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [Computer_Easy] has ignored player [alwayswrapping].
(50:06 / Allied) Computer_Easy: !ignore mog
(50:06 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [Computer_Easy] has ignored player [MOGUL*-*!].
(50:13 / Allied) Burnout12: loo kat this sad pussy
(50:13 / Allied) Computer_Easy: !ignore steve
(50:13 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [Computer_Easy] has ignored player [scubasteve].
(50:15 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: care
(50:26 / Allied) Al13n: rosh
(50:29 / Allied) Computer_Easy: ist quiet lol
(50:30 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: go
(50:31 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: dontw aste time
(50:34 / Allied) Computer_Easy: fuck you you cant liste me hihihi
(50:35 / Allied) alwayswrapping: go mid
(50:36 / Allied) alwayswrapping: i gem
(50:41 / Allied) LetsBowl: dd
(50:43 / Allied) Burnout12: u have slot?
(50:49 / Allied) alwayswrapping: i do now
(50:55 / Allied) Burnout12: give me 2 minutes
(51:06 / Allied) alwayswrapping: we wait 3 now
(51:07 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: duiel real one
(51:08 / Allied) Burnout12: wtf
(51:09 / Allied) alwayswrapping: omg this omni
(51:09 / Allied) Burnout12: man
(51:10 / Allied) alwayswrapping: ult again
(51:11 / Allied) Burnout12: this guy throwing
(51:12 / All) MaxwellHouse: LMFAO
(51:14 / Allied) alwayswrapping: lol
(51:19 / All) MaxwellHouse: did this omni just ult nothing?
(51:20 / All) MOGUL*-*!: !votekick comp
(51:20 / All) MaxwellHouse: A votekick against player [Computer_Easy] has been started by player [MOGUL*-*!]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(51:20 / All) MaxwellHouse: Type !yes to vote.
(51:20 / All) MaxwellHouse: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(51:20 / Allied) Burnout12: time stamp him
(51:20 / All) MaxwellHouse: LMFAO
(51:22 / Allied) LetsBowl: got refresher
(51:26 / Allied) alwayswrapping: !yes
(51:26 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [alwayswrapping] voted to kick player [Computer_Easy]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(51:29 / Allied) Burnout12: ban him
(51:50 / Allied) alwayswrapping: !timestamp 49
(52:18) _009 killed MaxwellHouse
(52:19 / All) MaxwellHouse: A votekick against player [Computer_Easy] has expired.
(52:19 / Allied) Burnout12: gg
(52:23 / Allied) Burnout12: !ff
(52:23 / All) MaxwellHouse: [Burnout12] has voted to forfeit.
(52:23 / All) MaxwellHouse: 2/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(52:28 / Allied) alwayswrapping: omni decides to throw
(52:30 / Allied) alwayswrapping: easy ban
(52:34 / Allied) Al13n: def
(52:35 / Allied) Burnout12: garbage support
(52:43 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [Computer_Easy]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(53:07) scubasteve killed _009
(53:13 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: OOM
(53:23 / Allied) alwayswrapping: mirana can u hold gem?
(53:24 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: I WAS GONNA ULT SPEC
(53:29 / Allied) Burnout12: give to mirana
(53:31 / Allied) Burnout12: she can run
(53:34 / Allied) LetsBowl: ulti in 60. doulbe till 100
(53:43 / Allied) alwayswrapping: imagine if purp didnt throw and could repel me
(53:47 / Allied) Burnout12: pl lol
(53:49) Al13n killed alwayswrapping
(53:53 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: !votekick mogu
(53:53 / All) MaxwellHouse: A votekick against player [MOGUL*-*!] has been started by player [MaxwellHouse]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(53:53 / All) MaxwellHouse: Type !yes to vote.
(53:53 / All) MaxwellHouse: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(53:55 / Allied) Burnout12: why we dont ff?
(53:58 / Allied) Computer_Easy: !yes
(53:58 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [Computer_Easy] voted to kick player [MOGUL*-*!]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(54:03 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: lc
(54:04 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: heal me
(54:14 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: guys
(54:15 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: bot is raxxed
(54:26 / All) _009: i have $8k i cant use
(54:37 / Allied) _009: any one want cvash
(54:42 / Allied) Al13n: me
(54:51 / All) Computer_Easy: buy me someting lol
(54:52 / All) MaxwellHouse: A votekick against player [MOGUL*-*!] has expired.
(54:56 / Allied) LetsBowl: can u convert that to bitcoin?
(55:01 / Allied) alwayswrapping: !FF
(55:01 / All) MaxwellHouse: [alwayswrapping] has voted to forfeit.
(55:01 / All) MaxwellHouse: 2/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(55:06 / All) Computer_Easy: !ff
(55:06 / All) MaxwellHouse: [Computer_Easy] has voted to forfeit.
(55:06 / All) MaxwellHouse: 3/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(55:09 / All) MaxwellHouse: comp easy and mogul lol
(55:16 / Allied) Burnout12: omni such a bitch dude
(55:17 / Allied) LetsBowl: i have doulble
(55:22) _009 killed Computer_Easy
(55:23 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [Burnout12]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(55:24 / Allied) Burnout12: guy behaves like my 14 year old brother
(55:28) scubasteve killed Burnout12
(55:35) scubasteve killed Al13n
(55:37) _009 killed scubasteve
(55:39) scubasteve killed _009
(55:49) La_Vida_Loca killed LetsBowl
(55:52) MaxwellHouse killed MOGUL*-*!
(55:53 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: this nort
(55:54 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: mega retard
(55:56 / Allied) alwayswrapping: go fast
(55:59 / Allied) Burnout12: fianlly
(56:09 / All) MOGUL*-*!: !votekick house
(56:09 / All) MaxwellHouse: A votekick against player [MaxwellHouse] has been started by player [MOGUL*-*!]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(56:09 / All) MaxwellHouse: Type !yes to vote.
(56:09 / All) MaxwellHouse: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(56:09 / Allied) Al13n: dont die es
(56:23 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: dead
(56:25 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: wasted bb too
(56:44) La_Vida_Loca killed LetsBowl
(56:46 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: total idiot lol
(56:47 / Allied) Burnout12: push
(56:48 / Allied) _009: oj gem
(56:51 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: he retard its ok
(56:51 / Allied) alwayswrapping: push it
(56:53 / Allied) alwayswrapping: i def bot
(57:08 / All) MaxwellHouse: A votekick against player [MaxwellHouse] has expired.
(57:14 / All) _009: uh ur tree
(57:24 / Allied) scubasteve: heal me man
(57:25 / Allied) Burnout12: who getting cuirass?
(57:31 / Allied) alwayswrapping: u
(57:43 / Allied) Burnout12: go rosh
(58:01 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [alwayswrapping]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(58:03 / Allied) Burnout12: rosh
(58:04 / Allied) Burnout12: go
(58:05 / Allied) Burnout12: fast
(58:06 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [Computer_Easy]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(58:08 / Allied) Burnout12: fast rosh
(58:13 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: b?
(58:36 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: care
(58:36 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: 4
(58:38 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: care
(58:41 / Allied) alwayswrapping: nort no ult
(58:53 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: wtf
(59:11) LetsBowl killed alwayswrapping
(59:12) LetsBowl killed Computer_Easy
(59:15) MOGUL*-*! killed scubasteve
(59:23) Burnout12 killed MaxwellHouse
(59:26 / Allied) Burnout12: gg
(59:27 / All) _009: so sexy
(59:33 / Allied) Burnout12: why fight at tower
(59:34 / Allied) Burnout12: idk
(59:48) scubasteve killed LetsBowl
(59:52 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: wtf
(59:55 / Allied) Al13n: rosh
(60:00) La_Vida_Loca killed Burnout12
(60:02 / All) scubasteve: byue
(60:03 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: u fucked the game
(60:07 / All) MOGUL*-*!: !votekick house
(60:07 / All) MaxwellHouse: A votekick against player [MaxwellHouse] has been started by player [MOGUL*-*!]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(60:07 / All) MaxwellHouse: Type !yes to vote.
(60:07 / All) MaxwellHouse: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(60:22 / Allied) Burnout12: pl is bad
(60:28) alwayswrapping killed Al13n
(60:39 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: ???????????
(60:42 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: this lc
(60:43 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: !timestamp
(60:43 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: wtf
(60:45 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: defend
(61:06 / All) MaxwellHouse: A votekick against player [MaxwellHouse] has expired.
(61:07 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: wtf is this tard doing
(61:25 / Allied) Al13n: take
(61:52 / Allied) LetsBowl: i have double
(62:29) MOGUL*-*! killed alwayswrapping
(62:48) scubasteve killed LetsBowl
(63:01) scubasteve killed _009
(63:07 / Allied) MOGUL*-*!: lc bb
(63:07 / Allied) Burnout12: throne mid
(63:09 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: anyone elses game lagging?
(63:13 / Allied) alwayswrapping: its over
(63:15 / Allied) MOGUL*-*!: he will bed
(63:16 / Allied) alwayswrapping: omni threw
(63:34 / Allied) alwayswrapping: !FF
(63:34 / All) MaxwellHouse: [alwayswrapping] has voted to forfeit.
(63:34 / All) MaxwellHouse: 1/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(63:37 / Allied) Computer_Easy: !ff
(63:37 / All) MaxwellHouse: [Computer_Easy] has voted to forfeit.
(63:37 / All) MaxwellHouse: 2/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(63:38) Burnout12 killed MaxwellHouse
(63:46 / All) MaxwellHouse: lol
(64:00 / Allied) Burnout12: protect that building
(64:12 / Allied) alwayswrapping: let it go bro
(64:21 / Allied) Burnout12: wow
(64:22 / Allied) Burnout12: lol
(64:22 / All) Al13n: ez game
(64:29 / All) MaxwellHouse: Craziest game of all time
(64:31 / All) alwayswrapping: super ez
(64:37 / All) Computer_Easy: zzz game y
(64:47 / All) Computer_Easy: you play like rastha mogul lol
(64:56 / All) _009: oj such a pussy
(64:59 / All) MaxwellHouse: !sd
(65:02 / All) MaxwellHouse: 1scores
(65:12) scubasteve killed MOGUL*-*!
(65:21 / All) LetsBowl: lol yellow
(65:24 / All) LetsBowl: i still love u
(65:26) scubasteve killed _009
(65:30) alwayswrapping killed Al13n
(65:31 / All) Al13n: lol
(65:39) alwayswrapping killed Burnout12
(65:45 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: lmfao
(65:48 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: i pressed ult button on pl
(65:49 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: but didnt go thru
(65:58 / All) MaxwellHouse: LMFAO PURPLE
(65:58 / All) MaxwellHouse: LMFAO
(65:59 / All) MaxwellHouse: LMFAO
(66:02) Al13n killed La_Vida_Loca
(66:04) Al13n killed alwayswrapping
(66:07 / Allied) LetsBowl: gj
(66:09 / Allied) LetsBowl: nice
(66:13 / Allied) Burnout12: i stay base
(66:32 / All) Computer_Easy: imnot very good player but dam 32 inch sreen need adapt
(66:34 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [alwayswrapping]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(66:34 / Allied) LetsBowl: ur times pink..lol like a beast
(66:37 / All) alwayswrapping: damn these creeps be strong
(66:38 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [Computer_Easy]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(66:44 / Allied) LetsBowl: items are like beast
(66:46) LetsBowl killed alwayswrapping
(66:46 / All) Computer_Easy: feel i have face scotched on tv lol
(66:50 / Allied) Burnout12: lol
(66:55 / All) Computer_Easy: for this gamme
(67:00 / Allied) LetsBowl: double in 20
(67:01 / All) MaxwellHouse: mogu got rekt
(67:13 / All) _009: ahhaha
(67:27 / Allied) MOGUL*-*!: sk you dead for 11 times i never laugh at you
(67:28 / All) Computer_Easy: guy use mher here you have zoom out program t2 ?
(67:29) Al13n killed scubasteve
(67:30 / All) Computer_Easy: lol
(67:33 / Allied) MOGUL*-*!: what wrong with you
(67:38 / All) MaxwellHouse: Bye aeisha
(67:59 / All) MaxwellHouse: !Unignore comp
(68:00 / All) MaxwellHouse: Ty gam ruin
(68:01 / Allied) LetsBowl: have 1 ulti
(68:02 / All) alwayswrapping: we gonna miss you comp easy
(68:04 / Allied) LetsBowl: yellow no bb
(68:29) MOGUL*-*! killed Computer_Easy
(68:37) MaxwellHouse killed MOGUL*-*!
(68:46) MaxwellHouse killed _009
(69:28) La_Vida_Loca killed Burnout12
(69:34) La_Vida_Loca killed LetsBowl
(69:36 / All) scubasteve: bye
(69:37 / Allied) Burnout12: i stay ase
(69:37 / Allied) Burnout12: go end
(69:44) scubasteve killed Al13n
(69:54 / All) LetsBowl: uh oh?
(69:55 / All) _009: haqhahahahahahj epic game
(70:05 / All) Computer_Easy: yeah fionakly good end
(70:07 / Allied) Burnout12: throne mid
(70:09) Burnout12 killed scubasteve
(70:14 / All) alwayswrapping: this purp...
(70:15) La_Vida_Loca killed Burnout12
(70:18 / All) MaxwellHouse: lmfao
(70:18 / All) alwayswrapping: cant even repel me
(70:21 / All) alwayswrapping: lol
(70:28 / Allied) Burnout12: pl go push
(70:29 / Allied) alwayswrapping: !timestamp 66
(70:30 / Allied) Burnout12: dont stay mid
(70:35 / All) MaxwellHouse: Scuba stop trying so hard
(70:37 / All) MaxwellHouse: it's over
(70:41 / All) scubasteve: xD
(71:00 / All) Computer_Easy: lc get bkb come rush trojne
(71:03 / All) MaxwellHouse: Legends say Leo is still defending fountain to this very day. . .
(71:14 / All) LetsBowl: getting some popcorn
(71:17 / Allied) Al13n: rosh
(71:25 / All) Computer_Easy: nedd play another gamme zzz
(71:43 / Allied) Al13n: take
(71:53 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: im sending courier
(71:55 / Allied) Al13n: cheese
(71:58 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: dont touch
(72:15 / All) Computer_Easy: !ff
(72:15 / All) MaxwellHouse: [Computer_Easy] has voted to forfeit.
(72:15 / All) MaxwellHouse: 1/5 players on the Sentinel/West have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
(72:20 / Allied) LetsBowl: have doulbe
(72:29 / Allied) LetsBowl: need all
(72:29 / All) Computer_Easy: ah next lobby empty
(72:31 / Allied) LetsBowl: wait for all
(72:33 / Allied) LetsBowl: need all
(72:47) LetsBowl killed La_Vida_Loca
(72:53) scubasteve killed Al13n
(72:58) alwayswrapping killed _009
(73:13) La_Vida_Loca killed MOGUL*-*!
(73:17) Burnout12 killed alwayswrapping
(73:18) La_Vida_Loca killed Burnout12
(73:22 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: !votekick mogu
(73:22 / All) MaxwellHouse: A votekick against player [MOGUL*-*!] has been started by player [MaxwellHouse]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(73:22 / All) MaxwellHouse: Type !yes to vote.
(73:22 / All) MaxwellHouse: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(73:33 / All) MaxwellHouse: he's dead 120 seconds lol
(73:34 / All) _009: hahaha that rape on oj was sick
(73:37 / Allied) Burnout12: go push
(73:38 / All) alwayswrapping: why youre respawn times so low?
(73:39 / Allied) Burnout12: u fucking idiots
(73:40 / All) alwayswrapping: lolo
(73:43 / All) MOGUL*-*!: !ignore house
(73:43 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [MOGUL*-*!] has ignored player [MaxwellHouse].
(73:44 / All) MaxwellHouse: i have bloodstone
(73:50 / Allied) Burnout12: throne mid
(73:52 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: block entry
(74:10 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: lol wow
(74:11 / Allied) La_Vida_Loca: es
(74:19) scubasteve killed _009
(74:22 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: wtf
(74:22 / All) MaxwellHouse: A votekick against player [MOGUL*-*!] has expired.
(74:26) La_Vida_Loca killed LetsBowl
(74:30 / Allied) alwayswrapping: throne
(74:32 / Allied) alwayswrapping: someone tp
(74:41 / Allied) MOGUL*-*!: i ca't
(74:46) Burnout12 killed scubasteve
(74:48) Al13n killed La_Vida_Loca
(74:49 / Allied) MOGUL*-*!: this trash dg ulted me
(74:58 / All) MaxwellHouse: Wild series of events
(74:59 / Allied) scubasteve: cant bb
(75:13 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: i ulted spec
(75:14 / Allied) MaxwellHouse: go end
(75:15 / All) MaxwellHouse: Player [Computer_Easy]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(75:25 / Allied) alwayswrapping: get rid of rad dude
(75:25 / Allied) scubasteve: its over
(75:28 / Allied) alwayswrapping: make butterfly
(76:05) MaxwellHouse killed Burnout12
(76:15) Burnout12 killed alwayswrapping
(76:23) Burnout12 killed Burnout12
(76:35) killed MaxwellHouse
(76:38 / All) MaxwellHouse: This game was hosted by GHost++ (www.ghostpp.com).
(76:38 / All) MaxwellHouse:
(76:38 / All) MaxwellHouse: Join ENT's Discord: https://discord.gg/23gCRX5
(76:39 / All) MaxwellHouse: Computer_Easy has left the game voluntarily.
(76:39 / QUIT) Computer_Easy: Left
(76:39 / All) MaxwellHouse: lol
(76:40 / All) MaxwellHouse: MaxwellHouse has left the game voluntarily.
(76:40 / QUIT) MaxwellHouse: Left
(76:40 / All) Burnout12: fuck omin
(76:41 / All) Al13n: alwayswrapping has left the game voluntarily.
(76:41 / QUIT) alwayswrapping: Left
(76:41 / All) Al13n: Al13n has left the game voluntarily.
(76:41 / QUIT) Al13n: Left
(76:41 / All) scubasteve: Burnout12 has left the game voluntarily.
(76:41 / QUIT) Burnout12: Left
(76:41 / All) scubasteve: scubasteve has left the game voluntarily.
(76:41 / QUIT) scubasteve: Left
(76:42 / All) La_Vida_Loca: LetsBowl has left the game voluntarily.
(76:42 / QUIT) LetsBowl: Left
(76:43 / All) La_Vida_Loca: MOGUL*-*! has left the game voluntarily.
(76:43 / QUIT) MOGUL*-*!: Left
(76:50 / All) La_Vida_Loca: La_Vida_Loca has left the game voluntarily.
(76:50 / QUIT) La_Vida_Loca: Left
(77:38 / All) _009: _009 was disconnected (gameover timer finished).
(77:38 / QUIT) _009: Left
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